Nikki’s Journey



Nikki lay flat on her back exhaust, sweaty and covered in the juices from her and her lovers. She lay on the large, cushioned mat covering the middle of the “playroom”. As she recovered from her latest mind blowing orgasm, she looked at her lovers as they lay around her cleaning themselves, relaxing, but also very attentive to her every movement. She reached out to touch, stroke and gently thank each of them. As she moved slowly from side to side to reach each of them, she looked over them to the side, just off the mat where her first love, her husband, sat on the couch watching. He was naked, like her, having shared in the events earlier.

Now he sat watching, nursing bourbon with ice, and smiling at her. She loved that almost as much as the action. She loved that he loved to see her fully pleasured, carefully watching over her as she would frequently lose control of herself. Tonight, though, she was completely safe because she was home with her husband and the boys. She was married to Joe, her husband. The boys are actually their dogs, all male, and all large. In her dirty little mind, in more ways than one. The black one is Butch. The brown one is Sam. Both are gentle and loving around Nikki but also very protective and watchful when they are outside which is frequently.

After stroking each of the dogs, Nikki slowly started to rise to her knees. As she did, she could feel her pussy losing the contents of their previous mating, her husband and the dogs, all mixed with her own fluids. The mixture began seeping from her and running down the inside of her thighs. Ben immediately jumped up ready to continue but watching to see what would happen next.

Joe said, “Done already my love? The boys don’t look like their ready to end the evening. And you look so sexy down there, naked, open, and greedy in your enjoyment of their tongues, cocks, and knots. And, especially, seeing the product of their and my lust leaking from your open and stretched cunt.”

“No, not done, but I am thirsty, tired, and covered with … you know.” She smiled almost shyly and almost with a blush. Amazing, even after acting like a total slut with the dogs, she can still react like that. “I think a quick shower will be exactly the refresher I need. Would you get me one of those drinks in the meantime, honey?”

The room was equipped with not only the large soft matt for playing on but also the comforts required for extended playing. On one side was a cabinet that opened into a bar with sink, small refrigerator, glasses and various liquor but bourbon was the choice of the house (for the humans, anyway). On the other side in the corner was a bathroom. Next to it and exposed was a shower, no curtain, with the floor contoured so the water drained. This was after all the playroom, why worry about modesty in the shower. A wonderful place of their creation for playing and entertaining.

After a quick rinse in the shower, drying off, combing her hair and putting it back into the ponytail she preferred for these activities, she walked back to the couch area. The couch sat just off the large mat and could easily seat up to 4 people if they were cozy. The couch was faux leather for obvious reasons. It tended to get covered from secretion from the pussies and cocks that came in contact with it. The boys met her on her way and followed at her side for the short distance and lay down at their feet. Once Nikki relaxed next to Joe and enjoyed the slow sooth of the drink, she couldn’t help smiling as she looked out into the room and the dogs at their feet. Joe, watching her, asked, “What?”

She said, “I was just thinking about how we got to this point in our life.”

“Regrets?” He didn’t think so, but.

“Never! Are you kidding me? My life is a constant orgasm! You, the boys, our friends, some who I didn’t even know, allow me to have pleasure that cannot be explained. It’s the kind of experience you truly have to experience. People might read stories on some internet site and think they know, but how could anyone REALLY know without it happening to them. Most people couldn’t, though. It would be too scary to let go, to so totally trust someone else to keep you safe while you let go. To experience things you didn’t even know you wanted to experience.”

“I think it worked out pretty well. Who would have thought that that hungry cunt of yours would even end up bringing some extra income into the house?”

“You make it sound like I am whoring myself out on the streets.”

And gently punches him but still manages to catch him by surprise and cause him to spill some of his drink on his lower belly. “Sorry, dear. Let me clean that up for you.” With that she again is on her knees next to her husband, bending over and licking up the drink from his lower belly.

“I think some ran down here.”

And continues to lick further down until she once again at the base of his penis which was quickly rising to her attentions. “Maybe you’re not out on the street, whore,” he said, “But with that mouth you sure could be.” With that she nipped the end of his cock. “Hey, be careful there. Without that you’d be wanting.”

Raising her mouth off, she replied, “Not with the boys around.” And went back to her sucking and licking. As she had him in her mouth, sucking, twirling her tongue, and pressing the head into the back of her mouth and finally down her throat, he came again. Thinking to herself, “I love this cock, but God, how I love this man!”

“Wow, from thinking I got myself in trouble to getting another of your patented blowjobs. Spill my drink anytime you want.”
“I’ve never had to invent a reason to get you in my mouth.”

“Or your cunt.”

“Yes, or my cunt. That’s why I love you so”, she said, “You’re just so willing to give to others.”

“But seriously, you know I wasn’t calling you a whore by bringing in money. Well, at least not for bringing in money …”

“You know that I know. The small business that came out of all this is the really amazing part of our experiences. Who would have thought this would be the outcome of that first day when I came to you and confessed my cheating with my friend and what happened with her dog. That someday I would be able to make money by helping other people who wanted to experience this life but needed help. That there is a market for helping people getting over their anxieties, hang ups and fears. Helping them find the dog partners they want and then assisting them with training and a community of acceptance and support. That I would have a viable business based on a loyal, word of mouth clientele.”

“It has been a trip. And I love that you felt open enough to take us on it. That first day could have been awful for us if you hadn’t trusted our relationship, trusted that you were loved and wanted willing to take me with you the rest of the way.” With that Joe gave Nikki a real lover’s kiss, hand on her breast and a pinch of her nipple. Coming away he asked, “Are you finished with your drink, honey? Seems that someone is trying to get back between your legs.” Then she realized that Ben had pushed his snout between her knees and she had casually, unknowingly, allowed her knees to open just enough to show him what he wanted. “I don’t think Butch and Sam are interested the events of the past as much as the opportunities of the present. They want more of their bitch.”

With that the 3 of them once again went to the warm, soft mat and re-engaged themselves with pleasuring. And Nikki knew that before the evening was over she once again would have her cunt well filled with both man and dog cum mixed with the fluids of her own orgasms. This thought triggered a response of anticipation immediately, knowing the first of many orgasms was not far away.
But after she collapsed into bed with her husband and fully sated, for now, her exhausted mind worked on the events that led them to this point.



Like many married people after a little more than 5 years, Nikki and Joe were feeling like they were doing pretty well. Joe came from a loving family with 1 brother with parents who were very liberal and tolerant. He and his brother were taught to accept others and their beliefs without judgment as long as they didn’t try to offend or judge you for your beliefs. An outcome of that was a life system that he felt provided him with a strong base for relationships and handling what life would routinely throw at anyone. That was the cornerstone of his relationships and was high on the things that Nikki loved about him. She was far less sure of herself. She grew up competing for anything that might resemble support and affirmation.

She did not have a strong inner core to base herself on and took her worth from the people around her. As a result, she had a tendency to be manipulated by others thinking she was being affirmed and supported. Meeting Joe was a miracle to her. Over their relationship through college and after, she found she really could just be herself and he just wanted that. She didn’t have to try to be someone to get his attention, his time, his comfort, his help, and eventually his love. She came to discover the thing she never experienced, unconditional love. A love that wasn’t dependent on her trying to be something or achieving something. A love that was because of who he was and him know and accepting who she was.
But behavior programming can be hard to break.

The “regret” was her old insecurities on a collision course with the realities of married life and careers. After 5 years of marriage, 7 years after college, Nikki was feeling like she couldn’t get past her job she thought was still menial and not fulfilling. Even though Joe’s job was good, it took more and more of his time which gave them less and less time together. Weekends always seemed to be too tired. Typical. But unsatisfying. If the 7 year itch was real, Nikki felt she had a bad case of it early. Nikki was needing more. She was resorting to the old Nikki who needed support and affirmation any way she could get it. Her job wasn’t it. Home was becoming routine. But a workmate, Jane, kept pestering her to join her for a “girl’s night out” fling and have some fun. Jane being single, Nikki not, created the conflict but also the temptation.

Finally, with Joe out of town on business for a few days, Nikki relented and agreed to meet Jane for drinks and fun one night. Feeling free and encouraged by Jane, Nikki was having a great time like she did when she was wild and uninhibited. They went to a trendy club, drank, flirted, and danced. Nikki noticed that she danced sometimes with the guys while Jane just danced with her. Both were fun. Both included as much touching, teasing. The more they danced and the more they drank the more fun she seemed to have. But eventually, Nikki knew it was enough. She and Jane separated themselves from the scene and went to Jane’s apartment for a quiet end to the evening. Nikki wasn’t in any hurry since Joe was gone.

On entering Jane’s apartment Nikki was surprised by a large dog Jane and suggested that Nikki take him across the street to the park while she got some wine and snacks. Nikki was immediately taken by the dog that constantly rubbed into her thigh, bumped her and watched her as if there was something to be communicated. But that has to be silly. On the leash the dog was responsive and obedient. Upon returning she forgot the dog and engaged in talk and laughs with Jane. More wine, more laughing. Somehow, at some time, there was touching. Very gentle, very delicate, very passing.

But also very comfortable. Then Jane was leaning into Nikki, gently giving her a kiss on the lips. A gentle, fleeting stroke over her breast. Then a stroke along her cheek and jaw with another kiss. Although this wasn’t the first kiss with a woman, it had always been limited, mostly cuddling with a little stroking and passing kisses. But this felt different, felt right, felt necessary. Or was this just the drinks. Ultimately, Nikki didn’t care, it felt good and she wanted a break from the everyday.

Giving in, finally, the kisses weren’t fleeting or gentle. They became impassioned, consuming, open mouthed with full tongue searching. Next came the touching with urgency, squeezing, pulling tightly together. Breaking the kiss breathlessly, Jane gazed into Nikki’s eyes, searching for the acceptance. Slowly, Jane lowered her hands to Nikki’s blouse, even slower started opening the buttons. Pausing momentarily to plant a kiss on newly exposed skin. Pulling her blouse tails from her skirt, pulling it off her arms and casting it aside.

Jane leaned back slightly, just enough to look at Nikki. With another kiss, Jane helped Nikki to stand, unzipped her skirt, pushed it down over her hips until it fell to the floor. Nikki made a move to do the same to Jane but was stopped with kisses. Instead, Jane reached behind Nikki, unclasped her bra and slipped it over her leaving her in panties and stockings. Jane kiss Nikki from her lips down over her chin, throat, over her chest to each breast and stopping at each nipple which were quickly hardening and doing so more with each nip as Jane took them between her teeth and pulled gently.

Then she worked her way off Nikki’s breast over her stomach, tonguing her belly button and snaking down her lower abdomen to the top of her panties. With a thumb at each of Nikki’s hips, Jane slowly removed the panties and followed the cloth with kisses and flicking of her tongue. Then, looking in Nikki’s eyes the whole time, she moved her to the sofa, sat her down, placed a hand on each knee and spread her wide. Taking her eyes from Nikki’s to focus on the spot where her thighs met, at her trimmed pussy already showing moisture on the lips.

While cumming strongly on Jane’s tongue and lips, it occurred to her how different it was from the times she came from men’s mouths. This seemed so gentle in it building, so knowing in what was going to work. As Jane handed her more wine, she also realized she hadn’t drank that much maybe ever but was thoroughly enjoying what was happening. After finishing the wind, Jane allowed herself to be stripped. Once complete, she spread herself in front of Nikki and held out her arms. Nikki went to her and returned the favor and devoured Jane’s widely spread pussy. Nikki found herself very turned on by the experiences and aggressively fingered her own pussy while tasking herself to please Jane’s.

At some point, through the fog of her mind, she was aware of being licked herself and while that made no sense to her, it was also extremely pleasurable. Not until she felt something on her back and something hitting her butt repeatedly did her mind register that this really was not right. By then it was too late. Jane was holding Nikki tightly to her and whispering in her, “It’s okay, Nikki. Let it go. Flow with it, it will be amazing, I promise.”

Confused, she looked up into Jane’s eyes but only got out, “what …. Oooooh ….. nnnnoooooooo.” At that moment the dog’s cock had found Nikki’s wet, open cunt and was now inside. With her eyes staring out but her mind in a blur, she felt violated but almost immediately super charged by the very act. Her mind was trying to form itself on the notion of rape but from her mouth came, “oooooohhhhh, my god, oooooohhhhhhh ….. nnnnnnnoooooo ….. oooooohhhhhh ……. yyyyeeeessssssss”. She buried her face in Jane’s crotch more for bracing herself than from any interest in where her face was. She bit her lip, found herself raising her hips up to meet the driving dog thrusts and started cumming. And cumming.

But then, it was as though the frenzy of the humping, the energy expended in the orgasms cleared her mind of the fog from the night drinking and it sunk into her what she had just done. The dog was bad, yes, taboo. But, also, with Jane. She loved Joe. She was cheating on him. And worse, a dog! Nikki broke, crying, nearly hysterical but slowly gathering herself and her clothes. Jane couldn’t console her, explain to her. She tried, telling Nikki that her dog was her lover. She just wanted to share him because she felt a bonding with her. Nikki just looked at her. Finished dressing and left.

Although Jane tried to talk to Nikki the next day at work and after, Nikki just wouldn’t listen anymore. All she could think about was what Joe would do? What would he say?

What should she do? Tell him? Try to hide it for the rest of their lives?



Nikki knew what she had to do. There was really only one thing to do. Their love for each other had always been based on being open. She knew that there couldn’t be the same kind of love, even the chance, if their future was based on lies and hiding parts of themselves. So, when Joe came home they would have to talk this through and she would have to accept whatever the consequences of his disappointment or anger.

Joe wasn’t due to return home until late Friday night. So early Saturday morning when Joe turned in bed and didn’t find Nikki next to him he was curious. He was even more curious when he smelled coffee already. Nikki never got up early on Saturday. Not knowing if he should be curious or concerned he got out of bed and proceeded downstairs to the kitchen where he found Nikki at the breakfast nook in her short nightgown just staring at her mug of coffee. After pouring himself a mug, he took the stool opposite Nikki and asked, “What’s up, Nikki. Bad week? You look worked up about something.”

She looked up at his eyes still a little sleepy and said, “I don’t know how to explain this.”

“Sounds serious.”

“Just let me talk, okay? I need to just spill this out and then we can talk.”

“You’re not leaving me!”

“God, no!! Please, just let me get this out.”

“If you’re not leaving me, I’m all ears.”

“God, Joe, you make it sound like the worst thing that could happen to you is me leaving you.”

“Babe, I think I could handle almost anything but that. You’re what gives my life it’s life.”

“You’re making this so hard. Okay, here goes.” Raising her moistening eyes to his, she starts. “Joe, I cheated on you while you were gone. Just listen, first. Don’t say anything until I finish. Wednesday night I went out to one of the clubs with Jane, from work, and we drank, did some dancing, some flirting, just having fun. But then we went right back to Jane’s by midnight.”

“Having some drinks and dancing isn’t cheating.”

“No, it isn’t. But once at Jane’s we drank more wine and got VERY comfortable. Pretty soon we were making out. Then I was naked and she was …. making me feeling REALLY good. We had more wind and I got her naked and was making her feel good.”

“With Jane?”

“Yes. But that’s not all. See, Jane has this big dog and I guess while I was on my knees with Jane …. he decided I was available. I mean I was apparently in the right position for him, being aroused, otherwise occupied.”

“The dog did?”

“Joe! Anyway, heck, HE MOUNTED ME! Not only did I eat out Jane but the damn dog fucked me! I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how it happened, it just did.”

Silence. It didn’t necessarily feel golden, either. Nikki wanted to look up at him, to search his eyes, but she just couldn’t. What she did see was Joe getting up and standing. Then he just reached for her mug and with his went to refill both mugs with fresh coffee. He paused there as though in thought. For seconds that seemed like many minutes. Then he returned, sat down, and slid over her mug.

“Nikki, what do you know about me above all else?”

“You always say you love me above all else.”

“Do you believe that?”

“Yes! Absolutely, but ….”

“What do I know about you?”

“I love you.”

“Absolutely! That’s a good place for us to start don’t you think? Remembering what we know absolutely? So, why did this happen? Why did you do this?”

“I’m stupid, I don’t know.”

“You’re definitely not stupid. So, why did this happen?”

“What do you mean, why? Why aren’t you mad?”

“Did you intend to do this?”

“NO! No, no, no.”

“Since you’re not stupid, and you didn’t set out to do something you now think was wrong, maybe the reason why it happened is the reason why I shouldn’t be mad.”

She looked up into his eyes searching. But he said, “Babe, I don’t have the answer. Only you do. Tell you what, I’ll give you some time while I go outside and get some of the yard work done. You think about it and then we can talk more.” He finished his coffee, got up, kissed her on the forehead, which surprised her, and went back to the bedroom to change. Moments later after he passed through to the garage the lawn mower started up. It seemed wrong to hear normal Saturday sounds around the house. But maybe he was right, maybe because of her time spent beating herself up she never really thought about the “why” as he posed it to her.

Several hours later, he returns into the kitchen all sweaty and hot. She is still sitting in the same spot and still in her short nightgown. Grabbing a couple of diet Cokes he sits back down across from her. “Tell me.”

Without looking up she says, “I was lonely. But not really lonely. More like needing to be with someone. Have some fun. Feel wanted, close, excited. It’s hard to explain, but you asked. Let me try. It isn’t not feeling loved because I know we love each other. But we are so busy. You have a great job you enjoy, are good at and the company respects and rewards you for that. You’re rising in your job, getting lots of attention, support, praise, strokes. And, you are gone a lot. But, I know it’s your job. But I have this dead-end job despite my skills, get no affirmation and don’t know why I am still there. And … did I mention you are gone a lot? It is NOT an excuse but the combination of frustration and our life getting into “old married people”, a few drinks … and it happened.

My body just wanted some excitement. My mind knew better, but the drinks moved that aside. I was just craving something more for a time. I’m sorry, Joe.”

“I can actually understand that. That’s a reason we can work with if that is what you want. Assuming you really want us to work and be committed.”

“Absolutely. Anything. I don’t want this to be a barrier if possible.”

“But, what about this dog?”

“What if I said it was a rape?”

“Sounded like it might have been partially. But your comment makes sound unfinished. It was a rape at the beginning, but then … what?”

“You’re going to hate me or think I’m awful.”

“Nikki, what do you know about me above all else?”

“Okay. This was so wicked, so taboo, so perverse. After he was actually inside me and Jane was holding me in place …”

“Jane was holding you down?”

“Yes, once the dog mounted me she held tight to her body. I couldn’t move. Then, with the dog inside me, moving back and forth, growing – he actually swelled inside me – and then started really pumping. Not like a guy with long strokes but rapid fire strokes that seemed to have only one purpose and that was to mate. I am sorry, Joe, but I actually came … and hard! I’m sorry, that sounds perverted, I know, but I did! But then, after, I totally lost it. I cried and sobbed. Jane couldn’t console me. I eventually just got my clothes back on and left. She tried talking to me each day after but I wanted nothing to do with her.”

“So you needed excitement and you got it, but …?”

“Yeah, I did and it was exciting and felt good. But I didn’t want it to be a regret and definitely not without with you and it being okay with you. Something we were open about during and after.”

“So if I knew about it, shared it with you, encouraged you, was okay with it, it would have been great?”

“I don’t know what you are suggesting. But you and me together is what is important. The rest is sharing what’s good. Joe?”

“Yes, dear.”

“Are we okay?”

He took her hand, stood up and started walking for the bedroom and the master bath with her in tow. At the shower he pushed his shorts and underwear down and off, looked at her, kissed her on the lips and smiled.

“What are doing?” she said.

Grabbing the bottom of her nightgown and pulling it up and over here head, he said, “Taking a shower.” Turned on the water, checked the temperature and pulled her in after him. Taking her face in his hands, kissing her lips deeply and sliding both hands down her back and pulling her into him, feeling her breast pressing into his chest, feeling his hardening cock press into her abdomen. “If I need to make more time for you, we need to take every opportunity we can.”

Looking up into his eyes she lowered her hands between them and found his hard cock and started slowly stroking him as the water streamed over their bodies. Still looking into his eyes, she kissed her way down his neck, shoulders, chest, stomach and finally the head of his cock. Kissing and licking her way down and back up the full length, taking the head just inside her mouth, twirling her tongue and sighing deeply. She wanted him desperately and began in earnest to move her mouth up and down with him lodged firmly inside her mouth and slowly trying to take him deeper and deeper into her mouth until she felt him hit the back of her mouth. She had never tried to throat anyone before but this just seemed like the perfect time to start.

At first see gagged as she tried to push further onto his cock. “Oh my God”, he said as his head went back and he leaned into the shower wall. “That feels amazing when it goes into your throat.”

Encourage by that she tried more and more. By relaxing and really wanting to give him this, she finally did it and found her nose touching the base of his cock. Once lodged, she moved slightly up and down which immediately sent him over the edge and giving her more cum than she could ever remember. Maybe it was because he was in her throat, but she didn’t think so. She knew they were going to be okay. Swallowing nearly all that he had given her, he pulled her back up and looked into her eyes. He took his finger and ran it alongside her mouth and came away with some missed cum. Holding it in front of her, he put it onto his own lips and kissed her deeply.

“My turn”, he said, and pushed her against the shower wall, slid down in front of her, encouraged her to spread her legs wide and proceeded to literally eat her cunt.

Using his lips, tongue and teeth he devoured her cunt using his tongue to search inside and lick the lips and flick her clit repeatedly. He sucked on her lips and clit and literally chewed on her clit. All of which eventually sent her over the edge and weak kneed clutched to his neck as he came up and devoured her mouth. Even that sent her off with a minor orgasm as she could taste herself on his tongue and lips. Without actually soaping up to wash, he grabbed some towels, quickly sort of dried both of them off and carried her to the bed which was still unmade. If they thought the shower was good, what they did in bed became amazing. Having just cum, their stamina was good and their desire was immense.

They used most all of the positions they had ever used in bed and completely exhausted themselves and in the middle of the day dozed off with Nikki curled up to Joe with having one of her legs draped over his.

Several hours later they both were stirring. He lightly strokes her arm and the side of her breast. She moving her knee higher and pressing her crotch into his thigh. Lifting her chin with a finger and looking into her eyes, “Lover, we’re good. I have an idea. Let’s take care of a few things around here, clean up and go to dinner and talk. Good talk. Talk about us going forward.”

Later as she was getting out of the shower and he was headed in for his, “Dear, do this for me. I have selected a dress, stockings and shoes for tonight. Will you please wear just that with whatever jewelry you wish?”

As he came back into the bedroom, she was standing in the thigh high stockings he selected, a necklace, makeup applied and just holding the dress. “Honey, did you really mean ‘just this’? Didn’t you forget the underwear?”

“No. I didn’t forget. I chose not to include any.”

“But this dress is short, mid-thigh and the top offers no support. If I am not careful when I sit … I could be on display. And my breast will be moving the whole time I am walking.”

“Then you’ll need to be careful when you sit and graceful when you walk. You said you wanted some excitement.”
While this was going on he was getting dressed. “Are we going?” She looked in the mirror at herself standing nearly naked with thigh highs and heels holding this skimpy dress and could feel her pussy already getting wet. With that she blew out a deep breath and slid the dress over her head. Touched up her hair in the mirror, straightened up and smoothed her dress down. Shaking her head and mumbling, “What am I doing?” they left.

Arriving at the restaurant Joe indicated that they should be a little before the rush. Upon entering he asked specifically for a booth in the far corner indicating that this was a special night for them. The hostess was pleased to be able to give them the booth that was out of the main traffic and provided just a little privacy for a romantic couple. As they walked to the table, Nikki was very aware of every step she took that caused her breast to sway or bounce. The booth was capable of seating 4 people easily and they both sat on the inside side by side looking out to the main room. Upon sitting down Joe asked, “How are you feeling dressed as you are?”
“I feel so naughty. Even if no one else knows, I know how little I have on.”

“Do me a favor. Lift your pretty butt off the seat and pull your dress out from under you.”


“Please.” And she did as discretely as she could raise herself and pull her dress from underneath her butt.

“Okay. Now, why did I just do that?”

“As the night goes on, I don’t want you to have a wet spot on your dress. If you remained sitting on it, you might.”

“What? What are you planning?”

“Relax, honey, and enjoy the evening. This is some time alone to further experience ourselves together.”
After the drinks arrived, Joe placed his right hand on Nikki’s left thigh. As high as the hem of her dress was, it didn’t take much movement to reach the top of her thigh high stockings and bare thigh flesh. She quickly moved her hand down onto his to stop him with a nervous giggle. Leaving his hand where it was but picking up his drink and moving it towards her, he offered, “To us. To the one I love above all else. To the discovery of excitement in us, in our relationship.” She touched her glass to his.

“What are you up to?”

“I also decided that I have let you down. I have let work and routine get in the way of the marvel that our relationship has always been. While my job is very important, income and security being key elements to survival in our society, being available and supportive to you is also very important and possibly even primary. So, I have decided that I need to redouble my efforts to be really at work when I am at work and REALLY with you when I am with you.” Sliding his hand a little further up her thigh while saying this, “I intend to do everything I possibly can to insure against us become ‘old married people’, especially when we are so young.”
Suddenly realizing how high his hand had gotten, she truly blushed and said, “Joe, we’re in a restaurant that is getting more crowded by the minute. Not here.”

“Relax, dear.”

Just then the waiter returned to take their order but he didn’t move his hand the whole time. In fact because he knew she could overtly react he slowly raised his hand up, then down, and up her bare thigh and finally reaching the top but she kept her thighs tightly together. When he left, she playfully slapped his arm. He leaned in with a chuckle and gave her a good kiss and finally removed his hand. “Tell me again about your experience with Jane. Did you enjoy it?”

“Not here. Someone might overhear.”

“Tell me. Nobody is next to us, yet.” And she did. He prodded her on the events of that night. Digging out details in her retelling of her sexual encounter with Jane. How she felt while being eaten and while eating Jane. The feel of Jane’s body and how she reacted to her body. As Nikki retold these details in a hushed whisper, she was also becoming flushed. Recounting these intimate details about her enjoyment of another woman’s pussy and body was having a physical effect on Nikki and she could feel it. She was getting warm and flushed and was sure that if the lighting was better that others would be able to see it, too.

Joe put his hand back on Nikki’s thigh and slowly moved his hand up, coming to the top of the stockings and onto her bare flesh. Finding her thighs once again firmly together, he said, “Open your thighs.” Looking into her eyes and she returning the look, she slowly did as he asked. He then continued to higher until he reached her bare pussy. He gently, slowly rubbed up and down on her outer lips and easily felt her wetness. He then barely opened her lips with his finger without real penetration while continuing to look into her eyes and could see her breathing become more labored. He removed his hand, presented his coated finger to her and watched as she accepted the finger between her lips and tongued off the moisture.

He looked around the restaurant quickly, looked back to her and said, “Let your dress strap off one shoulder and let your dress hang naturally.” Looking him intently in the eye, she did. Raising her hand to her shoulder and sliding the strap off her shoulder so it hung down her arm. He kissed her and in the process caused her to shift which caused the dress top to drop slightly and reveal even more of her one breast.

The waiter came with her food and when she looked down at her plate, she realized that much of her breast was exposed. Not all, certainly, but much more than she was expecting. When she started to move her hand to adjust the strap, Joe stopped her. “Leave it just like that. You have such beautiful breasts. And it looks like a natural accident.”

Towards the end of the main course, Joe said, “Tell me about the dog, again.”

“The dog? When we were ….?”


“No, definitely not. Not here. Anyone hearing me would think I was a pervert.”

“Okay. But later, then. We will talk about it later. So, how are you feeling? Breast half exposed, sitting bare bottom on the seat in a nice restaurant?”

“You already know how I feel. I am only wetter than I was before. I can’t believe I am doing these things.”

Leaning over to her and in a whisper, he said, “And by the way, don’t think that when we get home I am not going to be all over you again.”

“Three times in one day? What is happening to us?”

“You are! You want more excitement, we’ll have more excitement. We’ll see how much excitement you want and need.”

She grabbed his face and gave him a grinding kiss with open mouth and probing tongue. Releasing his mouth but clinging to his neck she gasped, “Feel me again. Now. I need you to feel me.” He did and found her legs open and her pussy lips gushing wet. Rather than sliding his finger over the lips, he immediately slipped on into her pussy and she kissed him, again. When he removed his finger and replaced it with 2, she again clutched his neck and gasped into his ear, “I am so close.”

“I don’t think we’re ready to make you cum in a public restaurant. At least not ready yet. Someday perhaps.”

He paid the bill and then scanned the restaurant to see if there was anyone who might possibly know them. In the future they may need to find places for these games were there was more certainty that they would not be recognized. Not seeing anyone, he elected not to remind Nikki that her strap was hanging and her top as well. He was wondering if the dress top was substantial enough to stay up for the walk all the way out of the restaurant. He decided to gamble on it. Outside of the restaurant in the darkened parking lot, half way to their car, her dress top finally let go and her one breast was now totally exposed.

She almost shrieked when it happened and slapped his arm as he laughed but squeezed into him and crushed him with a kiss in the middle of the parking lot. He said, “You are such a sexy woman. And you are so hot right now, too, aren’t you? Admit it. He kissed her right back and slid both straps off her shoulders and helped the dress top down off her breasts until hit was hanging at her waist and continued to kiss her. Breaking the kiss, he said, “Walk the last 50 feet just like that.” She looked him in the eye, kissed him again and did just that until she was standing alongside their car.

“Would you mind letting your half naked wife into the car?” She rode all the way home with her breasts exposed. Once in the house through the garage they never made it to the bedroom but instead were stripped and fucking in the living room. This wasn’t making love, this was passion, lust.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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