The Great Dane Days of Summer

Kenta Ryx

You know those moments in life, the ones where you realize something big has just happened, and that things are going to be radically different from that point on? Most of the time they happen in wedding chapels, board rooms, or back alleys if you’ve messed up a lot. Well, I’m sure Kenta would like to think that very few of them happen in bedrooms with the family dogs huge and throbbing cock inches away from her lips, strands of hot dog spunk splattered over her face with the rest dribbling down her chin and onto her breasts.

Let’s flash back to a few days ago, when she came home from her first year of college for summer break. Kenta is 5’11”, 143 lbs with a slender figure, long blonde hair with green eyes, and perky 36C tits. While she’s certainly not a slut, she’s had her fair share of sexual encounters, most of them over the past year at college. The family home was a sprawling ranch in Montana, just over a couple thousand acres. Rolling hills, a few patches of woods here and there, pretty much what you imagine when you think of Montana. The house itself was a big two-story building, big rooms, pool out back, and all that jazz. There were a few animals on the property, a handful of horses in the stables and a few large breed dogs, including a solid black Great Dane named Thunder that Kenta had raised from a puppy. That seems like ages ago to her, he was huge now! He was a typical Great Dane too, tons of room to run around in and all he wanted to do was lounge around and be lazy all day.

Her descent into the world of dog dick started the day after she got home. Her parents and brother were both gone for the day running errands in town a few miles away, and wouldn’t be back until late that night. A perfect chance to relax poolside! She didn’t sleep in too much, since she wanted to get outside before it got too hot. Good thing her parents were already away, since they wouldn’t have approved of the skimpy bikini she had on! Since they were gone, Kenta didn’t see the harm in sneaking a few of my dad’s beers. Thunder was already lazing on the cool tile, outside by the time she got out there and hopped into a lounge chair, that lazy pup! Still, she thought it was nice to have some company, even if he couldn’t speak.

She downed the pilfered beers a bit quicker than she would have liked and soon drifted off to sleep under the slowly rising Sun. Her thoughts were soon filled with imagines of her ideal man. It was the usual kind of dream a girl has when no one’s around and she’s a bit tipsy, and soon enough Kenta was imagining him spreading her apart with his dick. Something jolted her awake, though after a quick look around, she didn’t see anything or anyone except Thunder.

Frustrated, she laid back against the lounge chair and tried to get back to sleep. It wasn’t going to work though, the girl was too worked up already. Her thoughts drifted back to the lover in her dreams, and the pent-up girl found herself wishing he was there with her. A sly grin crossed her face as she thought of taking things into her own hands. No one was around, but Thunder, and it wasn’t like he was going to tell anyone! Her slender legs slipped to either side of the lounge chair while her hands were already sliding over her flat stomach. She let out a husky sigh, her fingers brushed over her still-covered slit, the bikini material already a bit damp from her dream tryst. There was plenty of time, there was no need to rush, so she could take it nice and slow and work up into a frenzy before finally hitting that moment of toe-curling bliss.

Kenta’s hips lifted up from the chair as she slid those damp bikini bottoms off and tossed them aside, revealing the only tattoo she had so far, a small hourglass just above her slit. She probably should have paid more attention to where they landed, but something else was on her mind at the moment, and when she didn’t notice that Thunder had taken an interest in her discarded bikini bottoms. Those jade eyes of hers slowly closed again as her fingers worked, slowly tracing along the outer edges of her already wet lips. She let her mind wander again, happy to let her fingers do the work while she dreamed up another lover or two.

She got another jolt as something warm and wet brushed over her fingers and slit, and quickly snapped up with a sharp gasp. Thunder quickly backed up, but Kenta was quick enough to catch him with his head in between her thighs before he could pull back. Had he just licked her? She stared at the Great Dane in disbelief for a moment, thinking it had to be a random breeze or something. That theory was quickly blown away as Thunder moved in again, his head, pushing in between his mistress’ thighs. Kenta reached down to push him away, but his tongue was faster than her hand was.

That broad tongue slurping over her wet pussy sent a wonderful wave of pleasure through the girl, and she just rested her hand on his head instead of pushing him away. His tongue felt infinitely better than her fingers, and try as she might, she couldn’t come up with any valid reasons not to let him continue! Not that she had much time to think anyway, Thunder was exploring this new part of his mistress with high-energy. Kenta just leaned back in her chair, eyes already fluttering as her canine companion happily.

The Great Dane’s tail whipped back and forth as he licked over Kenta’s pussy in long slurps, soaking her thighs down. She let out a soft moan as Thunder’s tongue turned sideways and slipped in between her wet lips, the girl quickly giving into pleasure as all thoughts of resistance faded from her mind. Her legs already spread, she couldn’t help but arch her back a bit from the wonderful sensations her new four-legged lover was giving her, a slender hand reaching down and spreading her lips apart for him. Each lick was like nothing she had experienced before, and her sweet juices were quickly flowing and dripping down her inner thigh where Thunder eagerly lapped them up.

Kenta came on the spot when Thunder’s tongue found her sensitive clit, the girls’ body tensing up as the jolts washed through her, the girl moaning out loudly as the dog’s tongue focused on her clit with a thousand furious little licks. It was one of those long, rolling orgasms too, one of those oh-so-wonderful ones that cause her toes to curl up tightly and make her weak in the knees, all while Thunder kept licking away, each broad swipe of the tongue just prolonging the blissful feeling. She finally managed to push his head away after what seemed like an eternity just to collect her thoughts. Once she finally came down (somewhat) from the glorious climax, she glanced over at her new lover, happily sitting next to her chair with a goofy look on his face.

“Jesus, Thunder, you could teach a thing or two to some guys I know,” she said.

Thunder just woofed at her in response.

By now, it was well-past noon, and Kenta were a bit hungry after being outside and being eaten out. She headed inside to grab a snack and so that she wouldn’t fry in the blazing Sun, stopping to retrieve her discarded bikini bottoms. When she bent over to pick them up, she let out a loud gasp as Thunder gave her another lick to her already sensitive pussy. Tempted as she felt to just stay bent over and let him lick her out again, Kenta reluctantly pushed him away before slipping the bikini bottoms back on, catching a glimpse of something dark red underneath the Great Dane. Still a bit hazy from such an intense orgasm, she just brushed the thought aside.

“Sorry, boy, maybe we can play again a little later,” she said.

Lunch was easy, even with Thunder following her every step and constantly nosing between her legs. A quick sandwich and Kenta was then back to look for things to do. Not planning on going back to the pool for the rest of the day, she headed upstairs to change into something more comfortable to laze around indoors in. Thunder didn’t follow her upstairs at first, the Great Dane seemed to prefer lying on the cool tile for now. Kenta unhooked her bikini top and tossed it into her adjoining bathroom to take care of later, her bikini bottoms soon following. She pulled her favourite pair of panties out of the top dresser drawer, a skimpy blue thong, and pulled it on, pausing to strike a quick pose for herself in a mirror as her thoughts turned to calling Thunder up to her room for some more fun.

A sudden want to turn the TV on for background noise came over her, and she caught a glimpse of the remote sticking out from underneath the bed, the girl must have accidentally kicked it underneath there last night. She dropped down to all fours to snatch the remote up, picking it up and flicking the TV on with a quick gesture behind her back. Kenta turned around and sat on her nicely curved rear to watch the TV for a moment, letting out a gasp as she was suddenly face-to-face with Thunder. How could a dog that big be that sneaky?

Kenta had thought he was just being friendly and playing around with a few licks to her face, but the Great Dane seemed to have something else on his mind. He woofed at her before jumping up, his front paws landing on the bed as he moved in a bit closer over the sitting girl and with her back against the foot of the bed, Kenta was essentially trapped by the big dog. She normally wouldn’t think much of this and just push him away, but the throbbing cock that was inches away from her face seemed to have her sudden and undivided attention. It was huge! Easily one of the biggest dicks on any male Kenta had ever seen, and would later find out the beast measured in at just a hair over nine solid inches of hot dog cock, plus a nice sized knot that she would eventually grow to love.

Transfixed by her pet’s cock staring her down, she flinched when something hot and wet splashed against her face. The girl brought one of her hands up to wipe her cheek clean as even more of whatever it was shot over her face and hand. She recognized what it was the second she pulled her hand back, it was precum! Her gaze travelled back to the large cock before her, and with just a moment more of hesitation, Kenta parted her lips and swallowed down the Great Dane’s cock. She always had a bit of an oral fixation; most of her carnal encounters ended up with the girl on her knees.

The girl’s mind was reeling with lust as her mouth was filled with doggie dick, keeping her tongue pressed against the slick underside of Thunder’s cock. She greedily took down just about every inch of that big cock, not stopping until the tapered tip was poking against the back of her throat. She gagged lightly, Kenta hadn’t gotten over her gag reflex just yet. Just the thought that it was a dog’s cock that she was choking on was a massive turn-on for the girl. The precum he was still shooting down her throat helped a lot too, and Kenta was quickly hooked on the distinct taste of Thunder’s cock.

Kenta would later wonder just who had trained Thunder to act like that, since he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. The Great Dane’s hips pulled back as he took matters into his own paws, soon rapidly thrusting forward and fucking the girl’s face. She was quite content to let him do this, making small muffled moans and the occasional gagging noise from around the pumping shaft. Her slender hands rose up, one resting on the Danes big flank with the other going straight for his big balls and giving them a light squeeze before rolling the big cum-orbs in her hand, not really noticing the slowly swelling knot at the base of the dog’s dick.

Thunder’s precum started to dribble out from the imperfect seal his cock made with Kenta’s lips, running down her chin and making a mess of her face. She was loving this, never in a million years would she thought her dog would be one of the best cocks she ever sucked. When she felt her dog’s balls tightening up, she knew what was about to happen. And while she would have preferred to have Thunder pump that hot load of cum straight down her throat, but it was not to be. A mistimed thrust caused the girl to choke, and she pulled back instantly in a small coughing fit.

The Great Dane stayed in place above her as his cock twitched before her face, and the girl couldn’t help but moan lightly as hot dog spunk splashed over her face, matting down a few stray hairs on her cheek. Not wanting to pass it all up, Kenta opened her mouth and caught a few ropes of doggie cum in her mouth, swallowing and instantly falling in love with the distinct taste of it. Her eyes fluttered open even as Thunder’s cock continued to pump hot cum onto her face, dribbling down her chin and falling onto her breasts and stomach. Her lips parted again as she took his cock back into her mouth so that he could ride out his climax, greedily swallowing down the rest of his hot cum.

After what seemed like ages to Kenta, the Great Dane’s orgasm finally stopped, and she reluctantly pulled away. His big cock slipped free from her lips with a lewd slurping noise, a few strands of cum dangling between her lips and the tip of his cock. She knew then and there her life had changed, and that a new dog slut had been made.


It had been a week since Kenta had her first encounter with her pet Great Dane Thunder, and she had ached for another fix of his enormous cock. Every time she closed her eyes, she could picture Thunder’s big dick spurting hot dog cum onto her face and making her feel slutty, a feeling she loved. She had tried to take advantage of every moment she was alone with Thunder, who by now seemed attached to the hip of the girl.

So far, she didn’t have a chance to do more than let Thunder eat her out again, which led to a few awkward situations and hasty explanations with her parents and brother about why she was breathing heavy. She would get another chance to play with Thunder soon enough, though, and it would be another life-changing experience for her.

It started at breakfast one day, with the family seated at the table. Her father announced that he was going to be away most of the day with business He was a software developer, had a big project going on, and was taking her brother. Her mother said she was going into town again, do run a few more errands and get some shopping done, and asked Kenta if she wanted to come along. Her heart already pounding at the thought of spending all day alone with Thunder again, she could barely contain her excitement and fought to get the words out to turn her mother down.

Less than an hour later, everyone was gone, leaving Kenta alone once again to her own means. She decided that today was the day she would take Thunder’s big dick into her, and would at least TRY at the knot. Kenta didn’t think she could take something that big into her yet, but she wanted to at least attempt it. She briefly thought about letting him take her outside again, but with a heat wave moving in, she decided against that. Her bedroom would do again!

Kenta took a shower as she waited for everyone to leave, coming out of the bathroom wearing the same blue thong from their first encounter and a tank top. She took a quick lap around the house to make sure everyone was gone, with Thunder one step behind her and nosing her curved rear every time she stopped. A sudden thought crossed her mind, and it was simply too good to pass up. The girl stopped at the kitchen table and braced herself against it, bending over and spreading her legs apart. Thunder didn’t need any more invitation than that, he had his head between her legs in a heartbeat.

The Great Dane slurped and licked over her still-covered pussy, sending shivers of pleasure up the girl’s spine and drawing out loud moans. She had to fight the urge to just drop down onto all fours for him right there, but the hard tile floor would kill her knees. Still, she stayed where she was for a while, her panties and thighs soon soaked by Thunder’s lapping tongue. She could see beneath herself and the dog, and saw his cock slipping free from his sheath. Reluctant to pull away from that amazing tongue so soon, she slid a hand under herself and tugged her skimpy thong to the side, giving Thunder unhindered access to her wet slit.

Kenta laid her head against the cool kitchen table, toes curling against the floor as Thunder’s tongue probes into her and slurps over her pussy, each long lick eliciting a low moan from the girl. She’d have been content to stay like that for hours, but she wanted to try something new. Still, it was a bit of a fight to push him away, but she slowly stood back up and gave him a pat on the head. “C’mon boy, let’s go help you bury that bone,” she said to the dog.

Kenta headed upstairs to her room, thoughts of getting pounded by Thunder already filling her mind. She didn’t bother to close the door, since no one else was at home. A good thing too, since Kenta was the type to get loud when she was getting fucked. She paused for a moment in front of her bed. The same place she had blown Thunder about a week before, and gotten a messy dog cum facial. As she thought about how to handle this, what position would work best? Thunder was quite impatient, nosing at the girl’s rear from behind and trying to work his head between her thighs again. He kept jumping up, like he knew what was coming and what he was about to do.

She settled on doggy style after a few moments, wanting to give herself to him completely, like a real bitch would. The slender girl dropped down to her hands and knees and Thunder was behind her in a heartbeat, nosing and licking at her covered slit a few times before he leapt up, mounting the slender girl in one swift movement. Kenta nearly collapsed under the weight, and gasped sharply as she felt Thunder’s big cock prodding against her bare thighs and sliding along the cleft of her ass, leaving a trail of precum as the hot cock grinds against her. She could feel the heat radiating from his cock through the thin silk of her thong, Thunder almost threatening to rip through the fabric to bury his cock in his new bitch. She shakily reached a hand under herself, fingers brushing against his slick shaft as she tugged her thong aside again, and just waited.

Kenta didn’t have to wait long, because Thunder soon hit the mark. She didn’t know what to expect, she certainly wasn’t expecting him to bury what felt like his entire cock into her, sending a jolt of pleasure and pain up her spine. The Great Dane atop her quickly moved into a rapid pace, happily grinding his hips to pound his new bitch. The dog panted atop the girl, that thick doggie dick spreading her lips apart with each thrust. Kenta felt like she was being stuffed full each time, none of her boyfriends had been this well hung, or fucked like Thunder could!

She was quite thankful no one was home, because she was already moaning loudly from her position under the dog. His powerful thrusts rocked her back and forth, and she could feel his precum spurting from his cock. A mixture of their juices was already running down the inside of her thighs and her elbows were becoming weak from supporting the massive beast, but she endured like a proper bitch. Never once did she complain, even as his front paws scratched her back up as he got a better grip and pounded her without mercy or care. And she loved it, the taboo knowledge that it was a dog that was giving her the best fuck of her life was amazing; she’d lost count of how many orgasms she’d had by that point.

Kenta groaned out as she was taken by her dog, losing track of time as his hips smacked against hers, lewd noises filling the room and the empty house. Her toes curled up again as Thunder thrust into her without a care, her muscles squeezing down tightly around the big dog’s big cock. She could feel every inch, every vein, and every bump in his cock as he pounded into her tight pussy, stretching his new bitch out. This time she felt the base of his cock start to swell up, and had a good idea of what it was. Or at least, she would have if she could think straight. Concentrating on anything else besides the fact that her dog was fucking her was insanely difficult at the moment, though she certainly felt it though as the knot swelled up more.

She couldn’t take it anymore, feeling like she was stuffed impossibly full of hot throbbing dick, and collapsed forward just as Thunder tied to her, his thick knot locking him to her. Her whole body shuddered as she went through an especially strong climax, her well-fucked pussy contract around his cock. The Great Dane’s hips were still moving, his cock pulsing hotly within her. Kenta moaned out loudly as she felt a familiar sensation, and knew that her dog was pumping her full of his hot cum. She could do little but moan and squirm from her position, her head and chest against the carpet with her ass in the air and getting over-filled with doggie cum. She could feel some of it seeping out and dribbling down her thighs and stomach, due to her position. Thunder swung his leg over her and turned so he was facing away from her, still tied to Kenta by the enormous knot he had stuffed into her. The girl knew she was his bitch now, and that she would be on her hands and knees for him when possible.

Kenta didn’t know how much time had passed when Thunder finally pulled free from her, his knot slipping out of her stretched slit with a lewd pop. The Great Dane’s cum dribbled out of her pussy and ran down her thighs, the girl staying where she was for the moment before rising back up to her hands and knees. She didn’t notice that Thunder had moved away, and she didn’t notice the shadow looming over her. She did notice when a pair of hands gripped her hips, but she her lust-filled mind just brushed it off as her doggie lover playing around. Her eyes shot open wide when something hard was thrust into her cum-dribbling pussy though. She gasped sharply, whatever it was, it was just as big as Thunder! Still on her hands and knees, Kenta’s head whirled to the side to see who, and what, was behind her.

Her gaze was first drawn to the large strap-on that was pulling out of her pussy, glistening with her juices and Thunder’s cum. The ebony-coloured shaft sliding easily against the cleft of her raised ass. Her jade eyes travelled upwards over a slim figure much like her own, and let out another gasp when she got to that oh-so-familiar face. Another pair of eyes, the same shade of green as her own, matched her look behind blond locks, a bit shorter than her own. Kenta recognized who it was instantly, but it still took her a moment to comprehend it. The newly made dog bitch stayed there on her hands and knees, dog cum still running down her thighs as she stared at the person behind her.

Eventually, the tension became too hard to bear. She said in a high-pitched voice of shock, “Mom?”

The End.



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