Storm Dogs


Part 1…

Silvia sat in the bay window seat with her hands clasped tightly about her knees looking at the rain beating against the glass and running down the glass in sheets that overlapped each other in a vertical unrelenting river.

It had rained hard for some time. Now as the darkness descended the girl wondered where her father and brother were. One thing was certain they would be making no attempt to drive back across sodden paddocks where the chances of becoming bogged were high. No they would stay out there while it was storming like it was.

She cursed the old dam windmill that pumped water for the cattle. It had broken its chain again and even though the storm was approaching fast her father and brother felt the need to secure the dam thing until they could make proper repairs. It was probably just as well for now the wind had began to rise and drive the rain even harder against the window.

The occasional flash of lightning and crash of thunder were becoming more intense and the big gum trees with their shallow roots were swaying in the swirling wind.

Faintly a howl of a wild dog told Silvia that even the hardy feral pack were uncomfortable with this night. The lights flickered and went to a dull brown then picked up before giving up the ghost completely. Suddenly everything in the house was quiet. TV, refrigerator, computers were silenced and the fearful blackness descended as the clouds above thickened bringing on an early night, a black night.

Again the dog howled and was answered by another further to the east. They were distinctly uneasy and the sounds of the howling send shivers down Silvia’s spine. Slowly she unclasped her hands from her knees and straightened her legs then stood up. She had to get the emergency lighting going and her for site in placing them all around the house in strategic positions as the storm approached now paid dividends.

A huge sheet of lightning lit up the sky and highlighted the sugar-loaf ridge at the back of the house. It also highlighted the shape of the big black feral dog that was most likely the source of the howling. Silvia had the briefest of glimpses of the animal standing it sharp relief on the top of the small hill, and saw its head lift in response to the sheet of lightning. The sudden burst of artificial daylight provoked another howl from the frightened animal. However this time it was cut short by the deafening thunder-clap that rolled in across the plains after the lightning.

Again Silvia shivered, She hated storms and the real and imagined damage they caused. One by one she lit the lanterns as she moved around the house. At least the dull glow of the lamps made her feel more at ease but the continued screeching of the wind and the mournful howls of the dog on the hill some two hundred metres from the house made her nerves tingle.

To the cacophony of noise outside Silvia heard a sudden bang. She stopped lighting the lamps and listened carefully. Another heavy thud told her it was the barn door swinging in the savage wind. She shrugged and place the box of long matches down and went to the peg near the back door where her R.M Williams oilskin coat hung and slithered into it. Swinging the door open she stepped out into the driving wind and rain.

Out here the noise was louder. However, the calls of the feral dogs, at least now she figured, seemed a lot closer than she had reckoned they were. She paused as the chain of howling began again. No she thought to herself, there wasn’t three, there were four maybe five and they were all close except for the big black dog she had seen on silhouetted against the skyline. The barn door banged again and Silvia set out at a jog through the muddy ground with long deliberate strides toward the offending barn door.

The lightning flashed once more showing everything in sharp relief. As the burst of light faded she saw a shadow move close to the barn. She stopped and became motionless. She was afraid she had to admit that. There was something about this night that was not normal at all. Silvia straining her eyes in the darkness to make out what it was that she had seen ghosting across the front of the barn. Then the howling recommenced closer, very close, in a rolling response to the crashing thunder that made the girls tiny form vibrate with fear.

Silvia, eyes wide made for the wildly swinging barn door. In the almost total blackness she didn’t see first one then another dog slide between the gap when the door opened enough in the wind. Close by a long tortured creek made her pause once more. A few branches landed near her, which wasn’t surprising in the ever-increasing wind.

Looking in the direction of the noise Silvia suddenly realised that she knew that sound. It was the big lemon scented gum tree. Its huge branches had fallen before and the rendering sound was an eminent warning that another branch was under stress. Silvia looked in all directions in a panic she decided that the only place to go was into the barn. As far as she could recollect none of the trees branches overhung the building, they were close, but not dangerously close.

As the tortured sound of a dying limb of several tons increased Silvia covered the last few metres into the barn, forgetting about the strange moving shadow, just in time to hear the cannon crack of the huge limb parting company with the mother tree, followed by a dull crashing thud was accompanied by another sound, a yelping screech.

Heart racing and trembling the shaken girl lent against a supporting post that was used, not only to support the ridge beam of the barn, but served as a convenient depository for bridals and saddle blankets that hung from long metal spikes.

Her legs felt weak and her face clammy from both fear and the driving rain. For several minutes she used the post for support as her thumping heart slowed down to its normal rhythm. As it did the sounds and smells of the barn grew clearer. The nickering of frightened horses was only to be expected. The smells of Lucerne and chaff as well as grains filled the air as the dust, accumulated over years, was shaken loose by the rattling thunderclaps and the wind. They were the usual barn sounds and smells Silvia had grown used to over the years. But there was something else, another smell, a familiar smell that she should recognise but with her nerves all a jangle she just wasn’t sure what it was.

“Bugger,” she thought when she remembered the back up generator in the shed that connected to the barn. After a careful few minutes of negotiating around the barn to the annex she managed to get the small Honda generator firing away and the two lights it served sprang to life.

“Jesus Christ,” Silvia cursed uncharacteristically when she saw the dogs. At first she saw two animals cowering near the stable straw. Then she saw two more animals, one of which seemed hurt. It was a medium-sized dog smaller than the others and of no particular breed. Gathering her senses she looked closer at the hurt animal. Its row of teats were clearly defined her tail drooped and her shoulder had a long bleeding cut that had mated her hair.

Immediately Silvia’s caring nature for animals kicked in. Reaching out a hand and hunkering down to the bitches level she called gently.

“Here girl come here you poor darling, come on come to Silvia,” She pursed her lips and made soothing clicks to encourage the wounded animal toward her with little result. The free spirit of feral life made the bitch and the other dogs wary of people.

Uncomfortable in here stiff oil skin coat Silvia stood again and quickly removed it. Throwing it onto a bale of hay nearby. Then more mobile she commenced her cajoling of the wounded animal. Finally the wary bitch came to Silvia. A quick look told the girl who the cut was superficial and didn’t need attention now. As the timid bitch became playful sensing no danger from the girl it began rubbing against Silvia. Silvia patted the bitch who immediately jumped onto the girls lap. Silvia quickly noticed that the little bitch was in season.

“Oh dear girl you are going to be popular tonight aren’t you?” Silvia patted the bitch and lifted her gently to the floor. She looked around slowly noticing that the other animals were all dogs and there were now six in the barn. “Bloody men!” Silvia swear when she saw the lust in the dogs eyes as they came closer stimulated by the bitches enticing odours.

The Black dog, of undetermined breed, but perhaps an influence of Doberman from his lithe angular looks, was clearly dominant and the other dogs had deferred to him as he dropped his head to the bitches tail concealed vagina.

“Now he’s a pretty boy don’t you think?” Silvia asked the bitch. The girl wasn’t sure that the bitch thought the same as she clamped her tail even closer over her puffy sex. Silvia’s female instincts told her she should chase the dogs away from a clearly reluctant bitch but farm life had taught her to be more practical than that. A feral bitch was fair game to the males of the pack who would eventually assert their pack rights and have her regardless of her reluctance.

The bitch snapped and growled at the sleek black dog as he pawed her rump. “Go girl you tell him to keeps his hands to himself,” Silvia smiled to herself when she saw the dog step back to avoid the slashing teeth of the bitch but it was a short reprieve as the dog again closed on the bitch snarling his defiance at her puny attempt to avoid the lustful approach.

Keeping low to the ground the bitch slunk away but the dogs followed. The Barn didn’t afford much room for escape or avoidance. The storm outside hadn’t abated one bit and escaping the barn was not an option for this little girl. Silvia watched the ritual unfold in front of her. The bitch, almost crawling, moved away as one or the other of the dogs got too close. This went on for maybe fifteen minutes. This primal display of unfettered lust was making Silvia feel runny and the gussets of her panties felt dam but she dare not feel them to see exactly how runny she had become.

Preoccupied for just a few seconds Silvia didn’t see exactly how the sleek black dog had enticed the bitch to stand, but stand she was, as the dog sidled over her and dropped his hind quarters to the bitches swollen vulva. The bitches sex was distended grossly and leaking watery red beads of fluid. Now ready to stand for the gorgeous dog the bitch flicked her matted tail aside as the sleek point of the dogs penis closed on her sex.

The sleek black stud knew this bitch well. She had recently had her first litter buy him. Right now the pups were safely sheltered in an old wombat burrow several miles away waiting on their mothers return,for now their bellies were full and they were contented. He gripped the bitches hind quarters tightly as he began to adjust his groin to her behind but he didn’t feel comfortable and dropped off her back. And looked around defiantly at the crowding contenders for the bitches favours.

Satisfied that they would not crowd him unduly the black dog dropped his head to the bitches vulva and licked the puffy protrusion tentatively. Satisfied she was in heat he again remounted the smaller, willing bitch and again wrapped his forepaws tightly around her hips. The bitch stood mouth open but showing little emotion at all. Almost immediately he dragged her roughly towards his instinctively swinging hips. The sleek black dog seemed to be totally fixated on what he was doing, neck extended in concentration. The bitch seemed to be almost bored with the business of being served. After all the last time this had happened she had ended up with a belly full of puppies. The dog’s head lowered to the bitches shoulder as he felt his penis prod against her soft puffy sex.

Silvia watched enthralled with what she was witnessing. She had seen dogs copulating before and wondered how the bitch had felt. This and other bitches had the same acceptance expression on their faces.

In the confines of the barn Silvia was as close to the dogs in a mating fever as she had ever been. The smell of wet fur was powerful and rank in fact it stank offensively. The dogs missing out on the bitch seemed to have drawn closer to the girl, but Silvia ignored them. After all they were doing what she was and being a voyeuristic but probably in a different way.

The black dogs hips swung rhythmically and at first the jabs were short and probing. Unable to see exactly what was happening Silvia looked from the bitch to the dog and back but it was all business and matter of fact with them, neither made much of a sound even when it was clear to the watching girl who the two animals were joined. It all appeared very emotionless. Silvia wondered if sex was really as emotionless as the dogs seemed to be exhibiting.

One of the other dogs brushed against Silvia’s knee with its wet muzzle and she pushed it away totally absorbed in the events in front of her.

The sleek black dogs rhythm became more erratic and forceful, the thrusting was longer and to all appearances deeper. Silvias own crotch tightened. Again she shoved the light brown dog away as it licked her inner knee.

The Sleek black dog seemed to be climbing into the stoic bitch with each rough thrust. The dogs action was less fluent and more urgent now. Then a short sharp yip from the bitch. Silvia again pushed another dog away absent-mindedly. The thrusting dog stopped and lay against the bitch. Silvia’s own breath came in short urgent pants as she watched. The bitch looked back at the dog inside her. Their faces barely inches apart, she seemed to be saying, “are you finished?”

The dogs answer was clear as he awkwardly dismounted and Silvia saw for the first time the dogs stretched penis tugging against the bitches vulva that was now even more distended and stretched by the swollen penis within her. Silvia lent forward and pushed the cream coloured dog away as he tried again to lick her knee.

“Go away you silly dog,” she chided the persistent animal. Undeterred the persistent animal rubbed his wet nose defiantly against Silvia’s knee making a snuffling sound as he sniffed the sitting girl. Immediately he was joined by the cream coloured dog that appeared to be part Labrador.

On the barn floor the prow n bitch was still tied to the black dog both stood panting for a minute or two and Silvia wondered if the dog had finished with the bitch or was he still coming inside the bitch. She knew that the knot was probably preventing any cum from being discharged giving the black dog every chance of siring the bitched new pups.

The bitch looked at her suitor with the same disinterested nonchalance that surprised the girl who was a romantic at heart and thought that such a momentous event , be it human or any other animal, should provoke fireworks of delight, it hadn’t. Indeed it had seemed so ritually mundane, though at times vigorous and rough.

Suddenly the bitched seemingly tired of standing butt to butt with her mate flopped to the floor bringing the dog down with her. He gave an uncomfortable growl but for now lay tied with the female. Silvia looked at the bitch who lay there seemingly unemotional. The girl wondered if the bitch realised that she was probably at this moment about to grow another litter of puppies in her tummy, or did she even care.

A reddish coloured dog ventured forward and sniffed at the bitches stretch vulva. The black dog unhappy with the closeness of another male dog tugged hard to break free to face the interloper and warn him off. The bitch snapped at both her mate and the red interloper, hurt by the tugging of the locked penis knot on her tender stretched vulva.

The noise outside grew even louder and the temperature inside the barn seemed to be dropping noticeably. Silvia felt the chill and made to rise from the oilskin covered bale hoping to ward off the cold by replacing her coat.

The mood in the barn suddenly changed the moment Silvia moved. The brown dog growled deeply and rolled his top lip back baring his teeth threateningly. The warning to the girl was clear. Instantly she stopped moving as a chill ran along her spine colder than the air a round her. It was that instant feeling of fear you get when you know you are in mortal danger.

“Ok, ok I wont move,” she almost whispered to the animal trying to feel brave. The dog satisfied the human had understood his warning returned to licking her knee with a lot more vigour. Only then did Silvia realise that the bitch had probably left a smear of her scent on her knees, perhaps her dress when she had jumped onto her lap.

The girl gave an embarrassed giggle when she realised the significance of the dogs attention and what had stimulated his interest.

“No fellah there’s nothing there for you, I’m a girl not a bitch,” She blushed red at the thought that flashed through her mind. The dog now both dogs began to lick along the sitting girls opposing thighs. Silvia knew if she tried to get up again she might provoke the dog or dogs but if she did nothing there enthusiastic tongues would work higher. Even now she realised that they were getting confusing scents of the bitch and here own wetness that had soaked the gussets of her panties.

“Go….Shooooo naughty dog,”Silvia’s voice rose a little as the fear of being bitten by the dogs increased. She had been warned when she moved so now she was reluctant to even lift her hand. The brown dogs tongue licked the inside of her knee. Silvia shivered, if she had not been so afraid she may have giggled at the wet tickling tongue. Now the reddish coloured dog moved closer and began to muzzle the girls outside thigh as the other dogs boldness grew, his head pushed her skirt a little higher.

“No dog bad dog… don’t do that!” Silvia had almost become totally focused on the determined dogs assaulting her and didn’t see the black dog slide wetly from the bitch until the dog had stood and moved away a little. The sleek animal moved awkwardly, his grossly glistening penis dangling swollen and pale between his legs the knot preventing it from retracting into his sheath. Moments later he was laying on his side ministering to his swollen penis cleaning it with his tongue vicariously and noisily, perhaps with some enjoyment.

The cream dog slinking toward the bitch, who still lay on the floor licking herself, saw an opportunity of serving the bitch. Silvia looked at the black dog expecting him to object to the cream approaching the bitch but he didn’t he was looking toward the dogs licking her thigh. His penis had now begun to retract into his sheath as he continued to lick vigorously. Lazily the black dog stood up and stretched languidly.

The other two dogs were edging closer to the bitch who now seemed to become a little flirty with all three dogs. Silvia who had felt sorry for the bitch in the first instance being taken reluctantly by the black dog now looked at her with disgust. “You little slut,” she almost spat her disappointment at the bitch who let the cream dog mount her as she stood quietly.

“Look over there!” Silvia spoke directly to the two dogs liking further and further up her soft white thigh. Silvia trembled as the brown dog pushed his wet nose into her groin. To her own surprise Silvia realised that she had opened her self to the exploring tongue. “Oh god what am I doing letting this animal lick me,” she admonished herself and immediately questioned if she or the little bitch was the biggest slut.

Biting her bottom lip to force herself to concentrate and resist the increasingly intense feeling spreading through her abdomen. Slowly she began to force her thighs together but as her soft inner thighs closed together trapping the brown dogs head. He responded with a growl of protest.

Silvia stopped closing her thigh and looked down at the dog’s head buried between her soft white thighs. “Oh dam it,” she panted and slowly parted her legs once more. Now the black dog had joined the other two dogs and all three of the studs were trying to get to the wet patch that gave off a beckoning smell that was so enticing to randy studs. Silvia droped both hands behind her and lent back letting the dogs have their way. It was no big deal she rationalised with herself and beside it felt so nice.

With her hands supporting her inclined upper body slowly Silvia lifted her behind to the swamping tongues that seemed to be in constant, delicious motion. She groaned and groaned again as she pushed her crotch into the snout of the dog between her legs. It felt so overpoweringly delicious and Silvia began to squirm with the intense pleasure.

One of the dogs, she didn’t know which one because now her eyes were closed tightly focusing on the pleasure, had pushed her skirt higher and was licking the front of her panties and her exposed belly beyond. Silvia was aware that her underwear was dripping with dog slobber and her own runny secretions. However, she didn’t care one bit and submerged herself in the carnal pleasures of the dogs slurping tongues.

Her body was on fire with this new and foreign feeling. It was how she imagined how sex would feel. It wasn’t the clinical mater of factness of the bitch and the dog sex she had witnessed earlier, it was a nerve tingling, body melting lust that made her feel like she was melting. Beads of perspiration trickled between her breasts . In spite of the coldness that had come with the storm she was melting. Slowly, unthinkingly her week, shaking fingers fumbled with the buttons on her blouse seeking the coll air on her breasts. Finally with her blouse open and her bra clasps undone her breast fell free and cool in the night air.

Instantly the black dogs tongue worked along the exposed skin licking the salty beads from Silvia’s flushed body. The girl groaned at the pure uninhibited rapture pleasured by the many tongues as she lay back supported by her trembling arms, body taught, head back, hair tumbling behind her close to the stack of bales behind her. She was only vaguely aware that the wind had dropped and the thunder and lightning were travelling quickly to the east. In the wake of the savage storm the rain seemed to increase.

Time stood still and the girl on the coat covered bale indulged in the absolute pleasure wrought by the hot wet tongues. This could go on for ever she thought as her body tingled with previously unknown delights as now and then a tongue slid under the close-fitting band of her sloppy panties to touch that secret place beneath.

Emboldened by the sweet taste under the snug fitting clothing the dogs, licking Silvia’s crotch, redoubled there efforts. Every time one or the other of them managed to slide his tongue under her panties the girl wriggled and sighed heavily.

Her hand slid to her waist in a thoughtless gesture of sliding her panties down to give the dogs unfettered access to the spot of pleasure that gave her that delightful feeling. Then her rational mind took charge and she realised what she was doing withdrawing her hand quickly. For a moment she opened her eyes and saw that the bitch was now being humped by another dog. Was that the third or fourth dog to hump the bitch she wondered. Time had raced by she knew that and she wasn’t sure how long she had been in the barn herself, or even care. Silvia closed her eyes and let her thoughts run wild her hand again began to make a week willed move toward her saliva covered underwear.

With a surprising suddenness the dogs stopped licking her in unison. When she reopened her eyes she saw them all standing facing the barn door and the broken beam of a vehicle headlight swing slowly across the opening where the door had been trapped open by the falling tree. Silvia turned to watch the headlight and absent-mindedly wondered who it could be. Her vagueness was soon shaken as she realised it could only be her Father and brother returning after the worst of the storm had passed. Then the beam of light was gone as the truck swung to point at the house.

“SHIT!” She exclaimed as she sprang up from the bale and fumbled with her blouse only to find her bra about her waist. She threw it aside and again began to button her blouse up with trembling fingers.

“Silvie! Silvie! Are you there girl?” she heard her dad call and realised that he was coming closer to the barn as he called.

“Of course he was coming to the barn,” she grumbled to herself, the light was on in here and the house was in total darkness. Besides the fallen limb would have caught their attention as soon as they drove into the house paddock.

The dogs! I have to get them out, she thought but as she looked around for them they were gone,only the sleek black form of the pack leader stood looking back at here as he slid out of the open door into the wet darkness. Moments later, her dad and brother appeared in the very same space that the black dog had been in just moments before. They looked worried. Silvia wondered if they had seen the dogs.

“Are you OK, girl?” her dad had a big frown on his face as Silvia tried her best to straighten her wet rumpled skirt down over her hips.

“Yah!” she exclaimed breathlessly. “I’m fine, I came out to check on the horses and shut the barn door that was swinging, and that damn tree branch fell.”

“Did you get hit?” Silvia’s brother asked.

“No… no! I was in here when it fell, I herd it creaking so I stayed back with the horses she lied, I’m a bit shaky is all.” Silvia was convincing enough as she made her story fit the facts.

“Go on up to the house and stay there while we get the big generator started. There are trees across the power lines everywhere so we wont get the power back on tonight. When the genny is started, we’ll lop a few branches off this bloody tree so we can close the barn, then well be up for a cup of tea. Haven’t even had dinner yet, I’m starved,” Silvia’s dad was a take charge sort of bloke and he had dropped into that roll quickly seeing the things that had to be done instantly. “Off you go, get the kettle on and make some toast that will do, it’s too late for a proper meal.”

After the men had been fed Silvia went to her room and lay on the bed. She would have a shower and change she thought but for the moment she needed to relax and unwind. It was still raining pretty hard and she was tired. The drumming rain on the homesteads iron roof was soothing and she let her body relax. Her encounter in the barn had left her emotionally and physically drained.

Hours must have passed and a noise just outside Silvia’s window awoke her and she rolled onto her back ears straining. Could it be she dreamed the noise? Seconds ticked by there it was again she sat up with all her attention focused on the window. It a kind of scratching noise on the window glass. The girl squinted but could see nothing then the sound began again. Carefully, her heart racing, Silvia rose from her bed and went tot the window pulling the lace curtains back a few inches.

Her tired eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and she saw the big paws of a dog scrabbling against the window then she saw the sleek head above the paws. It was the black dog. Her already rapidly beating heart began to beat even louder. She could feel her chest move with each thump. Turning slowly Silvia went to her bedroom door and opened it. The persistent sound of her fathers snoring told her that he was asleep, so was her brother, who wasn’t so much snoring as breathing heavily as he did. She returned to the window.

Confused but excited at seeing the black dog she wondered why he was making such a fuss scratching on her window. One thing was certain, if he continued he was going to wake her father and feral dogs were not one of his favourite animals, he had lost too many sheep to the pack for him to have any love of them. Silvia would hate to think that the gorgeous black dog would become a victim of her dads shotgun.

“Stop it, go away,” she hissed at the animal.

He didn’t budge but at full stretch he leaned against the window and continued to scratch perhaps with growing enthusiasm. Silvia went to her bedside table and grabbed her small torch and came back to the window shining the narrow week beam at the dog.

His lolling red tongue that Silvia had got to know so well was leaving wet sticky Silvia on the window glass. She shivered as she remembered that very same tongue on her breasts. She could even feel the sloppy roughness at that moment, and her nipples tugged at her chest in response to the memory. Slowly and with great effort of will Silvia ran the beam of light down the dog’s neck and chest then along his underbelly.

Silvia gasped when she saw the dogs penis tip protruding from its fury sheath with his dark testicle sack swinging provocatively just behind the sheath. She shut her eyes tightly to try to prevent the thoughts that were cascading through her now wide awake brain. The dog persisted with his scratching.

Silvia opened her eyes again and bit down hard on her bottom lip and swung the beam along the veranda. All of the dogs that had been in the barn were now outside her window. “Oh shit!” she said as she flipped the latch back on the window, and with just the hint of hesitation began to lift the sash slowly. Sure only that it was to stop the dogs from making so much noise.


Continued on the next page (link below).


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