The Ice Queen


It was Friday and the office was getting ready for the weekend. Jan, the office manager was cleaning off her desk in preparation and her mind was already on what awaited her at home. Jan was a statuesque Brunette with long legs to kill for and a set of 34 DD breasts that had all the office guys in a state of constant agitation. They had given her the name, “Ice Queen” which she had heard about on the side and which she enjoyed as it saved her having to turn down the constant invitations for a date from everyone from the Company President to the lowliest clerk.

They all knew she is single, and often made snide remarks around the water cooler that she’s probably having an affair with the Great Dane Dog she had a picture of on her desk. The picture they were talking about showed King, her dog, and her kneeling beside him while she had her arm around his huge shoulders. Little did they realize the truth to their idle words, for indeed she continued to give herself to King almost daily, and in a way, she truly loved this magnificent beast.

From the day she got him and raised him from a pup, he had become her best friend, her lover and her protector. Jan had been severely traumatized by a brutal rape in her teens. She also suffered the indignity of falling for the local High School football hero, and after giving herself to him, he told all his buddies about his conquest. This caused her untold heartaches while in High School. Jan had resolved never to allow a man to use her like that again, and she resorted to pleasure herself when the urge for sexual relief came over her, which was often as she had truly enjoyed the sex act.

Jan became an habitual masturbator, as she found she had an almost uncontrollable sex urge, and she was determined to never again be used by any guy. Then one day while surfing some porno web pages, she came across a bestiality site, and what she saw truly amazed her. She could hardly believe the size a dog’s organ achieved, and the knot that formed on the base of it. To this day, she remembers being entranced by that sight, and then how she quickly brought herself to a climax masturbating wildly to the image on her screen.

Jan hated pantyhose, and always wore black hose with a matching garter belt. Often while sitting behind her desk at work, which was open in the front, she would fold one leg back and put her foot under her chair. This spread her knee wide, and gave some lucky guy that approached her a great view clear up to the crotch of her white or pink panties, as well as the erotic sight of those beautiful thighs adorned with a sexy garter belt. Many an office worker went away trying to hide his erection while making it back to his desk, and Jan revelled in his discomfort, as she well knew what she was doing.

Today on the way home, while sitting at a red light, thoughts of what awaited her caused pleasant sensations in her pubic area. She could actually feel herself getting wet, and had to concentrate on driving to keep out of an accident. When she arrived home, King greeted her at the door as he always did. She and King lived alone, and he had a large doggie door to allow him access to the back yard area. King was now full-grown, tan in colour and had been well-trained by Jan. He obeyed her every command, and seemed to expect most of her wants without her even saying anything.

Jan had taught King to gently rear up, and softly place his huge paws on her shoulders, which brought him face to face with her, and he would wait patiently for what he knew would come next. Jan would then reach forward with her hand and gently grasp his large organ, which was still fully sheathed, and then softly rub the smooth skin of his sheath up and down the hardening bone inside. The knot at its base would begin to form, and the wet pink tip force itself out. That was his cue to drop back down to the floor, and as Jan raised her skirt and spread her legs, King would nuzzle and sniff the heat and wetness of the crotch of her panties. Often she would pull aside her panties, to allow King to caress her wet lips with his wonderful tongue, before putting a stop to it, and preparing for more intimate doings.

Jan had constructed what most visitors thought was a weight and training room, well they were half right, as it did have some of that type of equipment in it. Believe me, a lot of training had gone on in there, but not the muscle-building kind, unless you take into consideration the great increase in size of King’s sexual organ from when he was younger. Jan had an adjustable padded bench that was wide enough that when she lay on it, King had room for his front paws on each side of her. This was so that she could regulate the height when she was doing it with King, or at times some other dog. It would bring her to just the right position to allow them to penetrate her Missionary style, which she much preferred to “Doggy” style. Doing it Missionary style afforded her complete control of the entire action.

Quite often Jan would awake in the morning before work, and still be aroused and wet from an erotic dream that always involved her being serviced by a large animal. She often thought about the donkey shows they put on for tourists in Mexico, and wondered how it would be to allow a donkey, or a pony, to penetrate her and unload his huge load of cum inside her.

Jan knew the real act of fucking would not produce the needed stimulation to a woman to allow her to orgasm. But as the mind is the most erotic organ on the human body, she was sure that just having that large lustful beast using her for its own sexual needs, then depositing its copious ejaculations in her, would be enough for her to achieve a satisfying orgasm. She planned to look into that someday, but for now she and King had some business to attend to as she was by now as hot as that proverbial, “Fresh fucked sheep” and wanted his huge cock buried deep within her.

Jan took off her skirt and blouse and tossed them on the couch in the training room, and stood there in all her glory clad only in her heels, nylons, garter belt and bra. Her bra was bursting to release those glorious globes, which by the way were natural and a source of extreme pleasure to her when she was horny. They would become more firm, the nipples erect, and if taken the time could cause her to achieve a climax by just caressing and massaging them by themselves. Jan then bent down and took off her panties and dangled them in front of King, which caused him to again nuzzle and lick at them as he smelled Jan’s heat in them. Then he pushed his muzzle into Jan’s crotch, as she tossed the panties onto the couch also.

Jan parted her legs slightly, which allowed King’s tongue to separate he pussy lips, and cause his tongue to play over her erect clitoris. All these years of masturbation had caused Jan to have an exceedingly large clit. So when she was sexually aroused, he clit would come out from under its hood, and become swollen and erect and very sensitive to any touch. Like a small penis. King seemed to sense this, and would centre most of his lapping strokes in and on this part of his mistress. It always seemed to cause her to release more of her juices for him to eagerly lap up.

As was usually the case, by now Jan was so hot and horny she was not only releasing copulating juices from her vagina, but was in a state of sweat also. So she quickly led King over to their bench, and she laid back on it, allowing her feet to still be on the floor. She then said, “Up, boy!”

King eagerly rose up, put a front paw on either side of her on the bench, and brought his hindquarters up to the opening of her waiting cunt. Jan reached down and guided the hot wet pointed red-head of Kings cock between the aching lips of her wanton pussy, and as so many times in the past, King thrust forward, and buried his cock deep within Jan’s heated cunt.

Most people don’t realize that a dog’s cock does not expand until it has penetrated the female cunt, be it either another dog, or a woman, once it feels itself inside her it rapidly begins to expand both in length and girth. The knot forms while fully inside, or they could never enter her after they had become engorged. It is at this time that King’s rapid and short strokes, along with the swelling of his knot against Jan’s G spot, caused her to have orgasm after orgasm. While Kings cock was still growing.

The blunted end of his huge organ was now pushed tightly against Jan’s cervix, almost engulfing it. The added stimulation to the head of his cock gave King pleasure, and he doubled his effort to jam himself further inside her. However, there was no more room to go, as his knot made it impossible to withdraw his cock to any extent so his strokes became almost a frantic quiver. Meanwhile, Jan had her heels locked together around his hindquarters, urging him deeper, and riding up to meet his rapid strokes.

Her arms were around his neck, and his long wonderful tongue was slobbering all over her ample breasts. While his breathing became harsh pants as he strained every muscle in that wonderful body for release. Finally, with one last forceful lunge, King began discharging huge amounts of his cum to meet Jan’s maiden flow. They mingled in her tightly filled cunt, and gushed out past his impaled organ, and down Jan’s ass. All over the table, while they both writhed in orgasmic pleasure. Jan whispered in Kings ear her undying love for his wonderful cock.

It took time for them both to regain their breath, and for Jan’s heart to stop pounding. She could still, by just the slightest act of contracting her cuntal muscles, grasp and milk King’s cock. This would bring her to another climax. Unlike a man who, after achieving his pleasure would withdraw, often leaving his female partner still unsatisfied without achieving any orgasm or climax. A dog will remain locked deep within the female, allowing her to do as she pleases with his still huge hard hot cock. Often bringing themselves to multiple orgasms long after he has discharged his load into them.

As he had been trained to do, King obediently lay there in Jan’s loving grasp while his wonderful love organ slowly receded in size. If he had tried to withdraw immediately after he climaxed, it would have caused Jan great harm as well as pain. That was another reason for her liking to do it Missionary style, as she could continue to pleasure herself and caress and talk to King while he was getting back to his normal size.

There were times when they didn’t have enough time to allow King to tie with her, so Jan would allow him to mount her missionary style, and she would reach down between her legs and take Kings cock in her hand and not allow him to get his knot inside her. She would still allow him to stroke and ejaculate into her, while she controlled his knot outside her pussy. This gave them both the release and pleasure they sought, but did not take the time it did when they would tie with each other.

After about 20 minutes, Kings knot had gone down enough to allow him to pull out of her, and as his knot was still about the size of a lemon it would invariably cause a loud plop and release another gush of their mingled juices. She would eagerly lap up those juices. Jan cleaned herself in the bathroom, often having to sit on the toilet for several minutes to allow all Kings cum to drip out of her well fucked pussy. Sometimes Jan would idly let her hand fondle her still erect clitoris, while rubbing the dripping juices from her pussy, and bring herself to another climax while sitting on the toilet. She would finally have to get in the shower to put a stop to all this action, or it could go on forever.

After all, her unhappy experiences with men she had finally found her perfect lover, he could never tell anyone about their goings on, and was always ready, willing and able to service her at a minute’s notice unlike most guys, and could go again in an hour if needed.

The End.



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