The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 31: ZOOphilia (Part 5)

Barbie Lez My friend’s ten-year-old daughter seemed mesmerized by the giraffes. And so was I. However, my fascination with the tall creatures had nothing to do with childish fascination; it had more to do with the powerful fantasy that had started growing deep within me. A smile curled my lips as I felt the familiar sensation fill me. Yet, something was off. “Oh my god!” I gasped when I finally figured it out. Though more than one of my fantasies

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 30: ZOOphilia (Part 4)

Barbie Lez “I want to go see the giraffes,” said my friend’s ten-year-old daughter as she peered up at me. Though I was somewhat relieved that she had listened to me and snapped me back to reality instead of wandering off without me, I could not help but feel somewhat resentful that she had not let me finish my fantasy—and the powerful orgasm I had been in the process of enjoying. Still, it was better than the alternative. “All right,”

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 29: ZOOphilia (Part 3)

Barbie Lez “Oh no!” I groaned as I realized I had lost my friend’s ten-year-old daughter. Again! “Candy!” I called out as I glanced around anxiously. Luckily, I soon saw her head pop out from around a nearby corner. “Yes?” she asked innocently. Hurrying over to her, I considered hugging her, but opted against it. After all, I had not really lost her; only misplaced her. Still, I had to make it clear she had to stay close. “Why didn’t

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 28: ZOOphilia (Part 2)

Barbie Lez “Uh-oh!” I muttered as I realized I had just lost my friend’s daughter; her ten-year-old daughter! I dared a second glance at my surroundings, but the result was the same; no sign of Candy. “Fuck!” I swore, just as a mother walked by with her two young children. The kids chuckled, but the mother shot me an angry look. “Sorry,” I said distractedly as I continued studying my surroundings in the hopes of spotting my friend’s child. Unfortunately,

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 27: ZOOphilia (Part 1)

Barbie Lez July 1st 2014 (AKA Canada Day). Given the fact that I was born—and have spent my entire life—in Canada, it makes sense for me to love Canada Day, right? Wrong! Do not get me wrong; it is not like I despise—or even dislike Canada—it is just that I have never been really big on celebrations—well, except for birthdays, of course. I just do not see the big deal. So Canada was founded on July 1st god knows how

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 23: Hung Like a Stallion

Barbie Lez Writing all those equine bestiality stories got me thinking about horseback riding. Well, I was actually thinking about something else, but horseback riding was the first step ;). So, after a little consideration, I decided to go for it. I recalled noticing a riding school that had recently opened up near my father’s house—for some reason, the area he resided in had more horses than any other region in the province. So, after setting up an appointment at

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 20: Got Wood?

Barbie Lez I was spending the weekend at my mother’s country house. Before going any further, let me clarify; I mean a house that happens to be in the country, not an actual country house (I wish). So, after a long bus ride, I finally arrived at the miniscule bus station that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere (which it was). My mother was already waiting for me and did not leave my side until hours later when

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 17: The Canine Threesome (Part 3)

Barbie Lez I had miraculously managed to find my friend’s missing dog (See “The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 16: The Canine Threesome (Part 2)” for full details) and now both he and his brother were safely contained within my friend’s apartment. After making sure all exits were sealed, I returned to the living room where Frank and Beans were waiting for me. I felt relief wash over me when I saw both large dogs still present, but I also

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 16: The Canine Threesome (Part 2)

Barbie Lez “Frank!” I called out as I glanced left and right. No response. “How could I have left the door open? How could I have been so stupid?” I asked myself, but soon realized there was no time to feel guilty. I had to find my friend’s dog before he had a chance to wander off too far. I called out his name another few times as I searched the nearest hiding spots I could think of. Unfortunately, Frank

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 15: The Canine Threesome (Part 1)

Barbie Lez My friend was away for the weekend and had asked me to take care of her two dogs (see “The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 6: Two Dogs” and “The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 9: The Depressed Dog” for full details) while she was away. If you have read my other fantasies, you may recall the last time I was asked to dog sit, things did not turn out so well. Actually, they did, but they could

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