The Rural Life

By suemartin.

Part 1…

It was a dream come true. I had finally convinced Barry, after 10 years of marriage, to sell up and buy a few acres. Some place where we could feel one with nature and have some animals around us. Not big ones like horses but goats and pigs and chickens. It would be a place to wake up mornings and here the calls of birds all around us.

The land wasn’t that great it was mostly covered in she oaks, except for the flood plain of the creek. that ran out of the national park and across out land. It was a spring fed stream actually just a trickle except for periods of heavy rain. However, our 40 acres of solitude was isolated and effectively thousands of acres all to ourself. Complete solitude with not another neighbour for miles in all directions.

The house was a typical country-style home with verandas all round It had an iron roof to catch the rain water, nothing special but it would do and I loved the sound of rain on an Iron roof. Solar panels for electricity and a generator for emergence backup. The downside was that there was no air-conditioner on those hot summer days, but winter around a log fire had its compensations.

Each evening kangaroos came down to feed on the grass along the creek, perhaps a mob of twenty or thirty. Currawongs and Kookaburras in the trees all around. In the distance the occasional dingo made their distinctive barking yap. This was my idea of heaven. Well it would have been if Barry didn’t have to make so many trips away, some for weeks on end. That was the downside of working for a big international corporation as an Engineering consultant. It was his first trip away after we had set up in the new home that things began to happen.

“You’ll be ok love,” He said as he kissed me and rolled away the lone tear-drop on my cheek with his thumb as I tried to stifle a sob. I hadn’t meant to get emotional, I made a pact with myself that I wouldn’t. This wasn’t the first time in our married life that he gone overseas or interstate but it was the first time since we had arrived here. Now on my own, I felt the utter isolation of total loneliness, with just the sounds of nature to keep me company. I still felt his warm kiss on my cheek and wondered what had happened to our marriage. Were we becoming so comfortable with each other that a kiss on the cheek substituted for one of those long forgotten bear like hugs and smothering kisses I used to get when he was leaving? I waved and sobbed as he drove down the long dirt drive in the company car with two of his colleges for company.

I looked at my watch before I realised I hadn’t even put it on. I was still in my night-dress and gown, I blushed crimson when I realised that Barry’s friends would have seen me dressed like this. Then I shrugged and thought what the hell if they did at least I had time to run a brush through my hair so I didn’t have that slept in look. I looked about and wondered should I feed the animals first or have breakfast before I did the chores. I hadn’t had time to have anything after we had gotten out of bed late but I wasn’t really hungry and Barry had said he would grab something on the way to the airport. I decided to feed the animals then and do the rest of the chores after I had eaten.

The Kangaroos were listlessly grazing on the lush grass by the creek when I emerged from the feed shed. I always supplemented the kangaroos diet with some of the pellets recommended by the Zoo. Mainly it was to keep them around but I hadn’t told the zoo people that I had said that it would be for the occasional lame or hurt animal that sought refuge at the farm. Even for the previous owners they had visited the creek flat regularly and I didn’t want them to stop.

First I fed the chickens then the goats and pigs. The goats were Anglo Nubian and we planned on milking them, well I planned on milking them. There were ten does and a rather handsome Buck. He was tall and arrogant as he bustled around the does checking each one. He was just so gorgeous that I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. It was a shame about his goatee musk smell emanating from the yellow urine stained forelegs which he constantly peed on. This morning he was taking a casual but not intense interest in one of the does. For sure she would be getting luck some time later today and I made a mental note to be here when it happened. Like the goats we had a boar and four gilts. The goal for self-sufficiency required having a breeding program and my voyeuristic side enjoyed the spectacle of mating animals. I had heard so much about pigs and how they mated I wanted to see it for myself.

With a half bucket of pellets I wondered down to the Kangaroo flat, as I now called it, to hand out the morning supplement. There were perhaps twenty roos here today. The number varied from day-to-day but there were always at least this number. Mostly the mob were females with a rather large grey male watching over them. Today a little further back from the others were two other kangaroos. From their size my guess was that they were also male and from the look of things the alpha male was going to have to watch his does carefully.


I had fed the kangaroos for a few weeks now, ever since we moved in, and although a little wary at first they had quickly accepted me into their mob. Well I liked to think so anyway, at least they were not wary of my presence. The females and the older of the joeys would even accept food from my hand. However,They were more accepting of me if I got down to their level and I found that by kneeling with my left leg and my right knee bent in front of me, like a rifleman ready to shoot, I was at the kangaroos grazing hight.

The morning sun had risen sufficiently to begin to warm up the air and the creek looked as if it had a foggy haze over it where the cold water and warm air mixed. One of the most forward of the young joeys had come right up to me and was taking food from my hand. Several of the females had come close as well. They were far from domesticated there state forest home had become a haven and they never felt threatened from humans at least. Dingos were perhaps another story altogether. I was having so much fun feeding and talking to these wild animals that I wasn’t aware of what was happening around me.

The two interlopers had moved closer to the mob and were eyeing off one of the females close to the creek and my first inclination of trouble in the mob was when the big male flashed across my vision intent on ejecting the two randy young bucks. I looked up quickly and the kangaroos around me backed off suddenly. One of the younger males was soon being confronted by the stirred up dominant male. The big male reared on his hind legs, his tail flexed powerfully to be used as a third leg a kind of fulcrum. His penis was extended with testosterone induced excitement. Both males faced off hardly moving but the tension was palpable Occasionally they spared pushing there legs forward at the opponent while balancing on their tail. There was intent but little else in the actions of the two protagonists. While they faced off the other young buck saw his opportunity to make a play for the female and cut her out of the mob. The alert dominant swung his attention away from the intimidated rival toward the new challenger and for a while the game of distraction and confrontation continued until the dominant male saw the interlopers off by the sheer dominance of his more imposing physical form. Not completely chastened the young males went back a little further into the scrub to regroup before they again challenged. The dominant male went to the young female band attempted to engage her but she obviously wasn’t ready and moved off. The Alpha male followed and when he drew close a second time she again moved away not happy with his attentions, I thought.

I was fascinated by the by-play and challenges to the superiority of the leading male. It was kind of alien to human society, or was it I wondered. There were many cases of one male challenging another males right to be with a female, pub fights came to mind, different perhaps but essentially the same in the context of selecting a breeding female. I shook my head, what was I doing I wondered. It wasn’t like me to be so philosophical about life. I took things as they came and thought little of them, usually.

I don’t know how long I knelt there contemplating life, it must have been a while because when I day dreaming the kangaroos had moved back along the creek toward the state forest boundary and the two interlopers were nowhere to be seen. That was until I felt something touch my leg. I momentarily stiffened and immediately thought, ‘snake’ but I knew it wasn’t it was something soft and sharp not a stinging stab. I turned my head slowly and to my surprise the two young male grey Kangaroos were both behind me. When I say young males, I mean young in comparison to the old man alpha male who ran the mob. These were fully grown but showed their immaturity in there upper body bulk otherwise they were as big as the Alpha male.

“So you want some food do you?” I spoke to the closest Kangaroo, the one that touched me, and offered him some pellets.

He sniffed at and rejected the pellets offered and just stood there. I threw them onto the ground thinking that perhaps he would prefer to forage for his food, even the processed kind. I pivoted around and with another hand full of pellets I offered the second male the tasty morsels. He had moved closer and onto my left side and seemed to be more interested in me than the food.

Suddenly I jumped as something wet touched my bum and the muffled sound of a sniff was plain to here. I slapped at the sniffing muzzle that had eased under my house coat and nighty to sniff my butt.

“Stop that, don’t be rude you nasty Kangaroo,” I chastised but to little avail. He again returned to what he was doing only this time his intrusive nose was awful close to my vagina. “Get out of there, that’s not for you,” I giggled as I again slapped the offending muzzle.

The kangaroo lifted his head and dropped it onto my shoulder with consummate ease. His forepaws clasped around y chest and he seemed to glide as his big three-toed feet slid into place either side of me.

“Oh …no … you … don’t, …, let me go you nasty boy,” I still didn’t realise what the Kangaroo was doing as I struggled to break free from his clutching forepaws.

The other young roo had got even closer as his mate clung to my upper body with surprising force. The other Kangaroo seemed to be rather turned on, excited, by what his confederate was doing. Just what that was, I wasn’t sure as I wrestled to break free. The clutching Kangaroo wouldn’t be shaken. His entire body pressed against my back and every sinew and muscle strained to keep me.

The Kangaroo on my left was very aroused his tapered penis was fully extended and several times it got even harder as it stiffened and bounce against his belly. He wasn’t thick like a human but long and thin. The tip was at a different angle to the body of the penis and it seemed to me, as I looked at him fascinated by the sexual display, that it was designed to enter the female kangaroos cervical channel.

“Whoooooh,” I almost yelled and I redoubled my efforts to escape the clutching Kangaroo.

It was now clear that the other Kangaroo was not the only one showing signs of sexual excitement. The clutching kangaroo was trying to mount me and from the feel of the tickling tip close to my vaginal opening he was close to succeeding.

“Bugger,” I mumbled at no one, or nothing in particular. This was impossible “Go away, shoo, get,” I implored in vain.

The Kangaroos left paw was across my chest and as I tried to straighten up his right paw came around my neck and he physically pulled me back toward him. His grip was firm and there was little or no chance of me braking free of his grip. Calling for help was going to be futile and I’m not sure help was what I wanted. The kangaroos penis slipped from one thigh to the other and it made me shudder, not from revulsion but that pleasant feeling that makes all your muscles tighten in your tummy when a guy first touches you down there.

“Let me go, naughty boy, stop that.” I again implored feeble knowing that my requests were not understood nor would they be complied to.

The thin probe prodded at my pubic mound and the kangaroos grip tightened as his friend came around in front of me looking and sniffing his head low to the ground as he surveyed his friends attempt to find my hole.

“Urhhhh,” I reacted in surprise as the tapered probe slid along my vulva, oh so close. His penis touch was so light and smooth that it tickled the tender skin as it slipped past and I giggled. “This is no giggling matter, June,” I grumbled at myself but it was, it really was, it felt nice, sexy actually with this big mammal trying to hump me ad his friend now sniffing at my crotch it was exciting.

I shut my eyes and bit my bottom lip and stopped resisting. With my eyes shut my visual senses blocked my tactile senses immediately heightened and I felt every muscle in the kangaroos body as he rolled and adjusted, probed and sought and combined with the wet nose of his voyeuristic friend I began to feel dizzy.

“God I was about to have sex with a Kangaroo,” I felt my body swaying and I had to open my eyes to regain my equilibrium.

The Roo mounting me was making little clucking sounds and I wasn’t sure if they were a warning to his friend to back off or what kangaroos did when they were bating a doe. The front paws kept moving, clutching, pulling me first one way then the other. The powerful hind quarters of the animal were pressed tight against my back and I felt his rippling muscles tighten as his searching penis tip seemed to nestle into my vaginal folds.

I drew breath sharply as I felt the tip of the searching probe slide inside me, It was thin and felt like some wriggling creäture had invade my unprotected vagina. Then the penis seemed to tighten, like a contracting muscle and the wriggling hips of the mounting Kangaroo pushed his penis deep inside me.

It was like some out-of-body experience. It wasn’t me that this was happening to, it was some other person. Hear in this paddock with nothing but a retreating mob of Kangaroos and the haunting cry of bush birds I was being mated by a randy kangaroo and possibly his friend for after. It was interspecies sex that I had never thought about or contemplated. I hadn’t heard of anything like this,ever. Inside me I felt the roos penis moving around as if searching for something or some place. The animals penis tip that was being mobile, I was sure of that, but deep in my vagina the sense of feeling was not like the vaginal opening except of course for my intruding cervix.

I grunted as the Roos hips slammed forward then made a strangled gurgling sound as the penis tip seemed to lodge some place inside me. “No please,” I whimpered. It was a stinging hurt, not unbearable but uncomfortable. In fact the Kangaroos penis wasn’t that thick at all but it was long and it was tapered so that it was able to find small openings with minimal effort. I wondered what a doe roo was built like inside, not like me I’m sure.

Again the powerful hips thrust hard and the roos clutching forepaws held me against falling forward. Inside the penis seemed to push a little deeper and the stinging became an uncomfortable burning. Oddly enough, in spite of the burning feeling it felt nice. The roo was trembling between thrusts that were spaced and calculated. Not like Barry at all he just got on top and went for it. Our sex life was crap I thought. What a strange thought to have at this time.

I felt like shrugging but the clutching paws prevented that sort of movement. It was all about Barry when we had sex and all I got was the pleasure of cleaning up afterwards. Not to say that the Kangaroo was at all different he was a male and it always seemed to me that they had good sex no matter what. It was indeed all about them and their pleasures and Kangaroos would be no different.

It did feel different for me though. The clutching closeness and the rippling muscles accompanied by the physical brutal thrusts. I again closed my eyes and immersed myself in the moment. For maybe two, perhaps three minutes the kangaroo humped and probed then stopped with a shudder. His entire body trembled with little rippling waves. Then a spreading warmth made it quite clear to me that the animal had cum. For several minutes more he just held me close as his trembling subsided before he relaxed his grip and slowly backed away.


The second kangaroo watched his friend cagey, making clicking sounds as excited kangaroos do. The departing buck, satiated for now, moved off slowly. He didn’t look back. The other grey moved slowly behind me. There was nothing hurried about either animals actions. My instinct had been to move away but I didn’t pay head to common-sense right then. My curiosity and sexual needs had been aroused. Perhaps more than aroused.

Knowing only too well that the departing kangaroo may return if the other interfered with me, I watched both animals as closely for the first sign of aggression. I was well aware that the kangaroo who had mated me may resent another male having me. There was no why that I wanted to be in the middle of a kangaroo skirmish with the two male Kangaroos fighting each other over which one owned my pussy. However, if things stayed as they were I wasn’t going to resist the second kangaroo either.

The truth was that I felt rather excited at the prospect of having a second male mount me. My life with Barry and before him had been exclusively monogamous. I had never ever wanted to explore alternatives in my bed. I know that this situation was hardly a bed, but it was sex with someone else even if that someone was a kangaroo. If the first one was typical of how it felt to be taken by a kangaroo then I didn’t mind one bit exploring my future options.

I was surprised at how I felt. I should have felt some guilt, but I didn’t. It was a situation of no consequences. These were wild animals and I suspected, no I was sure, that I couldn’t be made pregnant by a kangaroo, no consequence. There was no misses Kangaroo to wreak revenge on me for steeling her man, no consequence. However, the most important thing was that there was no one to spill the beans to my husband.

I had never lied to Barry, not really lied, about important things that mattered in our life and I wouldn’t lie about what had just happened. I suspected that unless I talked in my sleep that I wouldn’t have to. This was guilt free sex and I was about to let another kangaroo take sloppy seconds. I looked around and placed myself in to a bizarre picture. A girl, woman actually, kneeling in front of a randy kangaroo on the grassy verge of a creek with her former kangaroo lover caring less as he ignored them. I shuddered with excitement.

The grey kangaroo stroked me with is short front pours gentle tactile ministrations that any lover might make it felt good, more than good actually. I grew runny again with expectation. It was a behaviour I had saw before when the male had sought to see if the female was compliant. I hadn’t thought much about it then thinking it was a ritual and what possible pleasures could a dumb animal get from being stroked on the head and body. Now I knew different.

I was breathing shallowly with expectation and the big grey kangaroo soon sensed that I was not going to move or resist his advances. Both he and his friend were sexually motivated when they had approached the grazing mob and they were frustrated by the old man Alpha male. There pent-up frustrations seemed to be just that when they had approached me. I had witnessed their rejection, it was part of the cycle of life for potential breeding kangaroos or any other pack animals.

I don’t know why they thought that they could mate with me a human female but they must have been able to tell that I was a female. I had given no encouragement to them. Indeed I hadn’t seen them approach me. But there was something about my presence that had said I was female and I was ready for sex. Only the Kangaroos knew what that something was. I had thought they had just wanted food but I was so wrong. I took a quick glance at the first kangaroo, but he had moved of some twenty metres and was laying in the shade of a willow tree near the stream, there would be no interference from him.

The kangaroo behind me was awkwardly lifting my house coat and nightie to see what I had to offer underneath. I giggled and made a nervous smile. His head had wriggled its way under the folds of material and up to my moist pubic folds. He sniffed and snaffled and his wet nose pressed into my inner thigh as he assured himself that was the place he was interested in. I giggled again at the fumbled ministrations of my awkward lover. I was giggling a lot lately I thought then giggled again. I reached down and rubbed the kangaroos nose and he seemed to like it .

“You like that fella,” It was a nervous enquiry I felt compelled to make.

He clearly did and so did I as I felt his nose against my now engorging flesh. Satisfied his head retreated and He clawed at my waist as he positioned his large hind legs either side of my hips. His paws clasped and unclasped as he moved them along my chest until he had a firm clutching hold on my upper body.

It must have been my wetness and anticipation, or maybe he had seen what his friend had done to make things easy for him, but there was much less exploring by his firm tapered penis before it found then slid into my wet and more than accommodating portal. Like his friend his powerful hips pressed and agitated until he had found that special place inside me where he was able to bury his pointed tip.

I yelped with the sudden probing intrusion into a place that wasn’t meant for intro-mission. His hips bucked and I yelped again then again until many powerful thrusts of hips, hips so strong that they propelled him in huge bounds when in flight, had seated his tapered penis deep within me. Only then did he stop his thrusts and trembled as he seeded me with his kangaroo sperm.


I waited in the same kneeling position for a minute or more before the Big grey Kangaroo basked out of me. I turned to look at his expressionless animal face as he continued to make his low clicking sounds. It was Kangaroo talk, I knew that for observation, some clicks were warnings to others, some were expressions of anger and I guessed there were clicks of pleasure and gratitude. I hope that these current clicking noises were of the latter.

As the animal backed off a few metres I was able to look more closely at his long thin penis. It was a dark pink. Now a purplish pink that glistened moist. While the main body of the shaft was ridged, quite thick near the sheath from where it tapered and curved upward, the end third seemed to be less rigid and it seemingly drooped down at a different angle to the now receding hardness. Moments before that implement had been inside me, intrusively so, spraying its sperm into the deepest recesses of my belly. Now, its work finished, it was receding into the males protective sheath.

I looked across toward the willow tree and saw that the first Kangaroo was laying in the shade on the soft grass and appeared to have lost interest in proceedings entirely. The second kangaroo was heading toward him, and neither animal was paying me the slightest attention. Satisfied that I was no longer a point of their interest I placed both of my hands on my flexed knee and pushed up. My legs felt wobbly and I was unable to move until the pain of pins and needles in my right leg reseeded as my circulation returned to normal. By this time both male Kangaroos were heading off in the same direction as the mob had taken some time before.

My right leg still felt detached and awkward as I moved in exaggerated steps back to the house. It wasn’t until I was inside that I realised that my heard was beating rapidly, it was and had been for some time I guessed. My throat was dry and I felt all sweaty and uncomfortable as I made for the sink. Filling a glass with water was a difficult job as my hands trembled violently as the reality of what I had done, had done to me, sank in. I drank the water in one long continuous gulp and returning the glass to the draining board I stood at the sink with both arms supporting me as I attempted to control my racing heart and trembling hands and knees.

“What have I done?” I mumbled as I stared out of the Kitchen window toward the goat pen.

I had to let them out onto pasture but for the moment I needed to take control of myself. Maybe I stood there for a half an hour or was it a minute. I didn’t know. All the time I stared with a fixed vacant stare at the farm-yard and buildings beyond, seeing nothing, thinking nothing.

My heart rate had slowed markedly and my hand was no longer shaking by the time that my senses returned to some semblance of normality. For a moment I considered having a shower before I went out to release the goats from their night pen but I decided that it made more scene to get the chores done outside before tackling the house.

The big white buck was still harassing the smaller doe when I arrived. He was a big boy we had chosen him from several bucks because of his machismo. He just looked the part of a stud. He was big and robust with muscle for and hind quarters that just reeked of vigour. Speaking of reeking he smelled something terrible. That is if you’re not a lady goat. The back of his front legs were a yellowish brown the fur matted with the continuous sprays of urine that created the musky smell of a buck in breeding season.

The buck seemed to be nibbling at the does shoulder but as I watched I realised that he wasn’t nibbling at all. His top lip was rolled back and his tongue hung out dementedly. He was sniffing, perhaps tasting the scent of the young doe. He seamed twitchy as he switched between jerky head movements a sublime look as he raised his head and rolled his eyes, while all the time watching the doe closely as he crowded her. Alternately his head switched from the does head and neck to her flank as she constantly made efforts to ignore his obvious amorous advances.

The doe bleated as she dodged the buck but there was no denying she was at least making encouraging signs with her tail held high and flagging. I watched fascinated for a time then slipped the catch on the gate. All of the goats in the yard passed through except for the doe who was in season and she would have except for that the buck had her trapped now between the water trough, that had high bars on one end to prevent the young kids from falling in where the automatic tap valve was situated and braking something, and the high fence. Unable to retreat or move sideways the doe stood as she was inspected intimately by the buck.

Satisfied with his conquest he rolled his top lip back even further and with his tongue flicking the breeze he smelled victory. His front leg kicked out at the doe who remained unintentionally and fortuitously trapped . With a loud bleat of victory the buck lifted above the does hind quarters and dropped onto her back, his nobly penis was thin and straight apart from the bulbous end that was soon probing into the maiden doe. She made a bleating cry of protest and made a last effort to wriggle free of her tormentor but he was not going to be denied as he lunged forward.

The entire penis disappearing into the doe, as humped his hips several times in rapid succession and bleated in victory as he slid backward and moved away from the trapped and deflowered doe. It was quick and sudden and somewhat violent in execution, It was the way goats did it. The doe backed away from the constraining fence and water trough bars, Her swollen vagina discharging a gob of the bucks semen as she wriggled free of her trap and trotted off to join the flock, seemingly unconcerned. It was so quick so brutally beastly that I wondered what may be the pleasures in being done by a goat.

I watched as the doe newly served returned, to the flock. Two of the elder does came up to her looking curios and concerned. There were a few low bleats between all three females and my imagination pictured them as asking in a confidential womanly way, how was he? or perhaps how are you? did you enjoy him? whatever it was it was that passed between the elder and younger does was definitely a display of matronly care toward a young doe new to the ways of breeding. It looked sweet and caring with an almost human in its empathy.

I turned my attention toward the buck who was leisurely strutting out of the night pen having achieved what he had set out to do and feeling proud of himself for doing it. His attitude seemed to be one typical of maleness across most species. His job was finished he had his fun, now it was up to the little doe to carry the load and responsibility of pregnancy and nurturing from now on.

At that moment I didn’t know if I hated or envied men, males in general, but my contemplative guess said it was neither of those extremes but it was probably more like resentment at there conceited attitude to sex. Barry was the same a quickie followed by a satisfied grunt, no kiss, no ‘I love you sweetheart’ just a grunt and he rolled over and went to sleep. It was me who slept in the wet patch all night. I sighed and returned to the house. I could really do with a coffee now.

A half hour later I was dressed and sitting at the kitchen table nibbling at my toast and marmalade and sipping at my coffee. I wasn’t really hungry at all but I needed to eat, well that’s what Barry was always telling me. I had absent-mindedly reached for the note pad that I would normally write a progressive shopping list on and had turned the pad to a blank page and was doodling, or so I thought.

“Hello, any one home hello?” With that warning the front door opened and Viv came into the big open plan room that was kitchen dining and lounge rooms rolled into one.

I jumped up and went to meet her halfway. “Good god, where did you come from?” I greeted her with a hug.

“Thought I would come down and see how a city girl goes rural. It was a bit of a trip but worth it” she was looking about as she said it. “Nice house, but you won’t make a living off of the land.”

Her observation was typical of a girl raised in the country. A farm was a dirt factory to them nothing more nothing less. “Don’t intend to, it’s just something I wanted to do all my life, well maybe not that long but at least since I came to your place for visit in school hols, you remember how I just loved the animals, and the smell of Lucerne and the cattle. All I have wanted ever since is the same solitude and now look what happens people just drop in when they want. I hugged her again and we both laughed. “have you eaten?”

“Yes sure, but I could murder a coffee.” We both sat at the bench and I produced another mug and filled it with coffee. “What’s this?” Viv pushed the pad I had doodled on toward me. “Is it what I think it is?” her accompanied laugh had a tinkle of mischievousness in it.

“No, I was just doodling,” I was immediately defensive then realised that a denial was almost certainly as good as an admission. “Anyway, what do you think it is?” my face felt hot and I realised that I was blushing. She took the pad back and made a few changes to my sketch and pushed it back while watching me intently.

“I think it’s one of those,” she raised her eyebrows then giggled. “You have gone all country haven’t you?”

“No!” I almost snapped, then realising what I had done softened my voice and continued, “What ever do you mean?”

She kept looking at me in a curious way. Then she pushed the coffee away. “Look, sweetheart, I’m not being judgemental here at all. God knows, I could hardly be that.”

“Viv, for heaven’s sake stop talking in riddles and say what you mean?” I didn’t want her to, not really but I was sure she knew what I had done or at least intended to do. Then I paused to collect my thoughts. Good god… she knew what the sketch was supposed to be. She knew at a glance.

“Ok, I’ll say it, but you know that I know what you are trying to do. I say trying because you are still at a sketching stage, right? You haven’t done anything yet have you?” She paused but I said nothing. We looked at each other intently neither blinked. “June, sweety, I have done what you want to do for years, and I have never shared that with anyone before. So it’s as hard for me to say anything as it is for you to admit that you want to have sex with animals. Okay, I said it, and I’m right aren’t I?”

“Yes but…”

“But what?”

“I have you see, that’s just it. This morning I did it.” I did a princess Diana demure look from under my fringe. The sudden sharing, well admitting it, made me feel better. “Viv, I didn’t mean too, not even plan to.”

“Don’t apologise to me sweetie, you have nothing to apologise for, well maybe to that drip of a husband, but he doesn’t need to know does he. Beside that he’s so up himself, he wouldn’t even know if he saw it for himself.”

“Viv, don’t say that, he’s not that bad, not really.”

“Well maybe not, but I would need convincing on that point. Where is he by the way, at work?”

“Yes he’s at work, well he’s working. He’s interstate for a while, left this morning.”

“Oh my god, and soon as he left you were at it, sweet little June, you are deep aren’t you?” She laughed, and I joined in. “Tell me, was it with a dog?”

“Oh god no, I hate dogs. Don’t even have one.”

“Well with what, my mind boggles.” She lent closer to me wanting to hear everything.

“You’ll think I’m awful and gross won’t you?”

“Noooo! Sweety, I’m intrigued, so if not a dog with what?” I looked at her not sure if she was entirely serious or not.

“A kangaroo, well two kangaroos actually.”

For a while Viv just say in stunned silence and gave her head a little shake. “A kangaroo? You’re kidding me, right?”

“No, I’m not kidding at all, and it was two not one.”

“I heard you. My god, a kangaroo do tell me.”

“Not a lot to tell really.” I said sincerely because I couldn’t see that there was a lot to tell without being too crude.

“My best friend has sex with two kangaroos, and she says there is not a lot to tell,” she shut her eyes and shook her head again as if she was trying to get a mental picture of me with two kangaroos. “Lady,” she said when she opened her eyes, “I do not know, nor have I heard of another soul who has been screwed by one, far less than two kangaroos, and you say there’s not a lot to tell.” She smiled slowly it was a smile that had its birth as a slight upturn of the corners of the mouth and grew into a full set of teeth smile.

“Ok, I’ll tell, but first are you staying for a while?”

“Are you going to do it with the kangaroo again.”

“Maybe tomorrow, I don’t know.”

“I have to see this, I’m staying for a few days if that’s okay.”

“I would like that,” I said almost excitedly and we hugged again before I began to tell her what had happened this morning.


Part 2…

After an afternoon of looking over the farm and the livestock, such as they were, we spent the rest of the evening catching up on old times, school days mostly and comparing notes of where we were on our life’s journey as well as where our friends had ended up. When we had exhausted the ideal chat and gossip, we finally got down to what was our guilty secrets. My most recent, and Viv’s as it turned out was long-standing.

“Your billy goat is sweet.” Viv offered her opinion.

“We chose him because of his size actually. He just struck me as an animal who could pass on his attributes to the offspring.”

“He’ll do that, alright, if I’m any judge. Just look at his confirmation and those testicles are as big as a bull. My god, June, he’ll be able to deliver all the little tadpoles to make as many kids as you like. Speaking of which, what do you want to do with the goats?”

“Milk, of course, and cheese. I have a recipe for the most delicious goat milk cheese. Maybe some goat meat from the male kids. I couldn’t kill them, of course, but I have made enquiries of the butcher in town and he will arrange these things when the time comes. He gave me an emasculate and some bands to castrate the boy kids, so they would put on more meat. First time I did it, I felt so bad I was almost sick with remorse. I mean, turning a boy into an ‘it’, didn’t seem right.”

“I could think of some men I could use that on with no remorse at all,” Viv kept a straight face when she said it and I knew that there was someone in particular she had in mind. Then immediately she changed the topic. “That drawing you were making yesterday. You had an idea of experimenting with the billy?”

“Just thinking really. Got a bit carried away when I watched him mating the little doe, couldn’t do it of course, but thought I might get brave one day.” Viv laughed and tapped her finger on the side of the lounge chair.

“Not as hard as you might think.”

“It isn’t no! You will need some sort of support, of course. What you were drawing was about right, nothing elaborate, keep it simple it’s just to support you at the right height.”

“You seem to know about these things,” I said still a little amazed that my best friend had kept her inclinations to herself all this time.

“I do, if I help you, would you be interested?”

“Well… yes, I think so. Depends, It may be dangerous there thingy seems very thin and hard.”

“Wouldn’t be much use if it wasn’t hard now would it?” We both giggled.

“Have you done it before? I mean with a goat.” I asked the question because at that point we hadn’t talked much about what Viv had done except to say she had lots of experience with animals and I had guessed dogs.

“Yes, goats and dogs both. Tried it with a ram, but all he did was knock me off the stool. Shame really, but there you go. They’re dam quick I know that and I don’t expect it would have been that special anyway. A box to tick at best.”

“You’re ticking boxes?”

“Sure, why not. It’s a recent thing actually, my experimenting with other than dogs that is. But when the opportunity arises, I want to see how many animals I’m able to do it with.”

“You’re disgusting, Viv,”

But I giggled not meaning it really. It was a sort of interesting thing to contemplate actually and now I had taken the first step with the Kangaroos and considered the goat there were a number of other likely prospects I could follow myself. Slutty I know even thinking like this, but maybe we, that is Viv and myself, could be of help to one another.

It was almost midnight when we got to bed and even then I didn’t sleep at first. It wasn’t just the uncounted cups of coffee that kept me awake, my mind was spinning with all these new ideas and in the morning Viv was coming with me to feed the Kangaroos and see if they would be interested in me again. I hoped that they would but I wasn’t sure. The first time had been, for the Kangaroos opportunistic, for me, well unexpected and certainly not contemplated. Tomorrow I was for the first time going out to seek sex with a Kangaroo and as I repeated that to myself half way between wake and sleep it sounded so bizarre.

It had been a good idea of Viv’s to wear the same clothes I had worn yesterday. It meant I had to retrieve them from the clothes hamper but when I did, I could smell the faint game scent of Kangaroo on them. Smelling a little less human and a little more kangaroo couldn’t hurt.

The only problem was that this morning we had walked from the house into a fine drizzling rain. It wasn’t heavy just that misty stuff that has you in two minds about if you should actually put the umbrella up or not. Not that I had an umbrella, but Viv did. I put on my light raincoat and Wellington boots. Normally, I would’ve worn the heavy dark tan R. M. Williams’s coat that every well-dressed country girl should wear. This morning was an exception, of course, and being overdressed was not what was called for rain or no rain.

After feeding the goats and pigs, we headed down the slope to the creek. The usual mob was there certainly the big male was there and the females and young kangaroos seemed to be in a tighter than usual bunch with all the kangaroos on alert. It was a typical pose that the Kangaroos adopt when they feel that they may be in danger. They stood erect head turned toward the slope on the other side of the creek and their ears were standing slightly forward and twitching slightly and none of them moved. They were like soldiers being inspected.

“Why are they like that, what’s going on?” Viv asked a little nervous edge to her voice. I frowned and looked in the direction that their heads were pointing.

“Don’t know, can’t see anything, can you? Look where they are facing.” I encouraged.

“No, nothing that I can see anyway.” Viv had slowly scanned the bushes before answering. I had done the same thing at the same time. I had squinted my eyes to better focus in the misty rain slowly moving my focus from one place to another, to see what may be in the bushes, but I couldn’t see a thing, nothing at all seemed to be moving. However, with so much of the mob concentrating on the one place I knew there must be something there. Then, without warning the mob wheeled around as if under order and bound into action. They headed back up the slope past Viv and myself and they were in full flight. For a moment I had drawn my full attention back to the startled mob some of whom went awful close to knocking me down.

I watched the fleeing mob as they went over the fence of the goat yard, then wheeled to the right to head off toward the state forest, some hundreds of yards in that direction.

“What in the hell just happened? Viv swore, I shrugged as I watched the fleeing mob clear the fence into the forest, then turned my attention back toward the forest of She Oaks on the other side of the creek. As I watched I saw a faint movement in the gloom then another and another. “What’s that?” Viv inquired before again, swearing. “Dam it, I keep asking questions, but I have seen lots of kangaroos in my time, but that’s the spookiest bunch I have ever seen.”

“Honestly, I have never seen them act like that before it’s weird. There’s something up on that ridge, though, can you see it? More than one thing a few maybe ten or twenty.” I kept staring into the gloom and the vague moving grey shadows emerged into a kangaroo, then two, then three and suddenly the bush seemed alive with kangaroos. They were all much the same size and appeared to be a huge bachelor group.

“Oh shoot some ones been talking about you,” Viv half joked.

“Don’t be a complete pratt,” I grumbled at her, but I sure looked like there was some communication between the kangaroos that had been here yesterday and others that had roamed the fringe of the mob seeking to cut out a doe here and there while the old man kangaroo was otherwise occupied.

“My guess is you’re going to be a busy girl this morning, sweetie,” Viv saw the funny side of something I didn’t.

“It’s not funny Viv, one or two were ok, but not that many, no way. I still felt a little ache inside me after yesterday, a twinge every now and again, nothing serious, but enough to let me know that more than two would be risky.”

“Yeah, sorry, see what you mean. What should we do? Run?” I felt she was right, but even now it was too late. The kangaroos had moved silently in that half hop half glide of theirs that covers ground quickly. Some of the rebel group of bachelor males was already cutting us off from the path to the farmhouse.

“It’s too late, I don’t know what they will do if we run, but I don’t fancy being gutted by that big toe of theirs and I have heard how cornered Kangaroos have done that to dogs. Jesus, Viv, I’m scared as hell now. Kangaroos have never scared me before, but there is something about this mob that makes me afraid. I don’t think I could run if I wanted to,” At that moment I felt a warmth running down my leg as my fear made me pee myself. I shut my eyes to block out the embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Viv, I didn’t mean to.”

“Hey, I know you didn’t sweetheart, don’t worry about it.” I was hot with embarrassment.

“I’ve peed in my boots, God, I’m so embarrassed.”

“It could be worse June, you could be here on your own, and you would be too if I hadn’t turned up. Fate, hey?

“Yeah, fate. I have to take my boots off It feels so yuck.” I reached down, but almost felt unable to keep my balance on the wet slippery ground. Then, with Viv’s help I took first one, then the other boot off, turning each over to tip out the warm smelly contents as I did so. Immediately I had done so I realised I shouldn’t have. The strong urine smell brought the Kangaroos in closer. They sniffed the ground around where I had tipped the pee. Then emboldened from my scent one of the kangaroos moved in closer, crowding me. I looked at Viv and with a hopeless shrug I popped the fasteners on the light raincoat and cast it down on the grass beside the boots. The Kangaroo closest to me, sniffed at my smelly socks, then as I knit as I had yesterday he followed the scent of my urine up my leg.

Even though I had let myself be mated by the kangaroos yesterday my tummy muscles tightened and I felt an ache of anticipation in my groin. I looked around at the mob that surrounded us. There was at least twenty of them. My heart sank and I began to tremble with anticipation and fear. These animals, after all, are wild animals with all the predatory instincts of wild animals. Not normally aggressive I knew if they were riled they could get nasty for no clear reason. People don’t think of kangaroos as aggressive, but I knew from anecdotal accounts that male kangaroos, in breeding season, can and do become aggressive and possessive especially toward the females in their mob. In this case I and perhaps Viv was seen as the females of the mob that consisted of many males and no particular leader. The instinct of the most dominant male would be to take over. At the moment there was no sign of this kind of power play but it could happen.

The grey kangaroo had taken hold of me from behind as he positioned himself over me, I trembled, half in fear of the unknown outcome and participation of the coupling. As the kangaroos seemingly useless front paws sought to grip me tighter in a breeding hold I was able to lift my house coat and night-dress over my hips. I wasn’t about to resist nor was I especially keen for my cloths to be ripped by the kangaroos mobile paws.

The powerful thighs of the kangaroo were now firmly placed either side of my naked hips and his furry body all but covered me as he pressed me forward. His penis was rubbing against my bottom and his groin rolled from side to side as he tried to position himself to best advantage. The long tapered penis tickled my naked flesh as it drew across my firm white bottom like a lover’s finger. I shut my eyes to better concentrate on the intense feeling it was evoking for me.

Maybe a minute of gentle searching probes brought our genitals into line. My vagina had responded to the gentle, almost tickling, tip as it caressed my flesh. As the penis pressed at my female portal I felt my own wetness, an invitation to the male that I was ready to be taken.

The kangaroo trembled with his own expectations as his groin pressed his penis forward in an undulating movement. His powerful, unrelenting pressure assisted by the muscular tails drove his tapered shaft up into my body. I bit my lip as the carrot shaped penis entered me in one continuous hydrologic forward press. The feeling became more intense as the shaft inside me became thicker and thicker the deeper it went. The funny worm like sensation against my cervix was so intense that I wanted to scream. At that moment I felt the penis tip press against the neck of my cervical opening, at least I thought that was where it was, pause, then part it, I let out a gurgling scream this time as the fleshy penis tip entered my tight cervical opening painfully but without hesitation. The rolling press of the rutting kangaroo stopped. Then he went into a short and irregular thrust that made me whimper each time as I continued to bite down on my bottom lip to mask the discomfort I was feeling.

Somewhere inside me, I felt a warm spreading sensation and I clamped my groin down on the invading shaft, involuntary. I was surprised at the penises thickness. I had perceived the tapered appendage to be long and thin. But at that moment I realised that the neck of my vagina was completely plugged. By clamping my groin again, I felt the pulsing discharge as it was forced from his testicles into my vaginal passage and beyond.

For a while He remained holding me in a tight embrace while another of the mob was fondling my face. The claws close up was intimidating and I don’t move for fear of being scratched or even cut by those weapons like nails.

With the other kangaroos closing in My first mate withdrew and I felt a slight dribble of wetness flow from my distended vagina.

With one kangaroo fondling my head awkwardly and another stroking my hip while still other kangaroos gathered even closer around me, most with their willies extended to varying degrees, I felt almost claustrophobic. The exploring claw had already tangled my hair and left a tingling scratch on my forehead. My belly felt as if there was a stinging fire inside me. The penis they had invaded my tender cervical opening had at best chafed that tender part of me or worse had left a lesion inside, although a quick exploration with my fingers showed no sign of beading, just a sticky discharge. A normal side effect of sex of most kinds.

Clutching arms that never seemed quite sure where to hold me were again around my chest and neck the rubbing fur on my back along with the appearance of an impressively long foot beside my knees indicated that another of the mob was about to service me. I couldn’t see Viv in the mass of grey bodies surrounding me, but I knew she was there. I wanted to call out to her to seek support, but I found that my vocal cords were unable to muster enough force to make more than a choke.

The now familiar sliding penis was searching for my hole and I found that I was moving my behind to accommodate the gentle probing that seemed to characterise all mating kangaroos. It was nice the way it alternated between tickling, tease and soothing sliding motion against the firm smooth skin of my bottom.

Not that I am any expert in animal sex, hell no, but I have seen dogs mate in various places and they, the male that is, seems to be quite frantic in his endeavours to impale the female. His frantic efforts become even more robust once he has attained his goal then he thrusts with vigorous intent.

Kangaroos seem quite different. Every movement as he approached me was slow but deliberate. The animal’s tail helped him ease effortlessly into place behind me with a gliding ease and economical action that didn’t intimidate or frighten. I could see that with a maiden doe that it could make her less apprehensive toward the act of copulation with the big male. I certainly would have been intimidated and afraid if a male kangaroo had become over excited in his efforts to impale me with his hardness. However, this and other kangaroos had conducted their foreplay and approach movements with an easy grace until they were in full body contact.

The kangaroos seeking to plant his seed inside me was always mobile. His hips alternated from gentle probing movements as he nudge at me then he converted to a rolling action, not violent nor rough, but gently sliding his penis around my bottom as he sought to move the searching appendage. Time stood still until finally the brushing tip slid across my wrinkled puffiness, then with tactile recognition it moved back instantly as he recognised the softer giving moistness he sought. The soft folds of my vagina were still engorged from the earlier stimulation and their openness was an invitation that was clear and obvious. I was a female ready to be mated. The penal tip, having unerringly recognised the portal to my breeding passage, nestled into the moist and inviting flesh that gave way without resistance to the demanding wedge-shaped flesh of his probing appendage. Then with a slow, but deliberate, a force he pushes himself up inside me all the while the tip seems to roll and search for the smaller eye shaped opening of my hard intruding cervical mound.

I don’t know why, but this time I didn’t close my eyes and the feelings were just as intense as it had been before. The penis tip was being buried further and further inside me. God knew how deep until the thick tapered penal root had stretched my vaginal opening uncomfortably. I again clamped my external muscles down on the blocking flesh and again I felt the squirting surges of Kangaroo semen pass along his shaft in powerful bursts of jerking intensity along his hard and fleshy tube until it spewed out of the tip in a gushing flood deep inside me. Once again the warm surge spread soothingly some place inside my tummy forcing an involuntary shudder to pass through my entire body as my groin clutched at the injecting instrument that was plugging my very secret place as I was being bred.

Around me the waiting mob seemed more impatient than before. They were crowding even closer and the obscene branches of their expectant penises were poking out in a flattering display of sexual excitement. Just behind the expectant mob of would be mates I saw Viv and for the briefest of moments I saw that she had removed her jeans and was buff up to the waist.

The next kangaroo had little difficulty in making me. I felt a nudge next to my labia before the animal penis sank deep and sudden. I drew a sharp breath, but that was all. Having sex with a kangaroo, and by extension with any animal, was not at all the same as having sex with a human male partner. Some may argue, but in my limited experience it was entirely different. It was primal sex to be sure, no affection, no foreplay as I knew it, just recreational sex that in this case was not even that.

There would be no procreation involved in what was happening to me at this moment. It was doubtful if the kangaroos saw it that way at all though. Every time a male animal mated, they would, by instinct, understand that the offspring would be involved with the event. In fact, it seemed almost automatic for both of us. Where the intensity of the first and second mating had invoked intense feelings throughout my entire body this was just sex plain and simple. It was sex with me the sceptical and the kangaroo as the donor.

I had seen females of lots of species being served, horses, cows, doe goats and bitches. I wondered at their seemingly nonchalant attitudes was cold and remote. It certainly appeared that way. The females stood stoic, looking around at the passing parade as the male inside them humped vicariously. Many times I had thought that it was so sluttish, so detached and uncaring until I realised that for the bitch or a cow, mare or doe it was all a very matter of fact event. It was something that they needed to do to become pregnant and it had nothing to do with love or feelings as we humans, as I indeed felt toward my partner.

“June, June can you hear that?” I looked up at Viv now with her jeans back on as she stood next to me.

“Hear what?”

“That…” She paused and pointed “I think there is a car coming up the drive.”

I realised then that my mind had wandered. The kangaroo was humping into me and I grunted as his powerful lower body slammed against me as he made an effort to plant his baby seed deep into my belly. The base of his penis was sliding effortlessly inside me with each movement of his hugely powerful hips. The tightness inside my cervix was bordering somewhere between pain and pleasure. I shuddered and wriggled making an effort to lessen the growing discomfort, but I was too tightly bound to the beast for me to be able to detach myself. The kangaroo seemed hell-bent on going further up inside me with each thrust, further than the other kangaroos had before him. His sheath and testicles rubbed and slapped at my pubic mound and for the first time I felt totally possessed.

“June for god’s sake concentrate” Viv shook me “I… said… I… think there is a car coming.” She was right my mind was wandering as the kangaroo continued to hump me. I shook my head to try to bring my senses back to reality. I hadn’t realised that as I had thought that animal sex was nothing special, not a bit emotional the third kangaroo was reaching places in my body and mind that had until now been untouched.

“A car?”

“Yes dam it a car, can you hear it now..” I could

“Who is it?” I said in what I realised was a dreamy voice.

“How in the hell would I know, but if you don’t get out from under that kangaroo you are going to be seen.”

“I can’t Viv. I can’t.”

“You have to for god sake June you must,” Then, without warning the kangaroo began to cum inside me. The warm spreading hand of ejaculate deep inside me was the catalyst that sent me beyond my current precarious reality. A chill came over me and time stood still. Tingling nerves in my groin danced a fiery dance of uncontrolled pleasure that started teasingly and incrementally intensified and spread. My eyes rolled back and I felt my entire body trembled. I began to shudder with spasms, jerky spasms of unrelenting charges that danced along my spine and focused themselves in my groin with involuntary clutching of my vaginal muscles. The downward pressure gripped the penis inside me with such pressure I felt the kangaroo become unsettled, but he hadn’t finished with me as he remained holding me tightly.

“Shit girl you just came, god that was awesome.” Viv just watched me with a distant look in her eye. Then, with a shake of her head she spoke. “I’ll go see who it is, please hurry.”

The crunching crackle of rubber on gravel told me that the car was making the long sweep around our driveway to stop under the covered portico. I turned my head to watch Viv scamper up the slope and head for the house, turning once to mouth “Hurry’ before she topped the rise. From my low position I was no longer able to see her. The thud of a closing door informed me that the occupant of the car had alighted.

The kangaroo still inside me and still holding me in a vice like grip with his powerful forepaws also turned his head at the noise. Around us the other kangaroos were aware of the noise, but they hardly moved just looked with that serious alertness of wild animals who were prepared to flee if danger threatened.

My mind was racing as I willed the kangaroo gone so that I could stand. My hair was lank and plastered to my head. Till then I hadn’t been aware that I must have looked so ghastly, not that my current lovers minded how I looked. Looks were not a prerequisite to this sort of coupling. Indeed, I expected I must have been somewhere between ugly and strangely curious at best to the kangaroos who were, by mating me, indulging in their own form of bestiality. Looks and love didn’t count at all.

My night cloths were drenched and clinging to my body in a soggy uncomfortable mess. Several kangaroos that had obviously been waiting their turn high up the pecking order so to speak, were closing in and showing their anxiety in a way that males of all species do. On its own a kangaroo’s penis was nothing more than a cute curiosity to humans. When I say cute, I mean it in the sense that it was so different to that of a man’s. Yes, it was cute in the way it stimulated imagination. It was also cute in the way that they displayed their intention and want. It was a refreshing honesty when compared to the human male who were way more devious when it came to their sexual intentions. Well, most anyway.

As I mused the kangaroo disengaged and a trickle down the inside of my leg indicated that by now I was full of kangaroo semen. To the point where successive withdrawals produced more discharge than the previous. My next intended mate was sidling behind me by the time I realised that I was free to stand. Hurriedly, I did, the two closest males were hardly discouraged as they harried me by getting as close to me as they could and their awkward front appendages clawed at me. It was like an enthusiastic, though inexperienced, date in a lonely parking spot, hands everywhere.

I grabbed my raincoat from the ground as I backed away my boots were less than useless, partly filled with water and probably pee. I struggled into the raincoat, it was inside out, but what did I care for tidy when I had to get to the house unmolested by any one of my stimulated suitors.

Carrying my boots, clothes and hair saturated, raincoat inside out, I scurried toward the house barefoot. The twinge in my lower belly, from the unnatural penetration of my cervix, was uncomfortably painful.

Several kangaroos made to follow, but clearly they were beyond their comfort zone and they stopped at the top of the rise and in sight of the house, unsure of themselves. They were probably angry, that is if kangaroos got angry, or at least grossly disappointed at missing out on their piece of nookie.

Breathless, I stumbled up the steps my right legs circulation was not yet fully functioning so it felt as if and indeed I was lifting it unnaturally higher than the other leg. I was just in time to come face to face with Barry, who was walking a pace in front of Viv. He just stood looking at my bedraggled state with undisguised surprise. Behind him Viv was mouthing “You have been feeding the Kangaroos”

“Been feeding the animals, love,” I managed to wheeze out an explanation that was supposed to cover why I looked like I did. He reached out with index finger-pointing up and down slowly.

“In your nighty?”

“I had a rain coat on,” I offered lamely.

“Yes, well it has some serious holes in it, I can see right through your nighty. For heaven’s sake what were you, both of you thinking, anyway, I don’t have time to hang around discussing what you should already know. Go and have a warm bath I have to pack in a hurry, change of plans I am heading to PNG and the Solomon’s, urgent business needs attention now. I’ll be gone for at least four weeks.” He turned and walked to the door, leaving me standing, and dripping all over the veranda.

“Oh! No kiss then?” By then he was inside, leaving me weak lament to fall on deaf ears. Viv put her arm around my shoulders.

“Four weeks! Four whole weeks! Just you and me and the menagerie Viv said and kissed my cheek. “You were great, girl, just great

Ten minutes later Barry hurried from the house kissed my cheek and went to the car and was gone.

“Bastard,” I grumbled and burst into tears. This was where we had arrived at in our marriage.
Viv hugged me tighter and put her head against mine. “You still have the Kangaroos sweetie, not to mention the goats and pigs.” She turned me toward her and looked me directly in the eye as she held my shoulders. “Look, can I make a suggestion?” I wiped a tear from my eye as I welled up with frustration.

“What, for example?” I gulped back my rising frustration that Barry had caused by his off handedness in the way he had left.

“Well, I was going to suggest I stay here for a week or so with you then you come with me to my place. We can help each other, perhaps? You know… With the Kangaroos, goats and pigs. That should be rather exciting don’t you think? Then We go out west to my place and we can take things a bit further. Well a lot further actually. For a start the Kangaroos out west are mainly big Reds, now they could be a challenge couldn’t They? If it works that is. I had never considered Kangaroos before, but hell the big Reds are enormous and could take things to a whole new level for me, us actually. But if it doesn’t work with the big Red Kangaroos then there are always the dogs and other things.”

I nodded my consent to her suggestion then looked around. If anything the rain had got heavier, but the kangaroos were still in the creek flat. In fact the two that had followed me to the berm of the creek had been joined by several others. I inclined my head toward the waiting kangaroos as I sniffed and wiped the back of my hand across my face. “They’re still there.”

“It seems a shame to frustrate them longer now doesn’t it. Maybe you should go down and see what you can do help them out,” Viv winked.

“What about you, your coming aren’t you?” For a moment I thought she wasn’t coming with me, but she allayed that fear by again slipping out of her jeans and placing them on the veranda seat. She looked down at herself and smiled.

“Oh yes, I am coming, but it seems to me you are the one who is attracting them, but you never know a girls luck if she puts it out there.” She smiled even broader. “I know one thing for sure, this is not me at my attractive best. It’s not a good look, is it? Still, I don’t think the kangaroos want me, or you more particularly, as a trophy wife they are set on a much more basic outcome for their lust aren’t they?” I giggled with her flippant approach to what we were going to do.

“Maybe it’s my scent.”

“Your perfume?” She lifted her eyebrows.

“No… My scent, my odour, and the way I smell.”

“Oh, that are you ovulating or something, menstruating maybe or at least about to?”

“No, not menstruating but maybe ovulating the dates are about right.”

“Makes sense if you are animals are good at detecting such things, don’t know about kangaroos but dogs are I think. At least my boys know when my body messages change. Are you ready to give it a go?”

“Yes, let’s go,” I said as I cast off my raincoat and dropped the boots I was still holding. Then after a brief pause I took off my housecoat as well, but left my nighty on. As we walked I felt between my legs and rubbed my palm on Viv’s bare bum.
“Hey, what are you doing?” She skipped a little sideways, but laughed cheerily as she did. “Fresh aren’t we?”

“No, not fresh,” I returned “Just helpful, I hope.”


Part 3…

When we got to the berm of the creek there were only three kangaroos waiting for my return. The remainder of the mob began to move further back along the creek making their way toward the state forest as the rain began to come down heavier.

I remained the centre of attention as the three mature bucks closed in on me ignoring Viv. The petting started with a sharp but a gentle paw sliding along my covered hip. The thin material of my nighty clung to me like a second skin, heavy with water. The longest claw of the Kangaroo paw caught in a seam of my meagre covering. The seam of the cheep nighty was already worn and the unmistakable ripping sound of rendered cloth came as little surprise as a new vent was forcibly torn from waist to hem by the caught claw as the amorous kangaroo as he struggled to detach his paw from the soggy material.

A second animal was holding my face in a somewhat tender embrace. It was almost human like in the way the paws gently stroked my matted hair and cheek, I shivered. It was one of those involuntary shivers that you get when a hand brushes your belly or nipple. I closed my eye and bit gently down on my lip as all three kangaroos began to paw me. My imagination became more intense and focused as I felt each gentle caress of every paw. So engrossed was I that I didn’t realise that one of the kangaroos had got in behind me. The former gentle caresses of his forepaws had transformed into a firm clutching hug around my waist.

I revived from my almost trance like revere and opened my eyes. It wasn’t as if this was new to me at all but each time a kangaroo possessed me, I knew that I could expect the end result to be a subtle pain as my cervical opening was breached. It was a strange pain, not hurtful like a slap on the face or a bight from a bull ant were painful, it was different. I struggled to find a simile for the pain, but I couldn’t. There was little doubt that the intrusion into a place that was designed for one way traffic was uncomfortable and lingering and probably at the very best I was being bruised inside by the repeated probing penal lance of the successive kangaroos.

The searching penis slithered along the inside of my bent leg as the beast drew me back to his stiffened probe. For several minutes the sliding probes sought my vulva as the other two kangaroos continued to stroke and caress me. Perhaps caress was not what they were doing exactly. Not in human terms or perhaps it was. Every guy I have ever gone out with for any length of time kind of did the same thing. Their hands groped and stroked and yes, even probed into some places as they sought their own pleasures that stemmed from exploration, but more particularly my responses to that very stimulation.

Even as I reflected on what was happening, I had failed to feel the first tentative probe into my already wet vaginal portal. I don’t know if I was still wet from my previous encounters from a half hour previous, or if the gentle caresses of the kangaroos surrounding me had provoked the desired result of sexual response and the subsequent lubrication of my body in preparation for sex.

The subtle pressure of the kangaroo paws that enfolded my waist was drawing me back towards the animals groin as he in turn thrust with powerful thumps that slid his long shaft deep into my body. The tip of the penis nudged into my cervix forcing little cries from me as the sharp electric like charges of pain shot up through my spine making me feel a little nauseous. The probing tip finally found the recess at the pinnacle of my cervical mound. Then the sharp shocks of the probing penile tip ceased only to be replaced by the gentle but constant pressure. The probing entry began to stretch the tight elasticity of the resisting pathway into my womb. The pain increased with each centimetre of access.

I writhed and struggled like never before as the kangaroo mated me with dominant force and purpose. I don’t know if it was because I was tenderer inside now or if this kangaroo was bigger, longer or thicker perhaps. I didn’t know but the longer he remained inside me the sicker I felt. My head swam with excruciating pain and a foggy blackness swirled in front of my eyes.

“June, hey Hun, what’s the matter? Are you OK, Hun? Hey, wake up, sweetie, please, June… June…” My vision still blurred and swirled back into focus to see Viv looking back at me not more than a few inches in front of my face. I was still in the clutches of the rutting kangaroo who had stopped thrusting Into my hurting belly. His penis wedged within my cervix was pulsing as he squirted his seminal fluid deep inside of me. “Thank god your awake, I didn’t know what had happened to you.”

“I feel sick,” and as I got sick out of my mouth, I belly heaved and I threw up. Viv must have seen my colour change or my chest heave or something that had warned her I was about to throw up because she had managed to edge back and away from my heaving bile.

Behind me the kangaroo backed away from me pulling his carrot shaped penis from my aching tummy. I felt a cold relief flow over me. But the hurt remained. Seeing another kangaroo sidling around to replace the previous stud my foggy brain screamed at me to stand and avoid the advances.

Viv watched me stagger to my feet and her concern was showing in her face. Her brow wrinkled and her eyes were pinched with anxiety as I stood unsteadily my legs feeling shaky. The kangaroo seemed un-fazed by the fact that I was no longer presenting myself and edged even closer as the previous male sidled away from me drained. His arrogance showing in the way he moved and looked.

“I’m ok Viv, I really am,” I said as she clutched at my arm to steady me. However, she seemed unconvinced and remained there to help me even as she was being explored by the third of the kangaroos.

“We have to get you away from here you have had enough. She leant over to see if I was showing any sign of damage, but there was no indication that I had been physically hurt, externally at least.

“It’s not there its inside, It just feels like a burning pain. He seemed to be pushing further up into me than the others did. I think he has bruised me badly inside as he stretched me but that’s all. I really can’t do it again, though.”

“I know you can’t. Let’s get you up to the house and into a warm bath. As I turned on unsteady legs I stumbled and Viv fell with me. I scrambled to my feet, but Viv didn’t move quickly enough and was claimed by the third kangaroo who had been until then sniffing her out tentatively. Now his intentions were more specific as he slid himself in behind her before she could straighten. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, but Viv was not struggling to detach herself, but was assuming something like the position that I had found was most accommodating to the male kangaroo.

“Go to the house,” She waved me away, but I remained mouth opened as the kangaroo began to seek out Viv’s prize. I wondered what he was thinking about this bare bummed female that he sought to mount. Even though my belly ached as if I had received a vicious blow low down I watched as my mind began to play tricks. Even though I was watching my friend about to copulate with a kangaroo my mind was taking me outside of my own body into her as I felt every single thing that was happening to her. The rain was beating down even heavier as the kangaroo sought Viv’s vulva and her covered vagina. The penis seemed to have a coating of hair at the tip where his fine sheath hair had attached to the weeping penile discharge over time. Then the thought hit me that the discomfort and pain I had so recently suffered may have been because of this very thing.

With my empathetic feelings finally tuned I felt the twitching penis sliding into Viv with what seemed practised ease. Every centimetre of submerging penis made my head swim and in spite of the recent discomfort I again wished it was me being attended to. I looked around and realised that the other kangaroo was still with me, and like in a dream I knelt before him and hitched my sodden nightdress up over my hip.


Two days later I woke to a distant banging. At first I couldn’t make out the direction that the sound was coming from nor could I make out what the noise was. I lay there for several minutes before I reluctantly rose from my bed and following the sound went to the back door.

Even before I opened the door, I realised that the sound was coming from the barn. I was about to turn and go into the kitchen and prepare breakfast. Then I hesitated, I just had to find out what was going on. I was sure it was Viv, she had shown some interest in the tools in the barn yesterday. She had something in mind and I was sure it involved the pigs.

Slipping on my yard shoes I ambled to the barn. It was chilly after the rain and I hugged myself in a vain attempt to keep out the morning chill. I paused as I passed the pigs who were snaffling and snorting as they impatiently wanted on their breakfast. I looked at the big boar his bristle covered pink body looks so clean. It was a counterpoint to the often held belief that pigs were dirty animals, to see them in their pristine coats was justification to argue otherwise. The boar raised his head and looked me directly in the eye with his tiny slanted eyes weeping a little in their pink sockets. I’ll get your breakfast I offered and he grunted, seemingly answering me.

Just inside the barn Viv, not tradeswoman, had fashioned a sort of low stool from timber and some flattened corrugated iron that gave it a smooth curve like the back of a small gilt. The iron in turn was covered by a horse blanket that Viv was arranged over the frame as I entered.

“What’s happening?” I enquired as I entered the barn. I looked closely at the low stool and continued before she had answered. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes, it probably is.” She answered without looking up.

“Nice work,” I said facetiously as I slid one hand over the back of the stool.

“It’ll do,” she answered without the expected hurt from my criticism.

“When do you plan, we use it?” I couldn’t take my eye off the contraption. She pursed her lips and tilted her head.

“Now if you like. It’s up to you. It’s not like we have to think about it do we.” We could use that blacksmiths apron on the peg there,” she pointed to the stiff leather apron on the wooden peg behind us. We could wear it backwards so the pigs’ trotters don’t slice up either of our backs. Its leather and its tough,” she held it up to make sure what she had said was right.

I suddenly felt my stomach contract into a tight ball. Every muscle clenched and unclenched in time with my pulsing heart. We had discussed this and I had at the time been excited, but now I wasn’t so sure. It was a shock to be suddenly confronted with a Fête Accompli.

“Now we’ve discussed it, but….”

“But?” Viv raised her eyebrows “Are you still sore from the kangaroos?”

No, no it’s not that, it’s just that I hadn’t had time to even think about it this morning. I just only now woke up,” I said rather sheepishly. She looked me up and down and smiled.

“Yes, so I see. Seems like you often parade around in your night cloths to feed the animals if I’m not wrong.” I was about to snap back a reply, but she was already laughing as she continued to speak, “This is a two person thing actually so it doesn’t matter who goes first. I’ll do it if you want though I would rather it be you, there your pigs.”

“Yes dam it, let’s do it.” I swallow hard as I tried to put on an unconcerned look. The truth be known I was concerned sort of wary like those that get sea sickness are wary of going onto boats. We had just the previous evening been researching pigs breading habits and their anatomy. It wouldn’t be fair to say at all, that I was not concerned about another animal that went deep into its mate’s cervical canal. My experience with the kangaroos had made me very wary about it. For some reason I hadn’t taken it too badly when it first happened, nor indeed the second or third kangaroo that mated me. It was the last two kangaroos that seemed to touch a spot inside that triggered a weird, uncomfortable feeling that had resulted in me having a tummy spasm which resulted in me being sick. It was a really unpleasant feeling, as I said, like being sea sick.

“I was chatting to the pink boar when I came in I think he fancies me.”

“Who wouldn’t,” was Viv’s simpering reply. “I think that we shouldn’t upset the pigs too much so it might be best to use the small sty next to the night yard don’t you think?” Even without my reply Viv indicated for me to take one end of the breeding stool and help her take it into the small yard through a lower access door that had been cut into the barn wall through which the pigs could be fed and watered easily.

“Ok, strip off and I’ll put this apron on. Not a fashion statement, but it’ll save that pretty skin of yours from the sharp trotters.” Everything seemed to become surreal, but with Viv’s help, I shed my nighty and slipped into the farrier’s apron that was way too long. With the aid of some alligator clips that seemed to be in abundant supply in the barn Viv took it up to bum height and stood back to admire her handy work. “Ready?” She enquired

“As I’ll ever be, I pulled a face and added “I’m really nervous about this Viv.”

“You’ll be right, I’ll help and if he gets too rough we’ll slip you off the stool and back in here as quick as a promise,” she patted my bum reassuringly but rather intimately as well. “You’ll be right.” Another bum pat and I eased under the low door into the pen.

I had covered the concrete floor with liberal scatterings of fresh straw only a few days before Viv had arrived and without the pigs having used it it was fresh and clean. The annex roof that extended from the barn on this side of the building was to provide shade and shelter for the pigs and goats who had their night yard on the other side of the big doors with a similar access door of the barn into their yard as the pigs.

Naked in front with the leather apron hanging from my back stiff and heavy I couldn’t help but see the funny side of the situation. It was a situation, make no mistake. Yes, I had thought of doing this very thing. Even toyed with building my own support stool from the drawings I had made. It would have been different and probably impractical even if I could have built it which, on reflection, was extremely doubtful. As I looked around at the peaceful surrounds and listened to the raucous screeches of the Cockatoos as they dipped and dived while disputing territory with the incumbent magpies I knew I was only doing this because of Viv’s gentle persuasion.

“What would be best Viv, my voice sounded childlike as looked for help with the hope she would say ‘No, let’s not do this now, let’s think about it moor,” but she didn’t. Her voice sounded confident and assertive when she replied.

“Get down on the stool, make yourself as comfortable as you can before I try to separate the boar out from the rest. Face the other yard we want the gilts to stir the boar up in case his interest in human pussy is less than we want it to be.” Even though I was now kneeling in front of the makeshift breeding stool my fear was rising. My belly was a tight knot. Flat and hard as my fear refused to allow my tummy muscles to relax in anticipation of the pending rut. I smiled inwardly at the thought that people pay hundreds, if not thousands on diets and personal trainers to get a flat tummy or six pack and all they have to do is be scared witless to achieve the same result.

I eased my belly onto the blanket covered frame. It was so low that I had to spread my knees to allow my weight to be taken by the frame and not just my knees and hands. I wriggled a little until I felt comfortable as I suspected that once the boar, if the boar, mounted me, I would have little opportunity to change my position. I wasn’t kidding myself, I knew how heavy these animals were and in the end, I might thank the frame for its support.

“Comfortable?” I hadn’t realised that Viv had moved back beside me. I twisted my head to look up at her.

“Yes, I think so, I feel kind of exposed and rather ridiculous, but yes I’m comfortable, physically comfortable, but I can’t say the same for my fear though?”

“Just relax, you may even enjoy it. Heavens, there are lots of other women who would love to do this and never do. Maybe some do dogs and that’s exciting enough, but pigs are far and away something different.”

“Yeah! Right.” I was being more provocative than sceptical

“Truly they are and because of circumstances not many get to try them.” Viv sounded at least sincere if not authoritative. I turned back toward the sturdy pipes that comprised the pens dividing fence and looked at the pink nostrils and beady eyes of the very boar that I had selected. Well, I only had two choices and he was the prettiest one of the two. The other boar was also there and he was maybe bigger. I hadn’t realised that he was. Maybe it was his black patches and saddle markings made him look smaller but when they were near each other he was clearly the bigger.

“They look sort of mean, don’t they,” I observed as both boars had spittle foam around their mouths and the noise of both sows and boars was becoming chaotic. Perhaps they sensed that something different was about to happen or maybe they were hungry.

“I’ll get the boar now so make sure you are comfortable ok,” With that Viv slipped from sight as she went to the dividing gate between the two yards. With the unoiled gate hinges screeching in protest, she entered the pigs’ yard.

For the next five minutes Viv and the pigs seemed like a total chaotic mess of writhing bodies. Just when it seemed she had the boar separated from the rest a young gilt would make a dash for the gate. Viv was equal to the task and by slamming the gate shut, she was requiring start all over again. However, with perseverance and not a small amount of luck the pink boar finally burst through the gate and Viv only just managed to hold back the rushing mass of pigs eager to follow. The sheer comedy of the situation had served to make me more at ease. My tight balled tummy had relaxed a little in the process.

For a moment the boar was out of my site and so was Viv. I couldn’t see what was happening, but I could hear the snaffling snorts of the now super excited boar as he moved about behind me.

“What’s going on?” I called to Viv.

“Relax, he’s just sussing you out. He’s thinking about giving you a sniff…,” she paused, then her next words were to the pig, “Go on fella, check her out she won’t bite. Won’t even run away in fact. Good boy, there’s a good fellow.” As Viv gave the last words of encouragement the boar’s snout touched my inner thy. The contact was electric and my nerve endings gave a rolling tingle from the back of my knees to the back of my neck. I shuddered and twitched as the first contact subsided and the boar’s wet sticky snout slid upwards sharply into my exposed groin.

I wriggled my bum in a half-hearted attempt to avoid the sliding snout. Undeterred the boar sniffed tentatively to begin with, then satisfied that I wasn’t resisting, he grew more bold. The slimy snout pressed hard against my bottom and pussy as he drank in my scent in long snorting breaths. The hot breath against my tender flesh was unsettling as each snaffling snort vibrated erotically against my exposed flesh. However, the long bristles around his snout tickled erotically as they gently flicked against my tender parts. So much so that I began to relax, at least partly, as the pig snout became more urgent in its explorations.

I didn’t move a muscle, well, I tried not to move. In an effort to detach myself from what was happening, I refocused my attention away from the pig sniffing on my private parts and refocused my attention toward the increasingly rowdy mass of pigs on the other side of the steel pipe fence. One of the pigs was the pink and black patched boar who had become so excited that his muzzle was covered in a frothy white foam that dripped obscenely as the pig grunts became squeals of frustration.

As the tempo rose in front of me the boar behind me was also becoming excited. His exploring snout had left my private parts. His fleshy jowls were pressing forcefully against my hip as the powerful head moved up and down, leaving a trail of slimy froth on the front of my thigh as he sought to test my willingness to accept him as a mate. Well, that’s what I thought the determined pushing and pressing was all about. A sort of pig foreplay designed to make the sow more pliant to the amorous boar. From the corner of my eye I saw that Viv was down on her haunches next to the animal as the boars’ excitement could no longer be contained.

“He’s going to mount you, Oh my god he’s coming out June, he’s ready I’ll help him find you.” Viv’s voice rose and changed pitch as she conveyed to me what I couldn’t see. Then descriptive narrative became real as the boar landed on my covered back. His forelegs, short as they were reached almost to the back of my neck and his fleshy body seemed to be a mobile mass of movement. It was, at the point that he dropped onto me and eased forward with his back legs shuffling busily that I knew I was about to be his sow. I felt the full weight of his rotund form cover me, his massive body, supported only by his hind legs, pressing down on my back and hips. At that moment I was glad for the support of the frame under me.

“What’s he doing?” I gasped

“His thing is near your hip and its dripping cum or something, going in and out sort of. It’s kind of skinny and moving everywhere.”

“For god’s sake help him in before I die.” I gasped exasperated by my own growing anticipation.

“I’m trying to but it’s all slippery and bloody hard to hold. This little bugger is strong and slimy as an eel, let me tell you”

“I thought you said it was skinny, how hard can it be to get hold of it?

“You’re joking, it’s everywhere at once. Every time I grab it, it twists out of my hand. It really is hard to get a grip on it, it’s like a slithering snake on steroids. Oops, there it goes. He’s in.

I knew he was. I had felt the wriggling tip against my vulva as it parted my labia. It was now like a wriggling worm inside my vagina. Not that I have ever had a worm there, but I do have an imagination. It was the strangest feeling I have ever experienced. Totally unlike the Kangaroo and totally unlike Barry. I guessed because it was so slippery that the pre-cum that had made it that way. I assumed that the very same pre cum was now spilling into my vaginal passage smoothing his way inside me. Not that it needed any lubrication for such a small, slender, appendage, or so I thought.

The penis was thin, according to Viv’s vivid description. I had seen one extended myself and I knew it was pencil thin, so I understood what she was saying. Apart from the writhing of the twisted tip up inside me, I felt very little else, no pain or discomfort. However, even in the less than sensitive part of my vagina the muscular twisting and prodding penis were different. I could feel the swirling tip slipping around my head, though sensitive cervical crown like an octopus’s tentacle as it sought the passage through my cervix into my womb.

As the pig penis searched for the locking pressure that my cervix would provide his hips were rolling and thrusting, never still. Once the penis were locked in the vice like grip provided by the tightly compressed cervical walls, he would be able to come so instinctively his search grew more frantic. Not rough, but rhythmically as the more than ample shaft sawed in and out while the tip rolled around my cervical mound tantalisingly.

Then I gasped, Not in surprise, I knew what would eventually happen, but from the suddenness of his accomplishment. One second the corkscrew tip was twisting and shaking. The next minute it had buried itself into the narrow cervical passage.

The pigs in the other pen went to a new level of excitement as they sensed that the boar had made me. The boar himself made squealing snorts of carnal pleasure that vibrated through my back in pleasurable resonance. I trembled with my own unknown anticipation. Be it pain or pleasure.

It was then the discomfort began. Although the penis looked frail, suggested by its thinness, it was like a powerful almost prehensile muscle. It began to twist itself deeper and deeper into my belly. The inside of my legs were wet from the copious overflow of pre-come that had lubricated the pigs’ way into the depths of my secret place.

I was making little groaning sounds that even to me seemed to be coming from someplace else. The pig, sensing his complete victory, began to thrust himself at me with a little more vigour seeking to embed his penis as deep inside my breeding canal as he possible could. Then he paused. I felt my belly clamped tightly about the slender penis that blocked my cervical canal.

My breathing was short and ragged as the thrusting weight on my back forced the breath from my lungs. The corpulent pig appeared to be like some sort of jelly mould so mobile and animated was he, as he wobbled with each thrust. His thrusts were not regular or rhythmic any longer, but rather irregular.

After what seemed an eternity, but must have been mere seconds, I felt the penis surge and a jerk. Moments later a warm flood seemed to surge into my belly, then another and another muscular jerk followed by the same spreading flood as the pig semen surged along its narrow delivery vessel into my belly.

“Oh, June, he must be coming,” Viv announced belatedly, “His balls are seething and rolling. God its awesome. Can you feel it?” To my own surprise, I could answer her calmly.

“Yes, yes, I can its warm and gushy.” As I announced to Viv how it felt yet another surge of pig cum squirted up inside me. I could actually feel the contracting penis as it fired the charge of cum from his testicles along the narrow penis tube and finally into my womb. Resulting in my womb being coated, I presumed, with a clingy white stickiness.

Time seemed to stand still as squirt after squirt of pig cum was injected into my ever tightening belly. I would l urn later that it was more than a third of a litre, or something like that, of squishy cum delivered directly into my womb by the pig’s long penis. Then, after several minutes, the squirting slowed. The intervals between discharges grew then finally stopped.

But the pig hadn’t finished. Even as I felt the pigs’ haunches pull back, withdrawing his tightly embedded penis from my clutching cervix I could feel the discharging penis surging and expanding in pulsing waves. More pig cum was again surging out of his penis into my narrow cervical opening. The flood of endless cum continues even as the big bore disengaged slowly from my clutching cervical muscle. Slowly the boar backed out of me discharging the last of his cum in a powerful and almost continuous flood. The thin contracting penis dropped from me. Even though I hardly felt it. The boar had filled my vagina with his plugging cum as he retreated.

I remained across the supporting stool breathing heavily. It had been the strangest feeling. Not at all what I had expected, though I don’t know what I had really expected. It had been like having something slithering alive inside me. Something alien trying to burrow into my belly. The belly, which now felt hard and bloated. I felt that uncomfortable feeling you get after Christmas dinner when you have way too much to eat and drink and your tummy wishes you had a dress size bigger. I had half expected the pigs cum to be running down my thighs at this point but it wasn’t.

After several moments I turned my head to see what the pig was doing. And to my surprise, he was laying down against the steel rail, his small eyes half closed and oblivious to everything around him. He had got what he wanted and now he was contented. “Bloody males” I thought, not for the first time, “It’s all about them, they empty themselves inside the female and consider the job done”

“You OK, love,” Viv inquired

“What?” I had forgotten that she was so close, “Oh! Yes, yes, I’m ok.” Her speaking had shaken me from my own deep thoughts and I slowly became aware of all that was going on around me. The pigs in the other pen had quietened down a little, but the boar with the saddle shaped patch was still excited and his muzzle was covered in even more foaming spittle.

I eased myself back onto my knees behind the breeding stool, then with both hands for support I pushed myself upright. My legs wobbled and for a moment I expected them to give way, but with a supreme effort of concentration I managed to remain on my feet unsupported.

“Well, what was it like?” Viv who had been kneeling beside me had also stood. Her arms ready to support me, but I waved her away. I looked down when I was sure I wouldn’t lose my balance. My normally almost flat tummy was slightly rounded and hard to the touch. Viv’s eyes followed mine and watched me as I pressed and poked at my distended flesh.

“I knew he came a lot, but god, how much of his stuff is in there?” I wondered out loud as I tried to think of how to answer Viv’s question.

“You could feel it?” She asked almost excitedly. I looked up at her and saw big eyes open even wider than normal.

“Yes, I could, it was like something being injected into me, well, I suppose it was wasn’t it? I mean it was like tingling pulses followed by a warm spreading in here. I pointed to my hard belly. “There seemed to be an endless supply. I didn’t think he would ever stop.”

“I know, I know I could see his big balls writhing in that tight sack of his it was really awesome the way they moved and moved like balls in a washing machine. I guessed he was cumming in you when they did that. His thin dick also jerked and stiffened each time he seemed to be shooting into you. God, I wish it was me.” I just smiled and kind of understanding what she was saying. Watching was one thing, but having it done to you was quite something else. I couldn’t help, at that moment, make a comparison between the kangaroos and the pig. For that matter, with Barry as well. However, I struggled with the concept of comparing human, pig and kangaroo. All my head was doing was screaming at me that they were all different. There was no comparison.

“Well, if you want to there’s the spotty boar and he is dead keen just looking at him?” I pointed at the boar in the other pen. “If we can separate him out that is. You had a hell of a job with this one.”

“Let’s try June, I really want to.” She was already undressing and reaching out for the leather apron that I had almost forgotten I was wearing backwards on my back. How I could forget was strange in itself. It was awkward and not a little stiff to move in.

After supporting the boar on my back for the best part of fifteen minutes I was more than a little stiff. Mainly in the back of my knees and thighs. I also felt the discomfort of an overfull belly. It felt tight and full, not all that noticeable to a casual observer, but the slight curving roundness was noticeable to me. The difference in men and pigs was not only the quantity of discharge, but the unbelievable way that nature had provided the male pig with the ability to seal off the sow’s vagina and by association mine.

“I’m still a bit wobbly, but I will try to cut the spotty one out for you. This fellow looks a bit spent don’t you think?” I pointed to the boar that had served me and Viv made a wry smile as she struggled into the leather apron.

“Not surprised he’s spent, the way his balls were rolling about I’m sure you sucked the life out of him.”

“It had nothing to do with any effort from me, he was doing it all. He really, truly screwed me with that cork screw thing of his.” I walked along to the gate and felt totally exposed to the world, although there was no one to see my absolute nakedness. The spotted boar who had watched me so intently as I was being mated by the pink stud now followed me to the gate. The rest of the pigs were still milling around and hadn’t followed me to the other end of the yard. “Viv you had better be ready I think this big bugger will get through the gate without opposition. He did. I barely had time to unlatch the dividing gate and his bulk pushed it open as he came through with surprising speed.

The sows seeing the boar disappear from their enclosure now regrouped and rushed at the gate. Things were happening fast. I had to throw my weight against the gate as the sows attempted to break through. The gate latch clanged into place as the full force of the gathering sows crashed against it. I screeched as a sharp trotter scraped over my instep as the newly arrived boar shoved his weight against my hip. As I skipped away from the boar who thought it was now his turn with me, I saw the gate shiver and fully expected it to burst in. By some miracle it held, at least for now.

The boar was persistent in his endeavour to serve me and I had to keep dodging away from him as I worked my way toward the now kneeling form of Viv. The boar was doing his best to herd me into a position that I would have to submit but that wasn’t going to happen.

“Damn it Viv, he wants to screw me for god’s sake.”

“Try to get over here,” she called, but now the pink boar was joining in the pursuit of my favours.

“I am bloody well trying,” I snapped as I skipped from one foot to the other in an effort to avoid the hassling pigs. A snout slipped between my legs from behind and I screeched with surprise as the big spotted hog lifted his snout upward sharply into my groin. The power behind his head was driven by neck muscles that were able to drive his snout through soil in search of tasty roots. I had no chance of stopping him. At that moment I was totally off balance from my skipping avoidance dance and I crashed ass over tit into the hay beside Viv. My legs and arms flailed defensively.

Both boars closed in pushing me with their soft looking though deceptively hard wet snouts. Their shrill squeals that ended in muffled snorts assailed my senses and the sheer urgency of their assault on me made me fear for my immediate safety.

For several seconds both boars shoved me first one way, then the other. There was nothing that I could do that would stop them. Their combined weight and power was way beyond my total inability to resist the excited beasts.

I heard Viv call out several times, but the closeness of the squealing animals and the ringing in my ears brought on by my own panic ensured that whatever she said I was unable to hear.

Suddenly the frenzied attack seemed to abate, but not cease. It took a few seconds for me to realise that one of the pigs was no longer participating in my assault. I rolled away from the boar who was shoving me in the ribs with his snout. Dazed, I managed to get to my hands and knees. My head was only a few inches from Viv who I realised was looking rather strange. As my head rose a little higher I saw the spotted boar’s huge head resting on Viv’s covered back. The beady slits of eyes looked back at me as he slowly, almost in slow motion rises to cover Viv.

“I’ll try to help Viv,” I pointed out forgetting the pink boar who was sniffing at my hip with his tough, smooth snout. She didn’t say anything she just appeared dazed as the boar landed on her back. Immediately the spotted boar was attempting to mount Viv. His two front trotters were together in the middle of her back extending almost to her shoulder blades. His enormous head was slightly to one side of Viv’s shoulder with his jowls covered in a frothy, bubbly foam. The bulk of the pig’s fleshy body was writhing and heaving over Viv’s lower back as he attempted to mount her.

I became aware again of my own consort as the pink boar tried to push me into place. It was clear that he was going to mate me again. As best as I could I edged, crawling slowly toward Viv’s leather apron covered hips. The pigs fully extended penis slipping and sliding over her thigh, nowhere near its intended target. With an effort I managed to resist the pink pigs growing attention and lifted one supporting hand from the ground and make an effort to get hold of the slimy, powerful, almost prehensile penis. Each time when I thought I had it in my hand the twisting penis slipped from my grasp. With my own hand, now covered in the pigs pre cum any chance of me getting a proper hold diminished.

It seemed like ages as I struggled to help the boar mount Viv. Her hip glistened with the pigs fluid that was squirting in a fine spray intended to ease his passage into a sow. Slowly and with focused determination I was able to push the worm like penis from the outside of Viv’s hip to the wet fury patch below her bottom. It slithered and slipped as it discharged even more preejaculate onto Viv’s vulva.

Then in an instant the penis tip slid between the generous distended folds that were slightly open displaying her pink portal. Instantly the writhing tip was embedded deeply, although his rolling, heaving body was sliding in and out as he sought the opening deep within. I could see in my own imagination the screwing tip seeking Viv’s cervical opening.

IT was the sudden gasping breath from Viv that told me the boar had locked into her tight cervical tunnel. I eased myself back to Viv’s Head. I could see the far away, distant glaze of sexual rapture on her face. Her lips were open and wet as her tong slid luxuriously over them slowly as she focused her rapturous thoughts on what was happening to her. No doubt she had the picture of the rutting boar imprinted on her mind from watching what had happened to me. I leant forward and kissed her softly on the lips. Slowly her eyes opened and she smiled a distant sort of smile.

I grunted loudly. The air was expelled from my lungs as the full weight of the boar landed on my back” He had followed me closely as I had moved myself from near Viv’s behind to her head. I desperately wanted to be able to look at her face as the spotted boar worked himself into her. It was a vicarious look at what I may have looked like several minutes previously. To be able to see Viv’s facial expressions changing from grimace to a deeply engrossed roll of her eyes was something I needed to see and empathise with. I could, through Viv, revisit every nuance of feeling that I had endured.

With the Pink boar again showing me so much attention and his excitement raised by the rutting boar next to us I knew then that it was just a matter of time before I would be mounted for a second time. That was, of course, if the boar could back up so soon after he had emptied himself inside me.

I knew quite well that Barry wouldn’t have managed to get it up so soon. I remembered specifically asking him how long before he could do it again after he had cum so extraordinarily quickly one evening. He had mumbled something about fifteen minutes and rolled over. If it had been fifteen minutes that was the shortest night of my life. Ten hours more like.

As I had kissed Viv the boar had been pressing against my left side, My ribs felt as if they would give way completely so I had sidled away, under pressure, keeping my face near Viv as she kissed back.

I was compliment enough. It wasn’t as if I didn’t want to be mounted again, I did. It was a special feeling too difficult to describe as the boar had burrowed deeper inside me than anything had ever gone. It was a likeable uncomfortable pain. A searing feeling that made me nauseous and faint at the same time. Yes, I wanted him to mate me again and I flushed at the wanton thought as I eased myself around in the presentation. That was exactly what he had wanted. As my behind reached what was about right angles to Viv and the spotted boar the pink boar stopped pushing against me. His tough snout left my side and slithered along my bumpy rib cage to my waist and hips, never losing contact for a moment, finally arriving at my firm rounded butt.

The ritualistic sniffing that seems to be part of all animal behaviour, except humans, began as he gulped in the scent of my vagina in loud rattling snorts. I was barely aware of his ministrations as his frothing jowls transferred his excitement induced slobber onto my sparse pubic fur.

As our lips played gently over each other’s I could hear, perhaps feel, the little groans of introvert pleasure coming from deep inside my friend. With our faces so close and the rutting boars head resting on her right shoulder I was able to see each of their eyes as they coupled. Hers rolling back into her head with her mounting excitement and his impassive weeping pink slits showed little or nothing of his beastly delight as his entire body roll with liquid undulations as he worked toward his climax.

The pink boar was now a heavy burden on my hips as he sought my vagina. His long thin penis writhed and probed as it slithered across my hips wetly seeking. When he did find the giving folds of my vagina I hardly felt his intromission. The thin penis tip burrowing into me with each fatty roll of his body against mine.


Part 4…

We sat in silence as we drank our tea neither of us had commented on what had happened. As far as I was concerned, it was all too difficult to get my head around. When we left the pig sty we had both been deep in our own thoughts, neither of us could look at each other directly. It wasn’t just the pig thing, though I’m sure we both wanted to confide in each other about that. The kisses took everything to a new level entirely.

I had known Viv all of my life and never had either of us offered more than a girlie hug or kiss in the past toward each other. What had possessed me to take things to this level I was struggling to come to terms with. From the way Viv had kissed me back, she had felt the same toward me. She was far from passive in her response.

Finally, I looked up at Viv surprised to see she was looking directly at me.

“About what happened out there Viv, I…?” I didn’t finish before she interjected.

“It’s ok, really it is please don’t apologise.” She neither smiled nor looked away. I felt a strange tingle deep in the pit of my stomach and it had nothing to do with Pig sperm.

“But…” Again, I didn’t finish

“No buts, it was special, really it was I have wanted to kiss and hug you since I got here. In that way”


“Yes, really. To be more exact when I saw the way that man treated you I wanted to take you in my arms and hold you tight. You’re way too good for him June.” I just looked at her and said nothing. She was right about one thing I was sick and tired of Barry’s casual way with me. I was fast becoming a chattel who cooked and cleaned and allowed him a quick fumble in bed. Romance was gone from our relationship entirely.

“I don’t know what to say Viv.” She just smiled and got up from the table and walked around to me holding out her hand for me to take.

“We can’t sit here naked and grubby all day. Those grazes on your back and side from the pig’s trotters need attending to as well. Let’s shower and we’ll fix you up.”


“You don’t want to?” Oh god, this is moving way too quick, I thought, but I wanted to.

“Yes, I want to.”

The shower was warm and soothing on my skin and I shut my eyes, feeling each little spear of water massage me as it picked at my skin. It wasn’t the only thing that massaged me either. Viv had squirted liberal amounts of liquid soap onto the washer and began soaping my back in a firm circular motion as she pressed against me. Our nipples pressed and my hands slowly rose to her back, taking her in a firm wet embrace.

We kissed again. It was a long passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. My skin went goosy and I pressed my abnormally tight tummy against hers rotating it slowly as she responded in kind.

Time really did stand still as we kissed and soaped and caressed each other intimately and long. Somehow we managed to get each other clean, but it took a long shower to do it.

All day we made love to each other like two teenage kids exploring the delights of the opposite sex for the first time. Only we were not the opposite sex at all we were friends, girlfriends, or at least we had been until this morning.

Viv lay beside me on the bed, propped up on one elbow as her fingers twirled my nipples. “I have a proposition to make June say no if you don’t want to do it, no offence or obligation.”

“What is it?”

For a while longer Viv’s fingers traced ever increasing circles on my belly “Well,” she paused again, then continued in a slow but firm voice, “I was thinking that we should go to my place. It’s big and it’s isolated, which can be a good thing, and now I am on my own, the two of us could manage it just fine. What do you think?” She leaned across and kissed me tenderly on the lips, I responded, though I have to admit I was kind of taken aback by what the implications of her proposal meant. Or at least what I thought it meant.”

“You mean me and you together?”


“Leave Barry?”

“Yes! Is that a problem? Oh yes of course it is I know it’s difficult.”

“But Viv he’s my husband, I can’t just up and leave him, besides this is so sudden. I really haven’t had time to think about things, you understand surely.”

“Yes I understand, but with me you would have someone who knows where you’re at. The animals are a distraction now. Something that fills in your days while Barry is away, but it could be so much more.”

“Well yes, but I really don’t know.”

“I know that it would be a big commitment and cause all sorts of problems, but you’re a trophy wife for him, that’s all you have as much as said so and it’s awfully apparent when you guys are together. He’s a user surely you can see that. We could have something special, you know we could” I thought about what she had said and I knew she was at least in part right.

“Yes, I have to agree that things haven’t been up to much in a long time. Sex is like an obligation that both of us fulfil. There’s been little tenderness or love for a long time. But it doesn’t alter the fact that I’m his wife, I know things will improve.”

“Do you, do you really expect things to get better. If he ever caught you with the animals would he understand like I do.?

“No probably not.” I had this feeling of being torn between what was socially right and what was right for me. He wouldn’t understand, I knew that, but I could hide my other side from him and I said as much to Viv.

“Could you? Could you really? It’s early days yet and he almost caught you yesterday. It’s my guess he would have if there weren’t the two of us here to foil him.” I sighed and put my arm across my face. “Look, June, for heaven’s sake, see it my way, not your way. It’s your life and now you have been with the Kangaroos and pigs do you really think you can stop. Go back to being a dutiful wife with a guilty secret isn’t easy. Do you really want to feel guilty? You will if you stay with Barry. Think of you girl. It’s your life and it could be a good life. I just know I got lucky when my husband died. I didn’t think so at the time, but it was one hell of a relief to be able to have the freedom of being with my dogs without the guilt of betrayal always hanging over my head. I lowered my arm slowly until I lay with my hands by my side.

“Tonight, give me some space Viv and I will decide tonight. Is that okay?”

“Yes, but it’s all about you so think about yourself not Barry, his folks, your folks or what the neighbours think OK.”

“Yea Ok.”

For the rest of the afternoon I lay on the bed and let the cacophony of thoughts tear my first one way then the other. I realised then that I had known for a long time that the marriage was over. Now, with the events of the past day I was being forced to face the reality, not just that but consciously think about it. The room grew dim, then dark. Viv came in and offered me dinner, but I declined. I don’t know when but sleep finally overtook me, but it was not a peaceful sleep. That night was the longest of my life, but my mind cleared and my decision was obvious.


The drive was long and the heat became more oppressive the further west we went. Behind Viv’s four wheel drive was a U-haul van and in it was my past life. What I couldn’t pack in I had left behind along with the letter to Barry. It was a long letter. A copy of the email I sent and didn’t get a reply to. In fact, I sent it twice, after first sending an email asking him to call me.

We had left at sun up and it was now noon. Up ahead was a rest stop. It was a basic one but it did have a water tank and a toilet of sorts. A pit toilet I think they are called, anyway, there smell is totally gross and enough to give you constipation. However, out here there is so little traffic that a good tree serves well enough if you need privacy to wee or whatever.

“Want to stretch your legs?” Viv asked as she removed her sunglasses and turned into the unpaved layby without waiting for my reply. I replied anyway.

“Yes, love, I’m getting a little stiff.” She grinned

“Oh, you are? I thought that was a boy thing.”

“Well, maybe but you know what I mean,” The car crunched to a halt on the rolled gravel surface next to the picnic shelter and the tank. When the car’s engine stopped the sound of silence was palpable. The lay-by was several hundred metres long. Long enough for several road trains to pull in so that their drivers might rest when their hours were up. There was no other vehicle in the vicinity and the fields beyond were freshly ploughed ready for the winter crops of wheat and canola to be planted.

“Gees, it’s a lonely place out here,” I made my statement to the wind as I watched a dust devil kick up in the field beyond and spiral skyward like some undernourished tornado as it wandered across the hot dusty red soil.

“Look over there?” Viv grabbed my shoulders from behind and partly turned me in the direction of what looked like a dog padding across the field.

“What is it?” I screwed my head toward her.

“Dingo’s! There is a pack of them heading into that clump of trees over there in the creek bed. Maybe there’s a water hole there, or maybe just shade from the sun.”

“Oh yes, I see them that tree over there was blocking the others from my view. They look different to the ones back home. Not that I have seen one up close.” I watched the last of the pack of maybe ten or so sink from sight into the creek bed.

“Those are probably pure bread or near enough to it the ones you have seen are more than likely dingo crosses. Most of those over east are cross bread with domestic dogs.”

“Shame they weren’t closer,” I said half to myself


“No special reason it’s just that I would like to see a real pure bread dingo up close.”

“We have time if you can be quiet enough to sneak up on them. They’re probably resting with full tummies after a successful night.”

“Will the car be okay here?” Viv laughed.

“Safer here than in your garage back home, I shouldn’t wonder.

“Ok, let’s go,” I grabbed a bottle of water from the car and Viv did the same.

The ploughed field was huge it tapered off into the heat haze in all directions. Distance was hard to gauge in the mirage like effect of the haze but it was a big paddock. Most were out here.

I was glad of my sensible shoes on the rough clods that had not yet been harrowed nor the ground seeded. I was equally glad that I had the sense to wear a light thin strapped sundress. It was light and feminine and I loved wearing this one in particular. It was rayon with a sweetheart neckline and adjustable straps it had an elasticised back with a cut outs on either side or drawstrings. It was also longer at the back than at the front and the pail pastel pink floral design was pretty. Viv had vacillated between jeans and shorts and finally opted for shorts, sensible shorts, not at all fashionable but that was her call.

When through the sheep type fence Viv stopped, and put her index finger in her mouth and held it up, turning it this way and that until she was satisfied that the wind was coming in from the north, or there about.

We should cut across here so we come up on the pack from downwind,” she suggested and headed off at a brisk march.

The creek bed was more like a deep erosion ditch cut haphazardly into the red soil. The almost vertical banks, that I suspect, changed with each flood event, were crumbling and with the exception of a few sheep paths dangerous to scale. Heavy rain in this county made its mark on the landscape and this gully was no exception.

The dingos had found the deep cut afforded shade at the hottest part of the day and it was now getting extremely hot. The sparse black wattle trees along the bank offered some shade, but tree was a generous description for the spindly shrub. There were some genuine trees along the bank, gum trees of various descriptions and an abundance of native oaks as well. Many of these had become victims of the bank erosion and were leaning into the creek bed due to the undermining of their shallow roots. The combination of a deep cut creek bed and an assortment of falling trees and vegetation created an ideal lair for the dingo pack.

For a long while we were unable to see the dingos at all. Then, as we moved slowly along, crouching to present a low profile, we spotted the first of the native dogs. It was no more than a pup and as pups do, it seemed to be playing with something that was obscured under the crumbling bank.

“What’s it doing? I can’t see,” I hissed breathlessly to Viv

“Don’t know, can you see any others?

“I scanned the creek bed carefully as far as I could see, “No, nothing else about just the pup and it seems to be ragging something among those tree roots.”

“Look, there’s a trail down there. Maybe we can see if we go down a bit.” We edged down the narrow, deep track that was cut from hundreds of sheep determined to get to the string of water ponds that the creek became in dry weather. In front I was first to see what was happening.

“Dam the little bugger it has a little lamb trapped under those roots. I’ll chase it off.” I moved toward the pup quickly shooing it as I went. I heard, but ignored Viv’s cry of caution as I confronted the nasty little bugger so that I could extract the terrified lamb. The pup was difficult to chase off, but it did slink back enough for me to be able to grab the lamb and beat a hasty retreat.

“Damn it June now you have gone and woken the pack.”

“Where,” I looked around as I placed the lamb down behind Viv and pointed it back up the track smacking its rump to hasten its departure.

“I don’t know where but I just know that the racket you made will have let them know we are here.”

“Will they run away?”

“Maybe, but keep quiet for a while and we will see.” The pup remained not far from where the track entered the creek bed. He just stood there tilting his head first one way, then the other all the while looking at us or, perhaps the track where the lamb had scampered away.

Then another dingo appeared. It walked cautiously into view. It was hard to tell if it was a dog or a bitch but its colouring was light cream. Then another and another of the pack arrived. They seemed timid, but curious.

A low growl from behind Viv made us both jump.

“Oh shit!” Viv exclaimed. The dingoes in the creek bed were milling around their heads down and tails high as they watched us closely.

“What do we do now?” I asked Viv thinking rightly or wrongly, that she would have an idea. “Should we run?” I offered lamely.

“No, no, don’t run,” Viv snapped back quickly, “don’t move at all, stay still, don’t even look at him, give him room to pass,” Viv demonstrated by standing sideways hard against the path bank. I did the same.

The dingo approached as closely as he made to pass. It couldn’t have been any other way, the track was so narrow only a single sheep pass to the water in fact. As he sidled past Viv he sniffed her leg casually then moved on to me. I smelt his feral smell as he approached. It was that familiar and powerful dog odour enhanced by the remains of eating carrion whose odour had attached itself to his body during the night savaging dead and rotting carcasses. I lifted my head high in a lame failed effort to get my nose beyond the offensive odour. The dingos nose ran up my leg and sniffed deeply, then as he had done with Viv moved on. Slowly I breathed out and turned to Viv.

“Let’s get out of this place I whispered,” Viv needed no encouragement she was already on her way. I scrambled after her quickly and as we both cleared the top of the eroded bank I took a look back and my heart sank. The dingoes were in hot pursuit. The things that ran through my head made my legs go weak. We were going to be attacked and killed I just knew it, but the more I tried to run the harder it was to make my legs move.

Not only was my panic causing the lactic acid in my body, making my muscles refuse to work the rough ground of the ploughed paddock was causing me to stumble with each awkward step. The car in the layby seemed to be getting no closer. Viv looked back over her shoulder as she began to open the gap between us.

“Come on, hon, keep going, faster, faster.” I was trying to go faster dam it. What in the hell was she thinking. I hate dogs and dingoes are just feral dogs. I wanted to be out of here. I increased my effort or at least tried to but the more I tried the worse things became.

Everything was blurring my vision was like some sort of frosted glass panel. My breath was coming in short, sharp wheezing gasps something like an asthma attack. Then my legs felt leaden and I couldn’t lift them high enough to clear the broken plough sods. I recognised my own fear and the associated panic. It was like some god awful nightmare. The ground came up to meet me and I crashed face first into the ploughed sods.

I could hear Viv’s cries of encouragement continuing but I couldn’t move. The sun beats down on me and the taste of dry earth clawing at my face forced me to make an effort to rise. As I did the slinking flanks of a dingo passed ahead of me. The animal’s shoulders and hind quarters were dropped, with its head and neck extended into the posture of a cure stalking prey. My frozen fear returned. All I could do was watch and wait as the dingo pack surrounded me vigilant of everything.

I was deadly afraid of dogs, all dogs and dingos had a reputation of being nasty. Largely undeserved, I had heard some place, but they were wild animals and they were dogs. It was perfectly clear from their tentative approach that they were afraid of people otherwise they would have attacked, I surmised. They were afraid, but they were also watchfully determined to stamp their authority over me. The pack circled. Were they close? I wasn’t sure. My entire body trembled as I watched the stealthy beasts closing in ever so slowly, they remained watchful and alert as only a feral beast can be. What did they have in mind? It was unclear, but there snarling, provocative display of dripping canines were, to me at least, a display of vicious intent.

“Don’t worry June, I’ll get help,” Viv called from some way off. I couldn’t see here and she wasn’t close. But through my fear, I wondered where in this god forsaken place she intended to get help from. The farmer who had ploughed this field may live miles away, these properties were huge. I wanted to call back to Viv, but couldn’t. Now to add to my other fears I was hearing a low rumbling and felt tiny tremors through my hands and knees. God, I was really losing it, I thought. Seeing little threat from me, the dingoes were emboldened and definitely closer.

The low rumble grew to a cacophony of noise that I instantly recognised as a road train not just a B double but one of those long cattle movers with three sections. Drivers cursed them when they need to overtake one, although that was a rare occurrence, they simply moved along pretty quickly.

This one had hauled into the looping lay-by with hardly a reduction to its speed and the resulting engine roar crunching tyres and the piercing down changing of gears and hissing air breaks made it seem like all hell had broken loose.

The dingos, distracted stopped there circling and their ears pricked and heads turned at the mysterious intrusion. Although the lay-by were still a hundred yards away the huge vehicle was an imposition on the country stillness. I heard Viv yelling and looked up to see here waving to attract the driver now that his engine had shut down. She needn’t have bothered though because the pack had begun to disperse, heading back to their den in the shade of the dry wash.

With Viv’s assistance, and the help of the truckie, I stumbled back to the car. My ankle was beginning to swell as I was helped into the passenger seat.

“There you go miss” the rotund truckie consoled in a surprisingly soft and gentle tone for such a large man. “That was a close call then. Never seen the likes. Heard about dingo attacks before, but that’s usually because they’re hungry, or just bold with tourists. Like those dingoes on Frazer Island, off Queensland. Round here, there’s plenty of road kill, and the occasional sheep or cow carcass to keep their bellies full. Anyway, all’s well that ends well hey?”

Several Minutes later we were on the road again. Viv remained silent for a while as if she was considering something. Then, as we settled in for the next three hours of the trip she spoke.

“How’s your ankle?”

“It hurts a little,” My reply was curt as I sensed that she only asked about my ankle to lead into what she really wanted to know.

“Probably a sprain.”

“Yes, probably,” I replied

“Should get it wrapped up firm, I think. Maybe stop at the next town and see if they have a doctor.”

“There’s no need for that, I’ll be ok.” I was beginning to shake my shock and become more responsive.

“No well stop,” she said firmly. “It wasn’t really your ankle that made you fall was it?”

“Not my ankle. No, that was just the result of twisting it on one of those big hard clods of dirt that the plough had turned over. I should have been more careful. I was already falling when it happened.” I looked at her, but she kept her eyes on the road ahead.

“That wasn’t what I meant. You could hardly lift your legs it was no wonder you fell. You were scared ‘shirtless’ weren’t you? Your legs went to jelly.” She finally got to the point.

“Yes, I was scared, really scared. I hate dogs they frighten me a lot.”

“They were dingoes, not dogs.” She pointed out my error.

“Dingoes, dogs… They’re all the same there canine and I hate them. I mean when they’re threatening like that. I was bitten when I was little and I haven’t forgotten it. It was horrible.” Viv drove on for a few more miles, then turned slightly toward me.

“I have dogs.”

“Yes, you said.”

“How will you feel about them?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, then explained further, “As long as they keep their distance and don’t get cross and snarly I’ll be fine I expect.”

The conversation lapsed again, then as we came into a small town Viv pointed to the hospital sign ahead. “Well get you fixed up and then we can talk more about your dog thing.”

“It’s not a dog thing,” I almost snapped

“We’ll see…. When you meet my Winston he may change your mind.”


It was near on dusk when we turned from the highway and headed down the dirt road toward Viv’s property.

“Only about five kilometres now. We’ll be there in ten minutes,” she looked at me and smiled before adding, “How’s the ankle?”
“It hurts, kind of a dull throb actually. I’ll be glad to get this bandage off for a bit. It’s so damn tight,” I tried not to sound complaining, but I was tired and needed to stretch a bit. I sat staring forward when suddenly a huge kangaroo bounded across the road in front of us. Viv hit the brakes and the car came to a sudden halt. “Why did you do that,” I pointed out when I had recovered from being thrown forward.

“There’s a mob of them, see?”

I hadn’t at first, but as my eyes focused to the quickly descending dusk that had made everything take on the brownish-yellow light of the sinking sun. There, in the dried wheat stalks, where the stump like figures of rigid and alert kangaroos who had been moving from their daytime resting place for a night time of foraging. The new green shoots of emerging grass flourished in the depressions that still held moisture enough to encourage growth of green sweetness.

“Gees, they’re big,” I observed with childlike admiration.

“Told you they were, makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” It sure as hell did. If they were in proportion to their height, compared to the grey Kangaroos that I had already encountered, in the boy department that is. I wasn’t sure about doing what we had planned.

“Jesus Viv there so big are they big down stairs, I mean bigger than the Greys?”

“Don’t know for sure, but what little I have seen of them I guess they are. I haven’t been close enough to see them in all their glory.” I sat in silence, thinking all sorts of things until we arrived at Viv’s place. It was miles from anywhere and the silence was incredible. Even in the deepening twilight the few visible stars were as bright as I had ever seen them.

A light came on the porch above us. It was a Queenslander style home of the early 1930’s vintage, built high off the ground to let the air circulate under the building in summer. It had an elegant practicality about it while exuding class.

“My housekeeper and her husband,” Viv inclined her head toward the two elderly people above. “I need them about to feed and care for the animals when I’m away. I have several other men who work the property, you know branding, fencing and general repairs. The single guys live in the bunk house over there, but you hardly see them by day or night for that matter. Two are married and both live in the old houses up the road a way. The houses belong to properties that were bought up years ago to add to this one. Convenient don’t you think?”

I hadn’t noticed it previously, but as we climbed the stairs a big dog, a wolfhound or a close cross was standing quietly, with its tongue lolling, next to the elderly couple.

“Welcome back Miss Vivian hope you had a nice trip.”

“Yes I did thank you Sara, hello Tom,” Viv answered Sara and greeted Tom. “How’s Winston been?” Viv continued as she rubbed the crown of the big dog’s head.

“He’s been fine, mostly though he did pine for you a lot and was always watching and waiting for your return. Each day he laid out near the gate until it got too hot.” A caught a knowing and covert wink from Sara toward her husband.

“You old sooky, boy,” Viv continued scratching the dog’s compliant head. “We have some catching up don’t we big guy and I brought a friend with me to keep you busy as well.” Viv turned to me and indicated I should pat the big beast. I just stood there looking at the robust dog wondering if I should.

“Not yet Viv, he’s so big isn’t he.”

“Don’t be silly he is a darling. Just look at him, he’s not a fighter I can vouch for that.” She made a rather silly grin, then smiled and shrugged. “Perhaps after Dinner then?”

“Yes, perhaps,” I reluctantly agreed but I was not overconfident. I had to admit that the dog looked pretty harmless as dogs went. His panting tongue just hung over his bottom jaw glistening with saliva. This gives him a rather dopey sort of grin.

Viv called me to follow her. In a half hour I had unpacked my immediate needs into the chest of draws and a wardrobe. There would be time to unpack the rest tomorrow. After a delicious country style dinner prepared by Sara Viv asked me to follow her outside.

“Where are we going?”

In the barn over there, it’s more private,” Viv answered briefly.


“Yep, private. I have been away for a few weeks and Winston is getting anxious. ”

“Where is he? I haven’t seen him around since we arrived.”
I had Tom take him to the barn. I didn’t want him humping my leg at dinner. That would be embarrassing.” I remembered the look that passed between Sara and tom when we had arrived and wasn’t so sure.

“You think so? I really think the oldies know what you get up to with Winston you know.”

“Rubbish, what makes you say that?”

“You didn’t see the look they gave each other when you were talking to the dog on the veranda did you?”


“Well, I just think they know what goes on that’s all.” She was about to continue the conversation when we got to the barn. Bending down Viv turned a key on what looked like a mower engine and immediately there was a low hum that recognised as a generator. We had a small one at our place. Not that I should be calling it our place since I had been the one to pack my bags and leave.

“It’s a generator. No mains power out here. We have solar and wind, but the genny is our backup. We have one at the house and one here. Another down at the bunkhouse for the boys. Doesn’t pay to rely on just one source.” She straightened and lifted the catch on the small entry door to the barn and stepped through. “Winnie… Where are you sweetie…” She called. But she could have saved her breath as the big awkward animal was there even as she threw the switch that lit up the barn.

The dogs two front paws were on Viv’s shoulders and his face was against hers lashing her with great swipes of his long slobber covered tongue. The dog was absolutely huge and defied any effort to push him away as he made Viv’s face glisten with sticky wet drool.

“Down! Winston down! Viv needs to get organised before we have some fun. She chided the animal like a mother talking to a wayward child. The dog continued to cover her with doggy kisses and I was fascinated by his size and playful demeanour. He was big, but nothing but didn’t behave like the yappy fox terriers and the mean skulking cattle dogs that I was familiar with and scared of. Size meant nothing when a growling mutt was determined to bite or nip you. “I said easy boy,” Viv again chided and it was clear that the dog was trying to manoeuvre himself behind the standing Vivian. His intent was clear as his hind legs bounced around my friend as he clung like a lover to her neck and shoulders with his fore-pours. If there was any doubt about what he wanted, it was dispelled by the peeking pink tip emerging from his grey hair covered sheath.

I’m not sure how but Viv managed to extract herself from the excited animals clutches, although not completely free of his attentions Viv managed to make her way to the nearest stall where the floor was littered with bedding straw. With the dog making every effort to mount her Viv managed to slip out of her sun dress. It was evident that she had been prepared for her encounter because the dress was all she wore, she was butt naked as she sunk to the hay.

In the time it took me to pick up the discarded dress Winston had covered the naked woman on the hay. It was evident then that the tall, lanky beast knew what he was about. Immediately he had dropped his haunches as he prodded at Viv’s naked butt. The dogs back was arched in almost the letter C configuration as he prodded and shuffled his hind feet forward to lower his groin even further. I couldn’t take my eyes from what was about to happen.

Maybe fifteen minutes later the Wolf hound, Winston, finally pulled free of Viv. The wet suction like sound of the pale, vain laced bulge near the dogs penis as it broke free of Viv’s swollen vulva was audible and somehow sexy. Now that the blocking bulb was out of the clutching sheath the thin doggy semen gushed forth in an instant torrent from the girls distended vagina. The initial flow quickly reverted to bubbly dribble as the animals copious discharge drained from the ravished woman. Viv remained on her hands and knees, her head bowed breathing deeply while the dog slumped to the floor and began to lick his dangling penis.

I had never seen a dog mate before. Dogs were not, and probably never will be my favourite animal. Even now I struggled to remain in the same room as the beast. However, the animal’s penis were taking my full attention. The bulge that looked so curious and out of place was preventing the poor animal from secreting his penis back into his protective sheath. Undeterred the animal licked noisily, like a child with a Popsicle, on the swollen appendage.

The deep red veins covered what appeared to be a bleached purple porcelain shaft. For the most part it was covered sparsely with a network of fine veins. The tip of the appendage was more densely laced with finer spidery veins, although some of the veins were thick and swollen, like those of a man’s penis, giving the curious pointed tip a deeper angry red colouring. The entire penis, from the pointed tip, to the knot, seem to have engorged to fill the space of Viv’s vagina. It only tapered a little toward the large tuber like lump that was swollen on either side of the penis shaft proper. So unlike the mushroom tip of a man’s penis yet just as alluringly curious.

I dragged my eyes from the licking dog to the shiny open folds of Viv’s distended vagina. The dribbling had stopped, but a shiny globe of discharge clung to the clitoral shield. Viv’s abundant pubic hair appeared saturated with the dog’s seminal fluid and a puddled between her still parted knees. Even her inner thighs glistened.

I sidled along so that I was closer to Viv’s face.

“Are you ok,” I asked, not because I thought she wasn’t but for something to say. She turned her head and lifted it slowly and looked me full in the face.

“Oh god yes. That was wonderful, I missed him so much.” Her features were like I had never seen them before. Surely no animal could make a girl feel the way she appeared to be feeling right now. Then she reached for a dampened face towel that she had brought with her into the room with her. Carefully and thoroughly she wiped her groin with gentle dabbing pats before closing her thighs on the towel to keep it snugly in place then pulling herself onto the bed legs firmly shut.

“The only down side to dog sex inside the house, well, even outside, is that they make such a god awful mess with their runny cum, still it’s worth it, it really is special if the dog knows what he is doing. It took a while to get him trained but now he knows exactly where to put it.” She grinned.

“I thought they all knew what to do.” I said sincerely. She screwed up her nose cutely before replying.

“No! Don’t believe it, there was a lot of…,” She grinned wickedly, “I was going to say dry humping but it wasn’t so dry really. They are always spraying this stuff with their dicks before they get it in, lubricant I guess. Well, maybe it is something else but it’s just the way they do it. No, it took lots of time. On and off jabbing my bum and leg an some time just air swings, so to speak, but after a lot of frustration, he got the idea to where the sweet spot could be found and… well pop, he got it in. It wasn’t all his fault either, I had to get my butt at just the right height as well so we topped and tailed. Ever since then it has been wonderful sex, it really has.

I stood up from where I was sitting on the floor. Winston was still preoccupied with licking his genitals and ignoring both of us. Typical male, I thought. Although I couldn’t imagine Barry licking himself like that after sex. I wanted to keep as far away from the dog as I could so the chair was not an option. It had to be the bed, but I felt a certain discomfort about sitting next to Viv thinking that the dog may renew his interest in his bitch. However, with few options I decided it was ok to sit down beside Viv on the bed. When I did she edged over a little so that our hips touched. I felt the warmth of her naked hip against mine. I felt a little light headed and leaned into Viv and we kissed. It was a long kiss that became a little steamy as our hands caressed each other until breathlessly we broke.

“Woooh,” I exclaimed as I struggled for breath. “That was intense.” Viv still held my waist as she leaned backwards on the bed, dragging me down with her. She rolled on top of me kissing me passionately as she began to unbutton my blouse with deliberate and determined movements. As she kissed and fondled me, I became lost in the moment and before I realised my bra, panties and Skirt were removed.

A long time later I lay staring at the ceiling with Viv kissing my neck and breasts gently. “What are you thinking about sweetheart?” She whispered into my neck as her lips made little butterfly kisses toward my lips.

“Oh, nothing really,” I answered evasively.

“It must be something,” she kissed my lower lip and ran her tongue over my teeth. “I saw you frown, what you were really thinking about.”

“It really was something and nothing,” I answered, trying to convince her, but she continued to pry.

“Was it about Winston, Would you like him.” I just shuddered. “Well…….?” She kissed each closed eyelid in turn. I just lay there as she ran her lips across my breasts and down to my sparsely covered mound. “Well… Are you going to tell me?”

“Ok, if you must know I was wondering about those big red Kangaroos.”


“I was just wondering, that’s all.” She didn’t reply but continued to kiss me from head to toe in an effort to elicit from me my thoughts. “I was wondering if they would, you know, do it with a woman. I know the grey Kangaroos did, but I don’t know why they did. Was that just something that happened in that place in time or do all kangaroos, like dogs I guess, want to do it with anything with a vagina? Just wondering.” Viv raised herself up on her elbows and looked down on me.

“Don’t know,” She answered eventually. “Maybe it’s the scent we give off from time to time when we’re ovulating or maybe not. Perhaps it’s the young, randy, frustrated ones who can’t get it off with the does and look around for anything with two hind legs. If a woman is around, she may just look enough like a Kangaroo to satisfy their hormonal drive. I just don’t know, but there are some stories about kangaroos becoming sexually aggressive toward women from time to time. Even following them and trying to hump them. There was an incident not far from here about a year back where an older lady hanging out her washing in her nighty when she was attacked by a rogue male. She was a bit coy about what happened, but the rumour had it that she was raped by a Kangaroo.” She kissed my navel and I wriggled at the sudden tickling sensation and giggled.

“Do they come close to the house here?” I asked with the embryo of an idea coming from, what Viv had just said.

“They do, but if you’re thinking what I think you are, remember Sara and Tom are here most of the time, although they are due for some time off,” Viv raised her eyebrows enquiringly.


“From Saturday.” Two days should be enough time to come up with some sort of plan, I thought. If the kangaroos come around the house when Sara and Tome weren’t here, I could try coaxing them to become friendly. I had to think about it.


Part 5…

It was the longest two days I had spent. Not that I was idol at all, I wasn’t. I discovered that Viv was right. Just before dawn the Kangaroos leisurely came into the home paddock and spent a few hours nibbling at the short green shoots that had been carefully persuaded to grow into a lush park like lawn by Tom, whose duties covered the maintenance of the house paddock as well as many and various other jobs. Like the Grey kangaroos that I had been previously familiar with the Red Kangaroos seemed to follow the sweet pick of new grass during the evening hours and rested by day with full bellies.

It hadn’t been difficult to approach the rather larger species. They were used to non-aggressive behaviour and with the only dog being Winston, who was so well cared for in all departments by Viv that he showed not the slightest interest in harassing other animals at all. Not the least the feeding Kangaroos. Mind you he was confined to the barn until he was released mid-morning, then confined to the house at Viv’s pleasure in the evenings by which time the kangaroos were happy to be moving on.

For the most part the visiting Kangaroos were the females. The bigger males seemed to stay well clear of the farm house ever alert for any eventuality that threatened the females and young. When I had approached the closest of the feeding kangaroos on the first morning I was pleasantly surprised that I was allowed to get as close as I did. With an offering of kangaroo pellets as an entrée to their confidence I was able to feed several joey and younger, smaller females. It wasn’t a totally free passport to the kangaroo’s confidence, but it was easier than I had expected. The hovering male closest to the home yard sidled up making what I interpreted as threatening clicks, but made no other challenge as I tentatively backed away.

That evening and the following day I followed the same ritual and I managed to get closer to more of the seemingly docile animals. The kangaroos were bigger than the Grey Kangaroos but the older males were the most impressive. Like most animal species the wild kangaroos were challenging the alpha male for superiority and the subsequent right to breed the females. As I said the old males were big, very big and their squarish features reflected their machismo.

But even more impressive were the animal’s shoulders. The greys were overshadowed by the big reds powerful front arms that looked like they had been subjected to lengthy sessions in the gym. The powerful limbs gave warning that to be in the clutched of an old man red kangaroo there would be no braking free. Besides the forearms the hind limbs were no less massive. The tail was extremely thick at the base and afforded the animal the power to rare up and be supported by that part of the surprisingly massive frame. Several of the males must have weighed between 90 and 100kg the females maybe half that.


Friday evening was long, very long. I hardly slept at all tossing and turning all night in expectation of at least being able to confronting the kangaroos on my terms in the early morning. It was a night of expectation and fear. But sometime in the small hours of the morning I must have been overwhelmed by sleep.

I almost jumped from my bed when the sharp wrap shook my door. “Hey sleepy head are you getting up or what?” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My sleep fogged brain was none too clear. “It’s just about sun up are you chickening out or what.” Viv called out cajoling.

I shook my head to clear my brain. “I’m coming,” I mumbled a reply. ”I need to pee first.”

Three minutes later I opened the door wearing only my flimsy nightie. The early morning air was cool and fresh as I went down the front steps to ground level. Maybe fifty metres off were the indistinct shapes of grazing kangaroos. The mist was almost like light rain and I shivered as my quickly saturated nightie clung to my figure.

I looked back at Viv who had come part way down the steps but was now sitting on a tread her fleecy dressing gown wrapped about her as she watched my progress toward the humped shapes of the grazing animals. She looked warm and I felt chilly. I went to the feed shed to get a scoop of pellets. It had only been two days, but those two days had been enough to allow the Kangaroos to get accustomed to my presence in the early morning.

As I approached the first doe, who had a joey near her hip, I cursed the thick wet fog that had now saturated my uncombed hair and was dripping down my neck and face. My eyelashes and eyebrows prickled with the clinging droplets of fog. I took a hand full of feed in my hand and reached out my hand slowly as the doe turned toward me. However, it was the Joe who came to my hand and began to nibble tentatively. Then from somewhere behind me the now familiar clicking sound of an old man Kangaroo.

“Jesus,” I mumbled “That was quick.”

I looked around and several metres away the huge form of a rusty coloured, big buck kangaroo. He was edging forward warning me to back off with rapid clicking sounds that seemed more appropriate to a much smaller animal than it did to the bulky old man Kangaroo. The bulk emerging from the swirling mist seemed bigger, much bigger, than it probably was. With the faint penetrating rays of the rising sun creating spears of light through the fog behind the approaching kangaroo. The appearance was like some figure on a stylised medallion.

I moved back a little from the doe and Joey and hunkered down to reduce my profile and give myself a submissive appearance to the obvious dominant roll the big kangaroo played to the mob. Still, he edged closer, pushing forward using his powerful tail as a leaver. It made him look as if he was gliding through the mist. He ignored me as he passed, but I remained as I was.

Sidling up to the doe he sniffed at her tail and reached out with a forepaw to contact her hip she remained unmoving. Encouraged, he slid his clawed hand along the doe’s thick tail base in what appeared to be almost a scratching, teasing action. Unmoved by his advances, she edged away, but he followed her again sniffing her bottom and she looked around and immediately rejected his advances by hopping off several metres. For a moment I fully expected the male to follow, but he didn’t. He remained watching the departing doe and I imagined his resigned shrug as he turned and came back to where I had remained unmoving as I watched his exploratory advances on the female of his species.

He edged close to my face on and sniffed at my hair and face. I trembled as the long whiskers and warm breath tickled my cold cheek. He drew back an inch or two, but I remained motionless except for the tiny shivers that shook my body in little trembling waves. Emboldened by my acceptance of his first tentative advances he again drew close to my face.

This time his barely protruding tongue brushed along my cheek, but he didn’t back off this time. He continued to lick along my face and neck, tasting my odour and mildly salty skin. Satisfied that I was not going to hop away like the doe had he drew his body even closer. I felt the warmth of his fur as he pressed against me almost as if he was pushing me. Not sure of what he expected of a compliant doe I still didn’t give ground.

Satisfied that I wasn’t rejecting his attentions the old man red continued to sniff along my back and side. The now wet night dress clung to me like as a second skin and I hitched it up to my waist as he reached my hip. As his large square featured head crossed my now bare butt he moved a little further toward my rear so that I was able to see only his bulky Hips and tail. He was huge, much, much bigger than I had first thought and extremely muscular in his powerful back hopping legs. There was no fat, just finely tuned hard muscle, I shivered once more as the male pressed firmly against my hip as his head slid over my rounded behind to the valley between each cheek.

His confidence now heightened he ran his fore-paw along my exposed upper thigh. I drew a deep breath and held it fully expecting that the black sharp claw of his hand would rake my flesh and draw blood. To my surprise and relief it didn’t happen. His paw no more than created a teasing contact that was like a lover’s caress.

It was the same stroking that I had seen the male do to the doe’s tail and it was clearly meant to encourage compliance from the female. In the doe’s case, driven by her own sexual agenda, or seasonal needs, it hadn’t worked. In my case I was experimenting with and encouraging his advances and I was surprised at the tender touch that allowed me to exhale with delighted relief.

The claw rested on my lap for a moment as the big red kangaroo sniffed lower and lower until his muzzle was between my squatting thighs and close to my moist vulva. The long whiskers on the Kangaroos muzzle tickled the tender flesh of my inner thighs as the animal snuggled into the sparse fur between my legs. The sniffing snout brushed gently across the wiry pubic hair and it felt good. Or would have if I hadn’t been so tense.

I was tense now because my first and subsequent encounters with Grey kangaroos had been different. They were smaller, by a good margin, than the Big Reds for starters. I expected that the rest of grey kangaroos breeding equipment was smaller than the red kangaroo as well, judging by what I could see from my sidelong glance at the dangling testicles of the kangaroo paying me attention at the moment. One of the greys had made me faint as the pointed tip had pushed hard into my cervical portal. I hadn’t been sure why, but I had felt a rather unpleasant feeling actually it was a rasping feeling as if something course was being inserted into me. However, if it was size that caused it, then I was now experimenting beyond my ability to physically cope.

I do this all of the time I thought. My fear of the unknown creates a heightened sense of panic along with a need to escape from the situation. Yet I never had run. Something holds me to the spot every time. That something may be a foolish desire to push boundaries or some perverted desire to be hurt.

“Ohhhhhh!” My thoughts were broken as the big head of the kangaroo butted up against my groin. “Hay watch it big boy,” I yelped at him in a reflex action as I raised my behind a little to avoid the same treatment. Everything about the big male was powerful and his neck muscles were no exception. The sudden bunt of the head had lifted me enough, as I fell forward, hands outstretched for support to avoid a face plant, for the beast’s nose to prod into my groin.

Previously I had taken up a stance, kneeling with my left leg and my right leg in front and bent like an infantry soldier kneeling to take a steadier shot. I figured it may be an easier stance than the squatting position I had assumed when I had been feeding the doe and joey several minutes ago. It was certainly more comfortable for me and more stable as well.

I turned toward the kangaroo on my right side as he slowly shuffled around. As he left my side to swing his powerful hindquarters around in the other direction so that he would be directly behind me, I got a quick glimpse of his stranger tapered penis that were already extended, I guessed fully but maybe not, In preparation to mount.

I bit down on my lower lip and closed my eyes. This had been far too easy. I had expected that I may have to try many times before I attracted the rutting lust of a big red male but I hadn’t. This was it, I thought as the sniffing face of the stud left my groin and now, with him in my rear both of his front paws were on my hips as I sensed more than saw him drawing close to my exposed sex.

My teeth bit tighter into my lip and my eyes remained tight shut as the two powerful arms wrapped around my breasts tightly and the muscular chest of the big red male pressed against my upper back as he applied a crushing hold drawing me up and back into him. Now I could feel the first hints of the heat of his body against mine as he forcefully enfolded me to him. At the same time he drew his upper body over mine. There was nothing rough about his movements, they were slow and deliberate. The inner legs of the rutting buck were either side of my hips as they had slowly moved forward. As he did, he pulled me from side to side as he sought to come into as close contact as he could with me, his human doe. Now I was almost completely wrapped in the kangaroos tight embrace, his warmth was a protection against the swirling mist that had saturated my hair and night dress. I felt warm and safe, but a little bit of panic also remained as I felt the first tickling touch of the buck’s penis against my inner thigh.

My head felt light and totally not part of me as my eyes remained firmly closed to focus the sensations of what was about to happen. I wondered how a real doe kangaroo felt in the masterful presence of such a robust lover. Indeed was sex between kangaroos a momentous event or just a necessary part of life and nothing special. I had seen does force a male into following them for ages before the male finally got his way. Did they do that because they were reluctant to be taken by a burly, dominant male or was it part of the ritual of sex among kangaroos?

For that matter cows did the same and bitches as well. I had also seen she goats give the stud a run around before they were finally jumped and penetrated. Then in the tight grip of a kangaroo making probing efforts to find my increasingly moist vulva I realised that that is exactly what girls/women do. We make the men follow on dates, picnics, dinner and the clubs before reluctantly or otherwise we give in. Well, some of us actually make men follow longer than others. This sudden realisation that we females, regardless of species were all the same, was a demonstration of my wandering thoughts.

Thoughts that quickly returned to what was about to happen to me, as the probing penis rubbed my pubic hair. With gentle rocking motions the big male was getting closer to my moist slit. Even as that thought crossed my mind I realised that regardless of what this stud wanted to do his warm enfolding body held me in an unremitting clasp.

Hot breath on my cheek made me open my eyes. The huge head of my mate was against my cheek. I rolled my eyes toward the head to see the big soft eyes and almost feminine eyelashes of the buck as he swayed forward gripping me even tighter. Then, with me tightly in his powerful grip he rocked from side to side. He was searching for my opening. Not with brutal thrusts, but with gentle probing rolls of his hips. Each time his powerful hips gently rocked from side to side, I felt the moist dripping tip of his needle like member brush across my labia. Each time he gained a little ground toward his objective. Then finally I felt the penis part my increasing distended and receptive vaginal fluids and the probing tip of the oddly bent penis shaft slip into me.

A drew my breath and waited as the rotating hips paused as he realised he had found this strange females breeding portal. In that short pause, I wondered what it was like for the big Kangaroo. Then I heard my own voice saying. “What’s it like for you big fella, do you like June, does she feel nice for you?”

Never in my life had I spoken during sex. I had wanted to but beyond a giggle or an “I love you,” I had never spoken. Now with a kangaroo inside me I found my voice. The brief pause ended, the powerful hips that pressed against my own flaring curves in a vice like grip, began to heave. He pushed forward, onward and upward. Then, with a grunt that rumbled through his body the Big Red kangaroo thrust himself hard up into me, paused then thrust again. I drew my breath in hard as the tapered shaft slipped deep up inside me. Instantly he was nudging against my smooth, hard cervical mound. It hurt with a sharp stinging pain.

With every thrust of his hips the swelling penile shaft was seeking to find the tight puckered opening of my cervix. Time after time the probing point prodded and poked with the full force of the animal’s hind quarters behind it. Finally, after countless thrust his pointed tip found and parted my cervical opening. I screamed. I couldn’t help it, it was pure reflex. It was as if a burning poker had been thrust into me. The stinging pain made my head swim in a whirl of pain and pleasure as the penis tip went further and further with each jab of his hips.

The kangaroo settled into a steady rhythm of penis thrusts. No longer were the thrusts generated from the hip. I could feel the shaft bend and flex with each jab and knew that he was not fully embedded but I was unclear as to how far he was inside me or if each thrust was taking him deeper, I didn’t think so. The searing pain was now uncomfortable, but not painfully so. Now the thrusts were gentle, regular jobs, not brutal penetrating thrusts as the first few had been when he had finally broken into my cervical canal.

As I looked at his face, he suddenly turned and drew himself erect without releasing his grip. In fact, his hold was so tight that I came up with him as he lifted his upper body. He paused in his penal thrusts, but remained deeply penetrated. I followed the kangaroos gaze as he turned his head to the right. Another big red male had emerged from the swirling mist. That remained thick and wet in the wet rays of the early morning sun which was just poking above the low hills to the east. The entire scene was dreamlike as I looked from my rutting partner, then back toward the other kangaroo and new from his pricked ears he saw it as an interloper for my services. A challenger for me, the doe.

I felt my mates, funny how I looked at it that way in my thoughts, body tighten and heard as well as felt the little clicking noises he made to the other party. I also felt his penis flex within me invoking my own tingling excitement. It was rather weird as I stood, no dangled, because I no longer supported myself with my arms, in the grasp of this large buck as he warned off the challenger. Well, I guessed it was a challenger he didn’t appear too threatening as he stood crouched in the mist, poised to move.

Hell, what did it matter if he challenged or not, I felt my rebellious instincts rise, it was my decision to mate with this kangaroo and it would be my decision to select another mate if I wanted? A short time ago that was furthest from my mind, but now it could be a likely event and I was sure I, as a human, made the decisions. Well, that was my human response, but I wasn’t in a human situation. I was being humped by a red kangaroo surrounded by a number of other kangaroos of both genders. That made me one of them, part of the mob, and that’s how they saw it as well. A female kangaroo in this situation, my situation, had no options or very little. If this interloper challenged and chased off my current mate, I was his. Kangaroo law I guessed.

Two more gentle thrusts and the big male paused again. He was really bothered by the challenger. I felt awkward as I more or less dangled in the arms of the Kangaroo. I looked at him again as I felt his body roll back and without realising fully what I was doing I reached up with my right arm under his neck and patted his face gently.

“Steady, big boy, finish what you’re doing,” I giggled at my own choice of words, but I did so want him to finish me.

I wanted to feel the warm flood of his semen flow through my belly. If it was anything like the greys it would be a spreading warmth rather than a noticeable squirt. I wasn’t really sure if they did squirt or if they just oozed semen into my belly. Whatever happened, I had felt the pleasant warmth and the flexing of a penis as the greys had cum. My stroking fingers must have calmed him because no sooner had I said that I wanted him to finish than his thrusting commenced once again, although it seemed more hurried than moments ago.

Then, with a low guttural grunt, he stopped thrusting, and I felt his extremely hard, and now very swollen penis flex, then flex again. The realisation that he was about to cum provoked me to exhale with pent up relief. I hadn’t realised I had been holding my breath nor did I know for how long I had held it. The warm glow that accompanied his surging seed spread through me in a magical charge that made my every nerve end tingle. His sperm laden semen was flooding deep up inside my womb.

He remained holding me tightly as he discharged every last drop of his semen. Each diminishing discharge was preceded by powerful, muscular twitches of his strange shaped penis. A strange emotion spread through me. I felt at one with this dusty red beast. It wasn’t like love, whatever love is, It was something different and deeper. There was something very strange happening to me as I held him tightly about the neck I began to cry.

God this is so strange. I felt so fragile at that moment. The slowly withdrawing penis left me feeling strangely open and loose. The enfolding fore pours of the giant kangaroo reluctantly slid from my lower chest, ripping a hole in the saturated fabric of my night dress with his claw. I didn’t move as I looked about with tear filled eyes. I was shaking almost uncontrollably as I watched the kangaroo that had, moments before, been part of me. Our bodies had been joined by that strangely tapered, almost prehensile, penis. A penis that had plugged into me so completely that it, for the briefest time, had been part of me. Now I was feeling the loss as he glided away several metres, then paused briefly and turn toward the hovering interloper.

“Go away, Shoooo,” I was still where the kangaroo had left me. I could have moved, but for some reason I didn’t. “Shoooo” I said again.

I leaned a little forward to emphasise my meaning. Fine for a human, but for a randy kangaroo it was a lame effort at discouragement. He seemed to glide through the mist that had again become thicker since the sun came up. But the rays were week and although they may have warmed the air I guessed that above the mist there were clouds defusing the normally morning sunshine.

“Well, that worked.” I heard Viv’s critical assessment of my effort to discourage the interloper as he drew even closer.

“How long have you been there?” I turned to see Viv several metres away to my left.

“Oh a good while, from the beginning actually. I was impressed.”

“Thanks, sell tickets next time.” I snapped sarcastically.

“Now there’s an Idea, How can we work it?”

“Silly bugger, come here and give him a hand up,” I had no longer said it than the Intruding kangaroo arrived at my side.

“Oh later, maybe,” Viv’s voice had a laughing tinkle to it. “You have another customer sweaty.” She had no sooner got the words out of her mouth when a blur flashed out of the fog and the interloper wheeled and bounded away with the Old man Red in hot pursuit.

“Well, maybe I can help….. Now,” Viv offered her hand and helped me to my feet.

I just knew that my time here was going to work out.


Part 6…

The next week passed with no action at all as far as the Kangaroos were concerned. Sara and Tom had returned to the house and no matter what time of day or even where you were one of them seemed to be there.

Viv had no such problems with Winston. I was sure it was an open secret what she was getting up to when she took the dog into her room only to appear an hour or so later flushed and slightly dishevelled.

“It’s no good Viv, I can’t seem to get any free time without someone being around. If it isn’t Sara or Tom it’s one of the farm hands coming and going. I’m getting all jumpy.” I spoke to Viv over breakfast almost a week after my one and only encounter with the Big Red Kangaroo. She laughed.

“Getting frustrated are we?” She smirked. “I told you Winston was available, neither of us would mind. I know I wouldn’t and Winston wouldn’t mind another bitch to serve, he never seems to be able to get enough.”

“You know how I feel about dogs Viv. It’s something I can’t seem to get my head around. I know the big Reds could open me up from head to crotch with their big middle toe, but I am nowhere near as scared of Kangaroos as I am of dogs. It’s just me, I guess. Besides, you know how special you feel when you are with Winston, that’s how I felt last Saturday with that big red Kangaroo. It was totally awesome. I felt like I was his special doe at the time. Oh damn it Viv, I have to have him again, if not him then I want to be some big reds doe. Maybe more than one. Dam it Viv, I get all runny thinking about it.” Viv laughed.

“Well, we have got it bad haven’t we? Look, I tell you what. If you want to get away for a week and spend some time with the kangaroos out the back of the property, we can do that if you don’t have some aversion to camping. We’ll Take the tent and lean-to and sleeping bags and… Well, all the camping stuff we can put on a pack-horse and ride out tomorrow. What do you reckon then?”

“It’s been a while since I have ridden,” I hesitated only a little.

“Oh its only about eight kilometres your bum will be sore only for a day or two and who knows, by then your butt might be on fire for a whole different reason, if you get lucky.” Viv was smiling, enjoying the idea I suspected. “I’ll have to leave Winston at home, but making up when we get back will be compensation enough believe me.”

The following morning we saddled up. With Viv’s expert guidance the pack-horse was loaded up as well, with everything we needed for a week’s camp. Because of my lack of practice in the riding department Viv had chosen a quiet mare. She had been ridden quite a bit recently and wasn’t as fresh as the entire Viv had chosen. He was a young stallion and was pretty lively at first, being just back in from the paddock where he had been spelling.

It was lovely to ride again. I had forgotten the pleasures of sitting in the saddle and listening to nature without the noise of wheels on tarmac and the hum of the engine to break that magic spell that comes with the solitude and quiet of the country. Mobs of pink and grey Galas wheeled madly through the bush and the occasional din of the flights of white Corellas and their bigger relatives the sulphur crested cockatoos wheeling and swooping in formation as they stirred from their night’s rest in the tall gum trees. In the distance a Kookaburra, or should I say a number of them, broke the silence after the cockatoos had lighted to feed, with their raucous laughing song. There were other birds as well, too numerous to mention, all adding the colour of their music in the morning.

We plodded on at little more than walking pace. I made every effort to spare my butt by putting most of my weight on my legs. It would take us maybe two and a half hours to get to our camping place, Viv had told me, maybe four if we went a little further, but that depended on me and my saddle sores. An hour into the ride and I wasn’t feeling any ill effects at all. We rested for a while at mid-morning and I was surprised to see the native green and yellow budgerigars in huge numbers, but I was even more surprised to see the pelicans on and around the small billabongs and water holes that fringed the narrow river.

“Lots of wild boar around here, goats as well. Big buggers some of those feral goats and Pigs. Goats as big as small dairy cows and some of the tuskers, the boars aren’t too shabby in size either. Better watch out for them, they can be mean, especially if there are young’uns in tow.”

“Wow, I didn’t realise that there were so many animals here.”

“Don’t get your hopes up sweetie, I wouldn’t fancy your chances with the goats or the boars, they don’t take to humans much. Been culled so often that they charge on site.”

“No the Kangaroos will do just fine Viv. Is it very far to go?”

“Nope, we’ll be there by eleven, Set up camp and get in the wood for the fire. Well need plenty of wood it gets pretty cold out here, big logs, the bigger the better, they burn all night.”

Viv had been right, we were camped by Noon, tent up, bedrolls inside, cooking fire pit dug. There was a big pile of branches heaped up for the night’s fire. It hadn’t been a problem to gather, there was plenty of dead wood lying around close to camp and there was even more on flood line that the creek had flushed out during a number of flood events, leaving a distinct line of debris at peak flood level. It would be a good source of firewood over the next week. What’s more, there was heaps of kangaroo droppings all about the area telling us that there were kangaroos here.

“Oh, one more thing, I hope you don’t freak out, but we may run across a few dingoes during the week as well. Don’t let them worry you though they will be a bit stand offish especially with the fire fully stoked.”

“Dingoes, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Sorry,” she shrugged “I really did forget”

“I’ll bet.”

“No, honest I did. All I was thinking about were the kangaroos and this is the place to meet them so to speak. Along the creek around sundown till sunup. How will we go about it, any ideas?”

“Don’t know, I don’t have a real plan just an idea. Let’s try the full frontal approach.”

“And that would be?”

Well, we, or me if you don’t want to, get naked more or less. Naked that is, all except for a Spencer, we need to keep our chest warm and we have to wear shoes, the ground is rough. Just look at the cat’s eyes down there, those little buggers will stick you something awful.

“I know they will, not exactly a fashion statement going bare bummed with boots on, is it?”

“No, but we are not exactly on the catwalk either. We have to mingle with the mob, get their trust by just being where they are. I don’t expect any results, but I hope they will let us be around while they’re feeding. Maybe one or two might get curious, but as I said it may take time. It was too good to be true back at the farm last Saturday. I don’t expect that to happen again, but will show them what we’ve got. I’m sure they’ll see us as female or at least detect our female scent. If they’re that way inclined from there on we play it by ear.”

“There must be something about you that peeks their interest. First the greys now the reds. You must produce the right pheromones or something.”

“I’ve wondered what it is, nothing to do with my cycle, I’m sure. But it’s that part of my cycle right now, I have to admit.” I didn’t think it had anything to do with my ovulation cycle because my first encounter with the grey kangaroos had been as far from my ovulation as it can get in any one month.

“Wow, maybe you might get lucky after all. I think we should move down to the creek just before the sun goes down if we see any kangaroos earlier we can move down earlier. We will wait until they come up to us and then move with them. It might work if the mob hasn’t been spooked by shooters recently.”

The sun was getting pretty low when from our camp on the highest ground around here, Viv saw the first doe glide over the ridge and down toward the creek to drink. In minutes others joined her and the first sighting of the big red buck was a statuesque figure. Standing erect, ears pricked, on the low ridge about two hundred meters away.

We were already undressed for the occasion and slipped from our camp in plain view of the growing mob. We were up wind as well and I fully expected the big male to warn the others off, but he remained on guard, although he had turned his head to watch our progress toward the creek verge. Once there we would wait and see what happened, fingers crossed.

Big golden orb of the moon rose above the trees. For a long while we had been in total blackness after the sun had set. The sounds of the night seemed amplified by the darkness. We couldn’t see the progress of the mob of kangaroos at all. The last we had seen, when the suns final feeble rays reflected a deep yellow glow from the low clouds was the mob gradually making their way toward us. They were aware of our presence, but seemed to be showing little concern. If we didn’t make any sudden movements, then I was pretty sure that they would gradually graze their way up to us. When the sun had completely gone, we could see little more than a few yards in front of us when our night vision was properly in. No sounds gave any approaching kangaroo away. Only the hoot or squawk of a night-bird broke into the silence and even then those noises seemed so natural and part of the night.

The moons glow gradually lit up the eastern sky with a dull blue halo and our vision was extended bit by bit until the faint outlines of each kangaroo came into view. Still unconcerned the closest one was no more than twenty metres away. Our patient wait, in silence, would soon be over and the first of the kangaroos would be almost on top of us in a matter of minutes. Then, in the east, the full suspended arch of the moon broke free of its seeming attachment to the earth and lifted in all its majesty over the flat openness of the western plains. The surrounding landscape was lit up as if it were daytime. Now we could see the extent of the mob. There must have been a hundred, maybe even two hundred kangaroos grazing on the sweet pick all around us.

Suddenly I felt the need to pee. I had remained so still and silent for so long that when I relaxed my bladder did as well and almost before I was squatting the golden gush stained the red soil between my feet. The closest of the grazing kangaroos looked up at the sound of my tinkle. The earthy smell of wet soil combined with the sharp ammonia smell of my pee. The largest of the kangaroos closes to me stood erect ears pricked forward and faced me. The night sky was so bright now I could see at this close range his protruding tongue and flaring nostrils as he drank in the floating odours that even my week human sensory organs considered strong.

“Wow, neat trick,” Viv hissed, trying to keep her voice as low as she could.

“No trick, I was busting.”

“Yeah, I know how you feel I need to go as well. I think you have drawn someone attention”

“I saw, hope it’s a boy.”

“It is I can see his dangle bits. Not a full grown red, but an older juvenile.” As the male approached, I heard Viv empty her bladder as well. There was something about tension and a cool night that just made you want to go.

The feral smell of the kangaroo, which I had become familiar with recently was beginning to dominate the odour of my pee as he came along side of me and sniffed at the stained earth. He was leaning forward, taking some of his weight on his forepaws as he sniffed the ground, then he raised his head and seemed to be tasting the odour that floated around his flaring nostrils. Then his head returned to the wet earth. Many minutes passed as the kangaroo alternately sniffed the wet patch between my legs, then moving a meter or so and doing the same between Viv’s legs.

“Seems spoilt for choice,” Viv whispered.

“Either that or he doesn’t fancy either one of us,” I returned with a cheeky grin.

“He fancies something,” Viv returned, “look at his thingy.” I did and she was right his penis was extended and occasionally twitched as he moved. Then I saw a movement behind him as another young buck moved in.

“He had better choose his options seem to be shrinking,” I whispered and pointed to the new arrival.

“Yeah, and there’s more like the TV salesman said, look behind you there is another couple of big’uns coming in. Gee, what’s in our pee do you think?”

It was getting colder by the minute with the cool air funneling along the creek like an invisible tide.

The young male that was to arrive after picking up the scent of my pee was now running his forepaws over Viv’s rump. Immediately I recognised the ritual tail stroking that Kangaroos indulge to tease and test their potential mates if the female didn’t move away, she was ready to be served if she hopped off, she may or not be receptive and often the male would follow trying to draw a favourable response from the seemingly reluctant female. Often his perseverance work. But here in the bright moonlight Viv nor I planned to run away. We would stand for the big red no matter which one it was.

“You’re it,” I whispered, “he’s done his rock paper scissors, and you won.” Even my whisper didn’t hide my disappointment. However, there were other males closing in with more caution than the younger one had shown.

A second red appeared and he was monstrous. The others had hung back at his arrival. He was even bigger than the one I had such an exciting encounter with last Saturday. This one was clearly a dominant male. Or at least had been. His numerous battle scars were testament to that very fact.

I fully expected that the male, paying close attention to Viv, to pull back and show the big alpha male some respect. However, he remained close to Viv stroking and sidling around her. He was even closer now than he had been just moments before. Now he had both front paws resting on either side of her hips. He seemed completely unaware or uncaring of the other males close by.

The giant kangaroo casually, but cautiously moved around both Viv and myself sniffing and watching. Still the smaller one remained close to Viv, his forearms now clutching purposefully about her naked waist endeavouring to get a firm hold on her flaring hips. The oldest male was using his vast experience, gathered in many encounters with strange situations, to come in without checking out these two strange tailless females. His obvious size and dominance over the other males gave him time to check things over at his leisure. It was clear now that he wasn’t going to challenge the younger one for Viv. I was his target as he closed in sniffing first the air, then the wet earth finally me. I looked around at all the other males from juvenile up in size. I looked at Viv as the battle-scarred veteran sniffed my torso and hair before sidling further around me to sniff the business end.

The male at Viv’s hind quarters was drawing her back roughly with a tight hugging grip. His dark penis silhouetted against the yellow soil beyond. It was like the other kangaroos, long and tapered, bent near the end and it was bouncing and probing upwards as he got close to Viv’s pussy. He seemed to be on target for a while, but missed on the left. Then on the right before getting it between Viv’s open thighs.

“Hey, that tickles,” Viv called softly as the penis fluttered against her soft thighs as it wobbled and bounced searching for the wet inviting crack that he knew was there.

Meanwhile, the old man kangaroo was winding up his inspection of me and his playful paw now came to rest on my bum. I knew what to expect as the old man made some scratching strokes over my soft firm butt. The claw left a stinging trail of grazed skin behind it and it stung wickedly.

“Hay careful there I don’t like rough love,” I said more for my own benefit.

He seemed to react to my complaint as almost instantly he encircled my waist with his powerful forearms. He was one strong beast. His upper body rocked one way, then the other as he threw me from side to side while he pulled back me between his huge, spread, ham-like hind legs.

A few metres away, I heard a gurgled cry from Viv. As I turned to watch what had made her moan, I saw the hips of the kangaroo mounting her give a jerking thrust. He mustn’t have been satisfied because he dragged Viv first one way, then another before he followed with another strong thrust of his hips. Viv again gurgled and gave a shuddering moan as the excited kangaroo began to thrust jerkily, in and upwards, as his penis edged further and further into Viv’s warm belly. As the kangaroo continued to thrust awkwardly, he was raking his paws along Viv’s sides.

She had fallen forward onto her hands, probably to alleviate any discomfort, although the Kangaroo was supporting her hips as he clasped her tightly, holding her up, so that she was barely touching the ground with her knees. I had never been handled this way by any of the kangaroos that had mated me. He seemed to be struggling to find her cervical opening as he leaned backwards jabbing sharply struggling to bury herself into the now struggling woman.

Viv was lashing out with her hands as she cried out “Let me go you bastard you’re hurting me,” but the more she struggled the tighter the kangaroo held her. Then, as he thrust upward savagely Viv moaned deeply and the kangaroo hesitated and held firmly onto the still struggling woman. Viv seemed to be calming down a little as she was held firmly, then she moaned, a sort of contented moan, and stopped struggling against the attached male. Then slowly, with short prods, he began to thrust again, but now more gently and more in the rhythm. Viv was sobbing, but I didn’t know what to say.

I certainly couldn’t do anything to help her, because the old man kangaroo had just found me and was inserting his tapered shaft bit by bit without any discomfort. He was making irregular thrusts as he took me surprisingly gently. By now I had enough experience to know exactly how to accommodate the strange penis so it may have been a reciprocal accommodation of each other that made things less traumatic than Viv’s obvious experience. As the big kangaroo seemed to want to watch the other kangaroos that were gathered behind us. So with several powerful tugs he dragged my hips around. While he could now watch the other interested males I was now closer to Viv.

“Viv, are you ok, are you hurt?” I asked anxiously as I watched the young kangaroo pumping his hips with a smooth rhythm. Viv was no longer sobbing. She panted, her reply in a wobbly voice as she was rocked by each jab.

“Yeah… Now I’m… OK, but… He bloody… I’ll hurt for a while. Stinging a bit inside but I-It’s nice now.”

The big male was now jabbing deeply inside me. I gasped with each searching poke. So I knew what Viv had gone through. It hurt if they missed and hit a tender spot. The blind prodding, often did miss. If you were prone to be tender up there, and I knew some girls were tenderer than others. The sharp prods felt like a poke with a hot needle at times.

As we watched each other we were being served by these two wild creatures. The penis tip that was prodding against my round cervical protrusion as I spoke to Viv searching, then finding the puckered entry into my womb.

I shut my eyes and concentrated. The Kangaroo kept pushing and pushing, further and further into me as he shuffled his hind legs and rotated his groin, treating me like a rag doll, as he tried for every centimetre. The further up inside he went, meant the closer he was to the seat of the female’s eggs, and in kangaroos that’s important. The does are like a conveyor belt with a joey in three stages of development one at foot one in the pouch and the other ready to move from the womb when one of the others either became independent of mum or died in some way. So the buck with his seed in the female’s womb was the most potential father of the next joey.

In this way the big red was treating me as he would a doe. His seed needed to be right up inside and he struggled, stretching me to the limit of my ability to accommodate him.

I felt ashamed that he was wasting his seed in a barren field. There was no way that I could get pregnant to the kangaroo, but he of course didn’t understand that. For him this was a serious but for me it was a promiscuous bestial encounter with no repercussions only my personal indulgent pleasure.

I was sure that he couldn’t get any further up inside I felt my cervix gripping and resisting any further intrusion, although the pressure on his penis must have stimulated him to try harder. Never before had the other kangaroos been this determined, but this fellow was an old kangaroo. Probably no longer dominant and restricted in opportunities to mate. This was, I guessed, a rare opportunity and he wasn’t about to fail in seeding me with his abundant pent up sperm laden semen.

It seemed like it took forever as the kangaroo clawed and dragged me first one way, then the other as he continued his rutting effort. It may have been no more than five minutes since he had joined with me, but the effort that the Kangaroo made in servicing me was greater than any other kangaroo before him.

Finally, and to my relief, I felt a powerful warm squirt deep up inside me. The pent-up semen was vented into my belly in pulsing spurts. Perhaps it was the pulsing penis more than the actual semen discharging into my belly, but whatever it was, was electric. My groin tingled with tiny vibrations that grew into uncoordinated trembling. Suddenly my groin tightened incredibly then clamped down hard on the penal shaft that was filling my vagina. I began to hyperventilate as my entire body trembled and jerked uncontrollably and I slumped forward against the grip of the powerful forearms of my animal lover.

Through misty eyes, I saw that Viv had been able to detach from her mate and she just rested there near me satiated. A minute later I joined her on my hands and knees as my mate moved off satisfied and empty. We just stared at each other, expressionless, then as if by some mutual consent we burst out laughing. Laughter that began as a giggle and finished with us holding each other for support as we were racked with our uncontrolled spasms of mirthful relief.

From the corner of my eye I saw the approaching males stop, stand erect, as they do when alarmed or are watching something intently, and prick their ears up like Antenna. Viv had seen the sudden watchfulness of the closing kangaroos. Something or someone must have alerted them and now they all stood silently and looking in the same direction, the direction of our camp.

“What’s the matter, do you think?” I asked Viv, feeling the same alarm as the kangaroos.

Looking around in the bright moonlight it was easy to see most of the mob, and most of them were now watchful. A rabbit scampered past us toward the creek and several other indeterminate shapes also scurried in the same direction. That seemed to be the signal for the mob to move. They wheeled as one and with ever-increasing bounds headed in the same direction as the fleeing rabbit. We got to our feet and looking ridiculous in boots and Spencer’s tried to find a cause for the kangaroo’s sudden panic.

“Not sure, but something is up there on the top of the rise, near the camp. I thought I saw some movement.”

She crouched down a little, I wasn’t sure why and lent forward peering into the night. Even though the moon was bright and illuminated most things the dark shapes of ghost like trees both standing and fallen broke up any clear vision. “Look there,” Viv raised her hand and pointed suddenly, “… and there as well.” Her finger swung across the skyline pointed finger punching forward each time she saw something.

“I make it five, no six of them. Six dingoes and they’re on the hunt. No wonder the kangaroos bolted!”

I could see them now just dim shapes on the crest of the rise, but they were moving along the peak of the ridge as they followed the flight of the kangaroos.

First one, then another broke free of the ridge as they headed down the slope and on toward us. Well, maybe not us it was the fleeing mob of kangaroos they were interested in and the mob had splashed through the shallow water of the creek and were now on the other side.

“Stand still until they pass,” Viv advised, “They have kangaroo on the menu for tonight and they’ll follow the mob until they catch one.” I hoped she was right, but they were heading in our direction and although we were down wind they weren’t blind. Standing still or not we would be seen.

Viv was right the dingoes loped past as we watched their pursuit of the fleeing mob of kangaroos.

“Gees that was close,” I let my breath out in a steady exhale. “Did you see that last one, I thought it was going to stop for sure?”

“You’re right, I think he must have tossed up between a feed of kangaroo and whatever else he had in mind. Anyway, there gone for now so let’s get back to camp. I hope they didn’t get into our food.” It was unlikely that they had we had a collapsible camp safe for storing our food away from ants and feral animals. We lowered it and raised it with a rope from the tree branch when we need it.

Back at camp everything was as we had left it. We hardly spoke as Viv re-stoked the camp fire and I prepared some bacon and eggs for dinner. On top of the ridge it was warmer than it was down by the creek so neither of us was quick to redress.

“You’re not hurt are you?” I finally addressed what had concerned me ever since Viv had been roughly taken by the kangaroo.

“No, I’m okay, but I thought he was going to spear my belly with that thing of his. I bet it was his first time with a female, my luck to get a virgin. Blind leading the blind it was, and he was pretty awkward when it came to getting the job done.”

“Did he? Get the job done that is.”

“Oh yes indeed he did,” her expression said it all but she continued. “I can see why you get a buzz out of it, God for a critter that produces tiny finger size babies those guys can make a girl go over the top.”

“You mean you….” I paused, unsure how to say what I was thinking. It wasn’t that I was shy or anything but it wasn’t something I freely discuss with anyone.

“Yeah, I came big time, almost snapped his Willie off when I did. Talk about intense, I really lost it there for a bit.


“What do you mean Wow? You said it was something out of this world, sex with a kangaroo. You must have cum yourself,” She paused and looked across the fire directly at me inquisitively. Then asked the question, “Haven’t you?” I pursed my lips a little and looked up. “Well, you have haven’t you?” I shook my head and picked up a stick.

“Noooo! Never, not really never have cum when I have had sex. Came close the other day in the yard with that big red, which was really intense, but although I was close I didn’t. I only ever did cum when Barry fingered me. He was good at that I have to admit, but never during intercourse. Viv stood up and looked down at me and reached down to pull me up.

“Let’s get ready for bed, I feel washed out, it’s been a big day.” I followed her into the tent wondering where the dingoes had got to.


The sun lighting up the thin tent material casts a blue glow inside the shelter. The morning sounds of the bush were just beginning. The currawongs were making their seductive calls as they began their morning round for whatever food they could find, be it berries, seeds or grubs. Kookaburras gave their haunting call so often heard in jungle movies. Then just as the flocks of cockatoos began to leave their morning roost renting the air with their screeching calls on mass a shadow passed between the rising sun and the tent.

I dug my elbow into Viv’s sleeping bag. “Viv, Viv,” I hissed, trying to wake her with the least possible disturbance to whatever was moving outside our tent.

“Warrt,” her sleepy voice showed her resentment at being woken so rudely.

“Outside, there’s something moving about outside.”

“Oh, go back to sleep, it’s just a kangaroo or a bird.”

“No, it’s not a bird, its big and, and I think it’s a dingo,” I breathlessly replied. “Look, there it is, now see.” I pointed at the distorted shadow that was moving back in the opposite direction to the one that I had first seen it. “It’s a dingo, I just know it is for Christ sake, do something Viv, you know how I hate those things.”

I cringed back into my sleeping bag a bit melodramatically but it worked. Viv slid out of her sleeping bag and peeped through the tent flap. She had been naked inside the down filled bag and her warm ping behind looked delicious from this angle.

“Nice view lady,” I couldn’t help myself.

“Shoosh,” she snapped back. After a considerable pause, she pulled her head back inside the flap of the tent and turned. “Not one, but a whole bunch of them maybe six or eight. Probably that pack that went after the kangaroos last evening.”

“Jesus, I hope so. I would hate to think there was more than one pack of them around. As it is I think we should pack up and go when they head off.” I was beginning to feel pretty shaky by now and it was fortunate I was in my sleeping bag. I’m not sure that if I were standing that my legs would have supported me.

“Hummm,” She let out a speculative sound not so much a word, but it meant a lot all the same. “I don’t think that will be any time soon. They don’t seem to be in any sort of hurry.”

“Oh shit!” I couldn’t help myself from being crude. “What are they doing?” Viv lay back on top of her sleeping bag.

“Well, some are sniffing about and the rest of them are just lying about. Looks like they have decided to camp here with us.”

“Don’t muck about Viv, you know how I feel about all canines.”

“I certainly do and I’m not fooling they really don’ seem to be in a hurry to leave. They don’t appear to be interested in getting at our food supply up there either, so my guess is they have full bellies.”

“Well, why don’t they move on then?”

“Search me, but the one prancing up and down next to the tent seems to have something on his mind,” she said and her brow wrinkled a little.


“Well nookie maybe, his pink pointer is poking out some and with Winston, that’s a sure sign he wants to have a session with me.”

“For god’s sake be serious Viv, I’m as scared as hell here.”

“I said I wasn’t joking and I’m not he smells nookie there’s nothing surer.”

“One of the bitches must be in heat, maybe?”

“Maybe, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in any of the other dingoes. I think the bitch he has in mind is a little closer. Suddenly, what she was saying hit me.

“That’s silly, if he could smell you he would have come to you when you put your head out of the tent wouldn’t he? They don’t miss seeing things like that, do they?”

“No, they don’t miss a single thing that moves, you’re right and they can smell a bitch in season for miles and, and this is a big and June, he’s right next to your side of the tent.” My heart sank as I realised what she was saying was perhaps spot on. I was at that time between periods when I might just be ovulating, but with me nothing was regular and my periods and cycle varied erratically.

“Are they really dangerous? To people I mean. If we tried to chase them, they would go wouldn’t they? Besides, I don’t think they can smell a woman when she’s ovulating. That’s just silly”

“Well, last things first. I think they can. However, I don’t think a human female would attract a canine in that way. If they did just think of the embarrassment that would cause in many a household. Dogs, and I include dingoes when I say dogs because they are, are not naturally attracted to a women’s scent. In your case I’m not sure what’s going on. You seem a magnet for male kangaroos and that’s not normal is it, or is it? Anyway, there may be something about you that attracts animals of all breeds perhaps.

“Rubbish,” I said, but I couldn’t help but think that she may be right. My legs felt positively numb. The shadow outside the tent was more than a shadow now as I saw the sniffing animal’s muzzle pushing at the base of the taught tent material.

“Well, are you going to let him shred the tent or do you go out and face him,” She giggled wickedly, “Well not exactly face him,” she giggled again.
“Be serious for god’s sake, there is no way that I am going out there. Which reminds me, you answered the last part of my question not the first part. Can we chase them away?”

“Ok, seriously. We need to go out there and try to chase them away, but I don’t like our chances. I don’t think they will attack or anything like that, but they probably won’t leave, well they won’t go far. It’s the dingo way. If they think there’s food around or maybe a bitch in heat they’ll be pretty determined to stay close for as long as it takes. If we don’t do something quick this tent is not going to be up to much as a shelter if that animal continues to scratch at the tent. Let’s get out there.” She grabbed my free arm, “come on.”

“I need to dress.”

“Bugger dressing let’s get out there and stop that animal from destroying the tent.” I relented and slipped out of the warm coyness of the sleeping bag. Scrambling to our feet outside the tent we were confronted by a lean, lanky dingo with a rather scrappy cream coloured coat. He wasn’t the handsomest of dogs, but he seemed to be the boss of the rest because the others were hanging back heads drooped in a sly way, watching. My stomach turned at the sight of these native dogs. They were bigger, more evenly robust type than the pack that had pursued us a week or so ago. Perhaps because these were all mature adults.

“Shooooo! Go away you ugly bugger,” Viv yelled, but the dingo only turned sideways and lowered his head.

I felt totally exposed, naked as I was, in the cool morning air. I hung back behind Viv. It didn’t help my ingrained fear of canines to be so close to this wild animal that began to slink closer to us.

“Well, that worked,” I hissed. Viv bent down and picked up a hand full of small pebbles and threw them at the approaching animal. He lowered his head further and snarled, showing a set of ugly yellow teeth.

“Oh god!” Viv groaned. I underestimated this one. I thought at least he would run off a little bit….” My knees felt shaky.

“Viv, I’m really scared now.”

“Me too, but for Christ sake don’t run, look at the rest of them, they’re getting a lot more confident now. I should have brought a gun or something.”

“I don’t like guns,” I muttered.

“Me either! But that bugger looks determined to get what he wants and I think that’s you.” The dingo was circling slowly. His brown eyes fixed on me. He was close enough to smell now and his smell was more feral than your average domestic dog.

“Viv….. What do we do now?”

“What we do is we don’t run.” Viv sounded determined more than brave.

“I couldn’t run if I wanted to,” My voice trembled as I spoke, “And Viv I want to.”

The Dingo was now behind me and I stood awkwardly as I felt his bristly fur against the calf of my leg.

“VIV,” my voice rose and broke as I made my futile plea.

“Don’t move, let him check you out?” Move? Hell, my legs were trembling so much that my muscles could no longer control my bladder. A torrent of pee cascaded down my leg. I groaned with despair.

Immediately the dingo smelt the pee he began to taste and sniff. Within seconds his mood changed from a cautious wild animal to an agitated male spurred on by the enticing taste and odour of a female in heat.

The dingo dog was now excited but confused. His confusion was brought on by the human who must be female. His nose was telling him that, but she was fur-less and shivering. The shivering was not an unusual response from a young female bitch new to mating. He understood a shivering response, in fact, it made him more excited. It was a sure, though hesitant sign that the bitch was prepared to accept the male. However, the tailless, fur-less human bitch, standing upright in a muddy pee patch of red soil created problems for his immediate needs.

“God June you certainly know how to get an animal excited,” Viv observed.

“I don’t want a part of this Viv and I always pee when I’m scared.

“Afraid the Dingo sees it different sweetheart. You just sent him a gold-edged invite to mate you. He’s not going to take no for an answer now.” She was right the dingo dog pushed his nose between my firm ass cheeks, seeking what I had clamped my thighs tight on.
“Go away you horrible thing,” I avoided a physical response but cringed away unsuccessfully. The determined animal was not going to go away and he responded by leaping up onto my back. The lean, muscular beast had his forepaws over my bare shoulders and his muzzle and wet nose burrowed into my unrestrained hair that hung untidily in morning disarray. The Dingo seemed unfazed by my less than elegant appearance. I groaned, embarrassed at my own silly thoughts. Of course he didn’t care how I looked he wasn’t human. Why was I thinking this way?

“He wants you June,”

“I know what he wants and he can’t have it.” I snapped back. The smelly dingo was bouncing on his hind legs as he followed my evasive actions.

“I’m not sure of that, if I was you I would get down on my knees and let him do his best. It’s the only way to get rid of him.”

“I thought you were my friend?”

“I am love, but you know what he wants and the only way to be rid of him is to let him have it. Look, he’s not mean now, but he could turn if you don’t let him.” He was already grabbing at my hair with his mouth and the doggy breath was putrid. In an attempt to avoid his growing amorous attention I swung to the left sharply. My foot caught on a tent-peg and I crashed unceremoniously to my knees.

Seeing his opportunity the dingo was all over me. Now I must look more familiar to him. He made little growling rumbles as he caught his mouth in my tangling hair. His forepaws were over my shoulders, but he was quickly trying to mount my hips as he humped his own hips with vigorous enthusiasm. I was stunned from the fall and Viv was quickly on her knees at my head to see if I was ok.

“Just let him do his best love you’ll be ok, I’m here,” She wasn’t helping me, she was holding my shoulders to prevent me from getting up.

“Let me go Viv, What are you doing?” I shook my shoulders to break her hold. She had no intention of letting me go. Her grip tightened.

“Don’t be silly just let him have you when he does we can get out of here, it’s best for both of us.”

The dingo was now hunched over my hips with his forepaws tightly gripping at my waist. His hind legs were climbing over my lower legs and calf’s. Hurting as he began to vigorously prod and poke. His sharp penis was obviously spraying a fine mist discharge all over my bum and vagina. Several pokes were a long way from what he sought while others were as close as my anus. Minutes seemed to pass and the dingo dismounted, then remounted twice. The crack of my behind was dripping with dribbling pre-cum. He bounced all over the place in his enthusiasm. His hold was tight and his hind paws were digging into my calf muscles as he danced his hips against mine.

Then on his third remount after he had got from me to sniff and licked my distended vulva, he brought his hind legs further forward, closer to my knees and with his first serious hip thrust he buried himself inside my vagina. I screamed out with the shock of the sudden and deep penetration.

The dingo went ballistic with violent thrusts that sent him even deeper inside my distended vaginal passage. On and on, he thrust into me slamming his groin against my firm naked bottom. Initially I could hardly feel the penis inside me then as his violent thrusting continued I felt him inflate and fill me. The tightness in the neck of my vagina was a sure indication that he had his knot had inflated as well and was now locking me to this awful smelly beast.

Around us the pack had begun to congregate. The Dingo threw his left hind leg across my hip in an effort to face off with any other male that thought that it may like to challenge for this bitch. I clenched my teeth as his bulb tugged at my vaginal neck and hurt. The pressure inside was pleasant enough and the spurting penis seemed to have no end. I felt the escaping dribble of dingo cum trickling into my pubic hair and by lowering my head and looking back, I could see the droplets of leaking cum drizzling to the ground between my knees.

I had hated the thought of being near a dog for so long, but now that this dingo had taken me and serviced me, I understood why Viv and Winston had found so much pleasure in one another. Any little move I made I felt the bulging knot inside me rubbing pleasantly. I didn’t orgasm, but I came close oh so very close and may have any moment, but that moment didn’t come as the dingo made a lunge at another male who got close and the slippery penis slithered free of my clutching vagina.

I was still looking back between my knees as the sporting noise of his departure was followed by a gush of thin drooling cum that could now escape from what must be a gaping chasm of my vagina.

The dingo walked off with his slick and ghostly bleached looking penis dangling obscenely, unable to contract because of the restraining knot. He slumped to the ground and commenced his clean up as he waited for his knot to recede.

I felt stunned, unable to put any coherent thoughts together. Not sure how I felt I remained on my knees and surveyed the rest of the pack. Was I to be used like a slutty street bitch or ignored? Secretly I wondered if I really cared.

Slowly, on shaky legs I got to my feet. The dingo who had taken me was still licking his exposed erection. Well, it wasn’t an erection as such I guess. I knew enough about animal physiology to realise that the dog’s penis, like many animals, were not like human and horse penises. It is absent in humans, but present in other primates, such as the gorilla and chimpanzee as well as Bulls, goats, deer and dogs among many. The bone aids sexual intercourse by maintaining sufficient stiffness during sexual penetration. However dog’s penises were a little different. Once inserted the penis also inflated with blood as increased arousal allowed. Their knot also formed at the base and that I wasn’t sure about beyond it is some sort of plug.

The reclining animal watched me as well as his peers as several of the male dingoes seemed to show an increased interest in me, but they paid deference to the alpha male by staying a little way off so as not to incur his displeasure.

“Well?” Viv raised her eyebrows a little as she posed a one word question that inferred much more. I was going to play coy, but decided the occasion didn’t call for it.

“He was smelly”

“And I was pretty scared, but yes, it was sort of nice.”

“Sort of?” She kept prodding.

“Well, yes, sort of, it was different to both the kangaroo and the pig. Sort of tighter, don’t you think?”

Well, you’re a master of understatement aren’t you? I just blow my mind when I am with Winston and I guess the dingo is much the same,” She was prompting me to explain further.

“Probably, the same I suppose, but I really don’t know. I’ll get dressed now I think”

“Oh, forget the claws come with me and we will check the horses they probably need to shift onto another patch of grass.”


“Who’s to see and does it matter anyway. A bit of naturist in us all, don’t you think?”

“I guess,” I said vaguely then paused and restated, “Yes, I like being in the nude outdoors, it’s sort of fun though it is a bit chilly at the moment.” Then another pause while I tried to recap in my mind what had happened in the last twelve hours or so. We strode down the slope wearing only shoes, watched by the dingo who remained in the camp. “It’s been a busy twelve hours or so hasn’t it?”

“Yes and by my score you are ahead of me by one.” I would rather it had been her ahead because I still wasn’t a dog fancier. Sure, it had been erotically pleasant, but the smell of dog/dingo managed to offend my senses somewhat and I would gladly have changed places with Viv.

We re-pegged the horses, still able to reach water, onto fresh grass after feeding them some grain, then we sat on the grass watching them feed.

“What’s next then?”

“Well, look around today, relax and then tonight well try for the kangaroos again, what do you think.”

“Fine by me, but what about the Dingos they don’t seem like they want to move.”

“No, they don’t do they, maybe we can try for the double.”

“Both of us?”

“Sure, why not.”

I could think of a few reasons, but I wasn’t going to make an issue of it now.


Part 7…

Walking naked in the bush on a pleasantly warm morning was totally liberating. Nothing was more further from my thoughts than my past life with Barry. What did trouble me was the ever-present dingoes. They had decided to take up residence near our camp for the day. They were lying around in the red hard pack where the shallow roots of the trees prevented the grass from taking hold.

“Those bloody dingoes, they won’t budge and I just know that the Kangaroos won’t come close with them about.” We were sitting on a grassy bank of the narrow creek in the shade of several hanging willows like two naked cherubs, well… We could we could pass for cherubs to a sympathetic eye from a distance. Viv flicked a little round ball of goat poo with her finger before she answered.

“I don’t have a problem with that, If the Kangaroos don’t appear, we still have the dingoes.”

“Well, I still don’t like dingoes a whole lot, oh, it was kind of nice this morning but I still prefer Kangaroos.” Viv had found a small pile of goat droppings and she had begun an absent-minded distraction to see how far she could flick the pellets.

“You know, maybe we could distract them this afternoon. Maybe head down to the fork in the creek, it’s only about two Kilometres and perhaps the dingoes might follow. I bet that randy bugger, once he gets your scent again will be keen and his mates will follow. Or….” She paused and looked into the distance we could try to find what made this mess here.”

“What mess?”

“Look about you, see in the grass, all the goat droppings. Like rabbit poo only darker.”

“Yes, I see them and…” I hoped that Viv would continue.

“And maybe with that unique talent of yours, you may be able to entice a buck to F….”I cut her off.

“I get the point.”

“You will if we’re lucky.”

“No, it won’t work, it’s not like their domestic or anything. They won’t let us get even close.” I was sceptical about wild goats. Not only because they may be a little spooked by humans, but they would or could be a little aggressive if we did get close and I told Viv what I thought.

“Look, all we can do is find out where this herd is hanging out a see what happens. They may be resting up near the stony caves under the sandstone overhang. I have seen them there before it’s about three or four K’s this way. Well get the horses and ride most of the way. Can you ride bare back and bare bummed? It’s not far and I don’t want to go back to camp for the saddle and attract the Dingoes attention. I scowled at the thought, but said yes.

We had ridden for maybe three kilometres when Viv reined her horse to a stop. My bum hurt and it had been hard for me to manoeuvre a horse using just the halter and my knees.

“Oh, thank God,” I hissed as I quickly dismounted. Sliding to the ground I led my horse to a tree and tied it up. Viv had already led the way, tying her horse to the tree next to mine.

“We’ll walk from here the caves are on the south side of that ridge. The breeze is in our face so they won’t get a wife of us until we get close.” She picked her way up the slope through the increasingly sparse vegetation, all the time being careful not to dislodge the many rocks that littered the slope. I followed several paces behind.

The slope was deceptive. The continuous climb made my heart rate increase alarmingly and the calves and thighs of my legs screamed their protest with every step. I wasn’t going to let Viv know I was hurting. That would be an admission of my lack of fitness and I wouldn’t give her that satisfaction. Eventually we topped the sharp ridge and Viv paused, much to my relief.

You’re puffing?” She observed.

“I’m okay.” She just smiled and pointed to the right.

“The caves are just around there. The ground gets a little shifty underfoot coming this way, but we are on the same level as the cave. If I’m right the goats will be resting up, they usually do this time of day. When you get your breath back well edge around there,” she pointed the narrow goat track that wound around the ridge, “but be careful, hold onto the shrubs, they’re not spiky or anything so you won’t cut your hands.”

“And when we get there?”

“When we get there, we play it by ear, I really don’t know what will happen. They may get curious, perhaps, ignore us or run off. I don’t know, but if they get curious, let them check you out.”

“It won’t work, I just know it won’t.” I just couldn’t see how we could get the goats interested, not sexually anyway.

“Maybe not but follow my lead when we get there. Just remember two things the bucks smell to high heaven and they do it quick.” I was liking this idea less and less and I felt a little sick, but I would follow Viv… at a distance.” It was her idea and I was very prepared to follow her lead.


“Yes, as I can be,” Viv stood up and moved off slowly toward the escarpment that was undercut by weathering forming shallow caves and I followed.

As we rounded the corner we were confronted by a rolling feature of sandstone. It was very much like a petrified wave that stretched for maybe a hundred metres. The upper part of the escarpment had remained largely intact with the softer rock beneath becoming eroded to form, what was an ideal shelter. It was occasionally broken by a deeper recess that were shallow cave like features that gave the name to the outcrop. For hundreds, maybe thousands of year’s aboriginals had used these rolling sandstone features as a canvas for their art and hand palm silhouette. The goats had defaced the art by rubbing against the lower pictures by their constant rubbing. But where were the goats?

“This place is awesome Viv, I just have to come here again with my camera.”

“Well, do that, but first things first. Where are those goats?” There were lots of signs, but no goats at all. Then a distant bleat made us turn to look out across the Valley. I had been so preoccupied with the rock art and the geology I hadn’t looked at the valley below. A long line of goats was strung out across the valley and heading this way.

“Something held them up, maybe they were foraging a long way from here or were disturbed and just got reorganised. But they’re on their way now.” Viv observed.

I wondered what some casual observer would make of two naked women wearing only boots, standing in front of the red sandstone wave. For that matter, I wondered what the goats would think of us when they completed their long climb to their rest place.

“What now do you think?” I made the awkward enquiry of Viv. She made a clicking sound with her tongue on her teeth as she looked about for inspiration.

“We don’t want to, or even need to, scare them. It may be best if we stay as still as we can but at the same time make them curious.”

“How?” I wrinkled my forehead in concentration.

“Well, see that broken brush over there. Probably the result of the big wind a month ago or so.”

“I see them, but what have they to do with the goats?”

“Well… Nothing really, and I know this sounds rather silly, obscene, actually, but if we clear the roughest of the foliage away so we don’t get scratched too much we could both sort of use it as support and present our butts to the goats as they approach and see what happens.”

“Are you serious?”

“Certainly, look goats like all animals like to sniff butt to get to know other piers and animals. You’ve seen them poking their noses under the tails of the females. Well, we don’t have tails so that makes things a lot more obvious and bent over the tree trunks we are showing them what we are. A female is a female, take the kangaroos and dingoes for instance.”

“I hate being the sceptic, but they’re more likely to get spooked and run off.”

“They might but if we keep still maybe not and it’s worth a try. It isn’t like we’re coming to them, they’re coming to us so they may be a little spooky, but still confident in making their own choices.”

As we spoke the goats had begun to assent the slope leisurely. The leader seemed to be a tall, impressive animal, black and White with huge horns. We both watched their progress until they were nearing the overhang.

“Ok, let’s get ready. As comfortable as we can so we don’t have to move remember.

“I remember and I hope I can, I just know I’m going to get my belly and titties chafed.”

“Stop winging just do your best and don’t move.”

It took a short while to get comfortable, but I managed to find a sturdy branch that was reasonably comfortable to spread out and still present on my goodies to any inquisitive male that I pass.

I looked across at Viv to see if she had found herself a tree trunk like mine and she had. The bark was prickly against my skin and I began to itch. I shuffled my feet a little to readjust my weight. The occasional bleat of the approaching goats grew louder, but time seemed to be dragging. I turned my head again so that I could see Viv. She was looking in my direction and smiled. Well, sort of smiles.

As a plan this was not a good one, but we were stuck with it now. Then from in the very extreme range of my peripheral vision I saw the blurred outline of the first goat appear. Then the next and the next animal passed through the very corner of my vision. They were arriving in numbers now all ready for their days’ rest.

I wasn’t able to see where they were going, but if they had seen us they didn’t seem to be concerned by our presence. Time ticked by. My brow was clammy from perspiration that was formed into little salty beads that were rolling down my brow and into my eyes. It was a strange feeling of tension as I waited and wondered. Viv must have felt the same as she lay unmoving on the fallen tree trunk. It was then that I suddenly felt grateful that it was a Tea Tree and not a tree with rough bark.

This was weird, very weird, I thought, and it was. Two naked girls prone on two fallen tree trunks with more and more goats arriving. Then, from beyond my peripheral vision, came one of the goats. A blurred shape at first, but soon in focus as I turned my head cautiously. It was approaching Viv. It was a surprisingly tall goat, not like most of the domestic animals I had seen. It was more the size of a yearling calf. I mouthed ‘G.O.A.T’ to warn Viv and she replied with ‘O.K’

The big horned goat paused and stretched his neck forward and sniffed the air. The animal seemed huge. Wild devils eyes in a black face glared satanically as he sniffed the air. Every time he moved his leg no matter how small the movement, it seemed almost mechanical, twitchy and quick. The horns reminded me of an Asian buffalo horn, well sort of. The horns rose symmetrical from his head flowing out and backward in a sinuous twist. He looked scary. I felt afraid. Then he darted forward and Nipped Viv on the hip as male goats do. She yelled as the yellow teeth drew blood. Surprisingly, in spite of the painful bite Viv did little more than flinch.

The goat stood back with his head tilted inquisitively waiting for Viv to perhaps run away, but of course she didn’t, couldn’t. The goat again darted forward, but this time he didn’t nip Viv, but drove his bearded face in between her slightly spread legs. Again Viv flinched, but remained stoic and still. I wondered at her self-control. The goat seemed to sniff and lick Viv’s Vulva then step back and bleated as he raised his head high curling his top lip back exposing yellow stained teeth as he tasted Viv’s odours.

For me, time had now stopped because I could smell the powerful stench of a male pheromone close to me. I knew it was there, but I couldn’t see it and Viv was too preoccupied to send any signal. The Big male behind her had now lowered his head onto her rump and she had closed her eyes in expectation. Then, with a lightning like move the Buck rose on his hind legs and Lunged forward. His thin, long penis jutting forward threateningly. He missed and Viv yelled at the sharp prod that must have been close to her vagina and hurt. Then again and again he tried. Missing each time. He paused, stood back, and eyed Viv’s rump wonderingly. Satisfied, he again laid his head on her rump, paused, then in a much slower move he lifted and lunged.

Viv again screamed, but this time the pencil thin penis sunk into her brutally quickly. The buck rutted his hips twice, maybe three times, then dismounted and stood back arrogantly, leaving Viv’s vagina bruised and battered with a trail of viscous semen trailing from it. It had been brutally quick and my stomach tightened with fear as I became aware of my own impending breeding.

I had grown tense with anticipation as I waited for the buck behind me to make a move. It was a private hell that I was in at the moment, waiting for his first move. When it happened, it was an ante climax. I felt the warm breath of what appeared to be a nervous animal. He had already seen the other buck take Viv, but it didn’t seem to make his confidence grow. He was just as nervous as he had been and apparently more nervous than the other stud.

He was close to my behind and I imagined his devil like eyes surveying my bum and vagina. What he made of it was anyone’s business. Confused, he must have been. A doe’s vagina was smaller and more bitch like in appearance where a human female was more similar to the vagina of a mare. Still, what he was smelling was perhaps familiar, I really didn’t know, but from recent experience males of many species needed little encouragement to explore the possibilities of relieving their immediate needs.

The first prickly contact of his beard made me shiver as his head pressed close against my bum cheek. Then I squealed with a mixture of surprise and a perverse delight as the animal’s tongue darted against my vulva in rapid licking slashes. I squirmed, wanting to get away from the delightful application of tongue on vagina and yet wishing he would continue. He didn’t, almost as soon as he began, he stopped and I could no longer feel his beard, tongue or breath.

It was a cruel situation that I found myself in. Unable to see my potential lover or what he looked like. Not even able to see or anticipate his next move. Across the way Viv was again coming under the attention of the robust buck that had already taken her. The leaking semen was still clinging in a glob of stickiness from her serviced Vagina.

“Ouch,” I yelled as the goat behind me kicked my leg with his foreleg. It hurt and he repeated the kick again. Again, it hurt and I was sure he had grazed my calf with his sharp hoof. What was he doing I wondered. The answer was clear when I saw the buck paying attention to Viv do exactly the same and I instantly remembered that this was part of a Goats foreplay. It was their way of stimulating a female to become receptive to accepting them. Again the Buck behind me struck out with his hoof. When I didn’t move I presumed he had his answer. After all, I wasn’t moving away, I was presenting to him exactly what he wanted?

I heard a little bleat from close behind me then the buck placed his head on my lower back. The slight breeze carried the vile musk of the goat to my nostrils. My belly tightened and I struggled to hold back the rising bile. There is no odour quite as vile as the musk smell of a goat. I visualised the yellow stained foreleg and beard of the goat behind me. The goat who had at that moment mounted Viv had the tell tale, yellow urine stain that bore testament to the bizarre practice of peeing in their own foreleg and beard when in rut.

The heavy head was suddenly gone from my lower back. The noise of the heard around me suddenly became distant background. I suspected, but wasn’t sure, that I was about to be mounted. I could see in my mind the goat rising on his hind legs, head tilted slightly as he shuffled forward. The wait seemed to be drawn out for an infinite time as I held my breath in expectation. It was like being consumed in a vacuum by a deathly quiet, everything seemed totally detached from reality. My vision blurred, I waited and waited.

Then I saw a leg descend through my vision as the weight of the animal’s chest came down upon my rump. His knees pressed into my hips on either side. I felt the goats lolling tongue in the middle of my back, sticky and hot. His beard transferring his vile smell onto my flesh. He probed me gently as I felt the tickling, searching penis sliding, exploring across my vulva and through the surrounding pubic hairs into the cleft between my labia. It was an unreal feeling and like the pause before he mounted seemed to last for ages then.

The goat bleated loudly, triumphantly, I felt the vibrations pass through me in stuttering waves. Then He lunged, I screamed, as Viv had screamed, as the long thin penis plunged deep and fully squirting his hot semen into me in an unbroken blast. Then, as instantly as it had happened, he was gone. I lay across the supporting log stunned by the brutal penetration. I felt a searing discomfort inside me. It was vicious and quick and I felt violated beyond anything I had experienced.

I looked across at Viv, but was barely able to see her through my misty eyes. I wanted to get up and out of there, but my legs didn’t work and besides the hot breath of the goat was on my back as he inspected his handy work.

I wanted to get up and out of there, but my legs didn’t work and besides the hot breath of the goat was on my back as he inspected his handy work.

I remained passive. There wasn’t a lot I could do. My chest was burning from the rash caused by slipping forward, driven by the fierce jumping thrust when the buck buried himself inside me to ejaculate. I fully expected that he may try for seconds and the vicious nudge of his head against my ribs told me my expectations was about to be filled. In anticipation, I tried to ease any pending discomfort by lifting from the log slightly and putting most of my weight on my arms and legs.

The animal remained frisky and dominant as he nudged, sniffed, kicked and pushed on me as he worked himself toward a second mount. Then he stopped his fussing, but I knew he remained close. Seconds passed, then a sudden shuffle was the only warning I got as he swung over me dropping onto my exposed behind almost gracefully. His legs dropped either side of my hips before he squeezes me, clutching tightly as he bent his knees and pressed them against my thighs.

The buck’s bearded chin dropped between my shoulder blades as he once again fell upon me. I let go a hiss of breath that I had held. I was tense but I now knew what to expect. My heart was pounding and my arms and legs hurt as I strained every muscle. I knew I should relax, but I couldn’t bring myself to let go. The recent brutal hurtful penetration prevented me from letting go entirely. However the searching tickles of his hard penis tip as it sort the tender wetness was no less stimulating.

I shivered and again held my breath as I anticipated his next move. The searching tip had found my lightly furred softness and had nudged between my folds surprisingly easily with gentle nudging prods. The knob end of the thin but hard penis parted was now firmly pressing into my warm, moist and sticky passage. I closed my eyes and held tight, bracing myself for the vicious drive that would send him stabbing brutally into me, squirting as he did against my cervix in one brutally quick invasion. In the briefest of moments the warm jet of seminal discharge coated my most personal place with another covering if slimy stuff then he was gone.

Again I lay panting, but a rough tug on my arm told me that Viv was next to me. “We have to get out of here before this turns out to be a goat gang bang,” she said as she dragged me onto my feet. Come on let’s go.”

It wasn’t easy threading our way through the throng of goats. We pushed and shoved a path between and around the densely packed animals. Several times I felt a hard nudge to my buttocks and I saw Viv receive the same treatment. The throng was a mixture of old and young goats, predominantly does, but more than a sprinkling of Bucks with their bigger bodies and much bigger horns.

It took a while to clear the rolling shelter of wind carved sandstone and for the biggest part of the journey we were followed by a number of hopeful young bucks. Under another set of circumstances, I may have been flattered by the obvious carnal intentions, but after my rough handling of one of the dominant males I was in no mood to accommodate another suitor.

An hour later and after a futile attempt to rid ourselves of the goat smell we were back at our camp gathering what toiletries that we had brought and heading for the creek for a second try. Try as we might the smell of goat still lingered and it was time not soap that would lift the unpleasant stench.

That evening I wasn’t in any sort of mood to go in search for a kangaroo. I was tired and smelly. The dingoes had left camp just before Viv cooking, some bacon and beans. The easiest of food for us to carry. Bacon was compact and the beans were in cans. The smell of fresh cooked damper (bread) was so tantalising my gastric juices were in overdrive by the time the meal was ready.

“Are we going down to the creek flat,” Viv enquired. I was surprised that she even mentioned it, but I just shook my head. “Why not? I thought that was why we were here.

“Not tonight I feel a little off.”


“Not exactly,” I wasn’t sure how to explain it, but I thought I had better try. “It’s just that the goat was kind of rough and I feel a little woozy is all.” To my surprise, she didn’t argue, but agreed.

“I was hoping you would say that I feel much the same it just wouldn’t be as much fun the way I feel either. Let’s start afresh tomorrow.”

To my surprise, I slept soundly. Until just before dawn when the call of nature demanded that I relieve the pressure. So, reluctantly, I slipped from my sleeping bag and crawled from the tent. The large fire that we had banked overnight still glowed in places where the embers still had some tenuous hold on the thick logs. I looked around carefully. It’s funny how the night brings all our primeval fears that are buried deep in the daylight hours to the fore. It wasn’t just the darkness, but the quiet loneliness of the bush night that made me jumpy.

I walked some distance before I squatted to pee. When I had squeezed the last drop out I immediately I felt better. Frustrated that I didn’t have the foresight to carry a few squares of toilet paper with me to put away the last dribble I stood up.

Now with the urgent need dealt with I looked around. The dark shadows and silhouettes that were created by the struggling eucalyptus trees made this a rather foreboding place. Trees out here weren’t the magnificent monuments that trees were on the coast. They didn’t grow tall and straight on single trunks, but were divided close to their roots into many gnarled branches that were pale imitations of the timbered forests that I knew best.

A crack, I jumped. At first startled by the sharp sound where there was no other sound? Then every sense sharpened, I looked around. I wasn’t sure where the sound had come from or even how close it had been.

I stood frozen looking this way and that as I sought some clue to what had made the noise. My heart pounded, every muscle tense with the natural instinct to run barely controlled. My ears strained for the slightest sound but there were none. A minute passed, then another, slowly I began to breathe again. Shallowly at first not wanting to miss any sound, no matter how slight, still nothing.

I was beginning to think my imagination was over stimulated. A reasonable person would know that it had only been a branch falling from a tree. They would, wouldn’t they? I said to myself. I was just being silly afraid of boogie men. Then when I had almost convinced myself that I was being a girl another sharp SNAP. This time I did run for the tent.

Just a bit for now, got interrupted, rest a little later

“What’s the matter,” A sleepy Viv slurred out as I scrambled into the tent.

“There is something out there Viv, I don’t know what it is but there is something big out there.” I panted breathlessly even though I had run only a short distance. Viv had come awake and sat up.

“Don’t be daft. If there is anything it’ll be the dingoes returning, anyway, what time is it?

“Don’t know, don’t care.”

“”For god’s sake June calm down, how bad can it be it’s either a kangaroo, dingo, and maybe a feral pig or goat, it could even be a bull Koala there known around here.”

“I don’t know what it was but it scared me.”

“Ok, ok, let’s get the torch and have a look shall we.”

It took a little searching between the sleeping bags and ground sheet to find the torch, but eventually Viv had it working. Still trembling, I pulled the tent flap back and with no reluctance at all I eased back to let Viv crawl through the narrow opening first, flicking on the torch as she did.

The beam picked out a small round area of light that was so frustratingly convening beyond the immediate area it touched. Insects flew through the beam as Viv began to play the torch backward and forward, pausing at each tree to make sure that nothing was lurking behind it.

“It’s probably a dingo, back early from the night’s hunt.” She said conversationally as I clung to her shoulder.
“I can’t see, anything can you?” My heart rate was slowing, but I was still edgy. The area outside the torch beam seemed darker than it probably was because the light had spoiled my night vision.

“Nah! Nothing at all,” then “What’s that?” My heart rate again skipped and I tried to focus on the spot where the torch beam was playing back and forward near a huge river Red Gum.

“What’s what, I can’t see anything?” I strained my eyes, trying to make out what Viv had seen.

“No, no there is something there alright see on the ground near that exposed root.” Try as I might I could see nothing.

“What am I looking for?”

“That root, the very big one.”


“And laying across it, that black branch like thing.”

Yes, I see it. It’s a branch alright, so what?”

“So it’s not a branch.”

“Maybe a snake then,”

“It’s not a snake, wait till it moves, a snake slithers, that wasn’t slithering when I saw it was sort of waving, flicking maybe but nothing like the way a snake moves.” Then it moved and Viv was right, it wasn’t a snake.

“Shoot Viv, that’s where I peed! Behind that tree, whatever it is was right there next to me,” I shivered.

“Maybe not, you said you didn’t know where the noise came from, right?”

“Yes, I couldn’t tell where.” Then Viv drew a deep, sharp breath, more like a gasp.

“Shit, it can’t be, I’ve heard rumours, but those that started them were more than likely drunk.”

Rumours of what?” I shook her head, but she didn’t respond as she kept looking at the black object waving lazily just above the tree root. Then something began to appear, unclear, formless at first, from behind the ghostly tree.

“Jesus! Oh! Jesus! I… Don’t…. Believe…. It. It’s a bloody panther and I’m definitely not drunk. Those people I called idiots, the ones who said that they had seen a panther near here, well in the vicinity, were right, Bloody hell who would have thought it.” Viv sounded incredulous. There was no doubt about it, it was a big cat. Sleek and black as it slunk further back into the more dense scrub, tail swinging lithely back and forth…

“Holy cow where did that come from.” I hissed as I turned to face Viv. It was an unbelievable beautiful creature. Shiny, black and sleek, totally feline.

We knelt by the flap of the tent waiting and watching for its reappearance. The minutes ticked by and the big cat stayed hidden. The night was silent.

Finally, we sank back into our sleeping bags. “Well, did we see that or not?” Viv asked.

“We saw it alright, it was gorgeous.”

“Gorgeous, you think?”

“Oh yeah! It was gorgeous alright, I love cats.”

“That’s not a cat, it’s a Panther, sweetie.”

“Panthers are cats, lions and tigers are cats. Big sure, but cats, they are.”

“Hell love, little cats are cute, but these panthers can kill, you. Did you see how strong he looked?” And he did look powerful, no doubt about that. But the slinking movements and slick, shiny coat gave the creature that added beauty that made me drool at the sheer magnificence of the beast.

“We’re telling him, but it could be a she, we can’t be sure of that.”

“Well, maybe we can’t but from the accounts sped around town, one in particular, said that it was a he, defiantly a male. Old Sykes may be an old soak who spends most of his time at the pub, but he knows his critters. He worked at a circus year’s back. “Besides that the animal looked so masculine didn’t he, how could he be anything else?”

“Oh hell, I don’t know, I’m confused and it probably doesn’t matter much. I would love to have one for a pet.” We both giggled. “Don’t suppose it will come down here and eat us do you?”

“Nah! Everyone who claims to have seen it says it scampers off when it knows it’s been sighted. That’s why those who have looked for it never find it, I suppose.” Viv rolled over and became quiet.

Eventually we both fell asleep and slept soundly until the sun got high enough to make its presence felt.

We slept naked as we had remained naked all yesterday. It was so liberating and quickly became quite natural for us to stay in the nuddy. Out here, in the bush, with no one else around it was practical. When the mosquitoes were about it would be unpleasant but at this time of year it was natural.

Outside the tent we remained careful, but after a long look around the area, we saw nothing but the horses. The rest of the wildlife was going about their noisy morning rituals, especially the Parrots, Kookaburras and Crows.

The dingoes were nowhere to be seen nor was the big black cat, the panther. No sign of them at all. It was rather odd for the dingoes to be missing, I had expected them to be here. I had to admit that I had not looked forward to seeing them, but I was prepared to go along with whatever Viv decided to do. Indeed, I fully expected to have another dingo encounter this morning. Reluctant as I may have been at first I was prepared to experiment a little further with them that day if Viv had wanted to.

“Well, what do we do now,” Viv asked conversationally. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Have breakfast, I suppose.”

“Well, you get started on the brekky and I’ll check and move the horses,” Viv didn’t wait for a reply, but grabbed the grain bag and headed down the slope to the creek.

As Viv looked after the horses I got the breakfast started. Instantly the fat in the pan started spitting fat back at me. Probably the pan was wet, I surmised to myself. Reluctantly, I grabbed my jacket to cover my chest from the angry splashes. I crouched down at the fire and immediately a rumbling purr assaulted my ears. I eased the pan down onto the edge of the fire and slowly turned my head toward the sound.

Right there, no more than two metres away the Black Panther stood, head thrust forward and low, ears pricked and alert. His manner intimidating. I watched, fascinated by the sleek animal. Carefully, he took first one, then another step toward me. Almost in slow motion, stalking. It was clear that he was as afraid of me as I was of him.

“Hello kitty,” I whispered. “Where did you come from?”

Another careful step.

His paws seemed large, very large. His face was squarish, angular and his eyes were typically feline. His nose twitched imperceptibly as he tasted the air. The animal approached me with gliding liquid steps. Its tail hung low and long waving hypnotically as he approached.

I couldn’t look away the panther was gorgeous. So why was I afraid? I was scared and I didn’t really know why. Maybe it was because a big cat is supposed to be a killer. But he didn’t look like a killer, he was too pretty to be a killer. I crouched down into an almost foetal position.

I hadn’t made a sound beyond a little whimper. My heart pounded so hard that I could feel it in every limb of my body.

The Panther sidled around the fire while watching me. As he circled I had to roll onto my side to watch him never sure when he would attack. I tried to call out to Viv by, all I could manage was a croak. From my low angle on the rise it was almost impossible to see Viv below and near the lush grass that fringed the creek. In fact, all I could see was the heads and necks of the horses. It wasn’t that the high ground was all that high, it’s just that the land on the rise was flat, like a low plateau. But that’s all that was needed to restrict my vision of her and her vision of the camp.

I tried to call again, but just made a croaking sound. It was like one of those nightmares where, try as you might, your every effort to escape is prevented by your inability to run or cry or do anything to save yourself because you are paralysed by fear.

I was visibly trembling now as the black beast drew closer. He squatted by my side and near my hip. Then, with a purring growl like a saw cutting metal he lay his head across my back and licked me near the base of my spine several times. His tongue was raspy, warm and wet. However, several short licks were all he needed. I looked up at him from under my hoodie which had fallen across my face as my jacket had ridden up around my neck as I had moved to watch the animal circling me. Even though my fear was paralysing I still wondered at the pure magnificence of such a gorgeous animal. In spite of all my other feelings I felt squishy and tingly.

My fear was overridden by the beastly machismo of the sleek black Cat. Would he attack me or not. My guess at that moment was that he wouldn’t. He seemed totally relaxed and detached. His golden eyes seemed vacant and inscrutable. If he wouldn’t attack me then what would he do? I didn’t have long to wait.

The Panther seemed to be staring off into the distance when his rippling body stood and in liquid movements he straddled my prone form. Two thick, sleek legs, one behind me and the other in front near my partly uncovered chest. He was smooth and quick as his haunches came down to cover my bare behind.

His groin and lower belly were the only part of his body in contact with mine. Looking up I could see his magnificent deep chest. His head arrogantly looking forward as his haunches, made little, short jabs at my exposed pubic mound. On my side didn’t seem an impediment to the big panther tom (do you call mail panthers Toms?) He had found me anyway. With surprising accuracy he was so close and he jabbed maybe six or seven times before I felt his slim raspy penis scrape into my runny craves.

It was an almost non-event, totally emotionless for him, it seemed, as he continued to stare forward at something undetermined. For me there was little or no discomfort unlike some of the other animals. His penis did seem to be uneven and bumpy but I hadn’t seen it so I could only gauge this from the rising sensations it stimulated in my groin. His groin jabbed rapidly and arrhythmic as he worked his stubby penis against my most sensitive parts, sending quivering waves of pleasure from my groin through my entire body.

Then everything exploded. I had hardly felt it coming there was no build up just the sudden, unexpected explosion of my senses.

My groin clutched tightly down on the rasping penis in powerful, uncontrollable contractions that was my orgasmic delirium. Never before had I felt that pleasure so intensely. Then the panther Growled His head flashed down toward my face, in an instinctive reaction I flinched away from the opening maw and hot feline breath. He grabbed at my neck as he bit down on my bunching jacket. I shrieked, as a tooth managed to scrape my neck. He growled again and made a second lunge as my last orgasmic contraction squeezed him tightly. This time I had found a voice.

Even in my euphoric state of sexual pleasure, I realised that the bite of the panther was not malicious, but an instinctive behaviour of many male animals as they ejaculated. I hadn’t felt him cum, but I realised that he must have. The gaping jaws had already lifted as the panther assumed his sitting position while still inside of me and commenced looked around him in smug victory. However, if I thought he had finished I was wrong. Several more minutes passed while the big cat continued rutting into me and several more times I had to dodge his flashing jaws as he ejaculated.

He would have continued his rut I’m sure, but the sudden call from Viv sent him jumping backward in an uncomfortable dismount mid rut. He was gone.

Stunned and still shaking from the experience I took a moment before I could sit up, straighten my jacket and replace the fry pan on the fire.

“You didn’t answer,” Viv sounded peeved as she appeared in camp.

“I was busy,” I replied just as peeved.

“Busy, busy with what?”

“Oh, nothing much, just making love to the Panther is all.”

“Jesus you have Panther fever bad haven’t you? There is no way we’ll see that cat again.” I smiled vacantly and agreed. “Oh for god’s sake, give me that pan and get dressed. We’re going back home today, you have really lost it girl.” I lent down and removed my jacket and stuck three fingers through the tear in the neck of the garment then I pointed at several grazes on my neck caused by the animal’s teeth. One graze was bleeding.

“I didn’t do this to myself Viv it really was the cat.”

“Yeah, ok, it was the cat, but were still going home before one or both of us goes completely dolly.” She didn’t believe me and maybe it was just as well. This was going to be my special moment to cherish for always.


The End

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